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Pre-AP Chemistry
Instructor: Mr. Malasky
Semester Exam Review – Fall Semester (Ch. 1-3, 21, 4-7)
Focus on the following topics for the semester exam, being sure to relate terminology to concepts to
calculations, as well as unifying principles between these topics. Questions will be focused on, but not
limited to the specific items listed.
1. science and chemistry
2. branches/courses in chemistry
3. chemical agencies
4. matter- properties, phases, phase changes, classes
5. changes in matter
6. separation of mixtures
7. elemental groupings
8. scientific method
9. SI units- base and derived; density
10. interpreting measurements
11. significant figures
12. scientific notation
13. use of proportions
14. particle and atomic theory
15. atomic laws- Conservation of Mass, Definite Proportions, Multiple Proportions
16. subatomic atomic particles
17. regions of the atom
18. atomic symbols, numbers, masses
19. average atomic masses by abundance
20. Avogadro’s number and the mole
21. nuclear chemistry terms
22. types of nuclear reactions
23. radioactive decays
24. half-life rates
25. nuclear fission and fusion
26. nuclear waste and radiation
27. radiation properties
28. wave measurements
29. energy of radiation
30. spectral studies, types of spectra, generating spectra
31. Bohr’s Theory
32. wave mechanics of electrons
33. quantum theory, quantum numbers
34. types of electron configurations, principles to follow
35. elements of the periodic table- discovery, symbols, occurrence
36. development of the periodic table, groupings
37. periodic trends
38. types of chemical bonds
39. ionic character
40. covalent molecule identification
41. dot notations, Lewis structures, structural formulas
42. VSEPR theory, ABE system, molecular shapes
43. intermolecular forces
44. ionic crystal structures and metallic bonding
45. periodic table of the elements
46. chemistry common ions
47. chemical nomenclature and formulas- binary, polyatomic, polyvalent, molecular, acid
48. molar masses and mole conversions
49. percent composition
50. empirical formulas
1. John Dalton 1804,1808, 1810
2. Antoine Lavoisier 1789
3. Joseph Proust 1798
4. JJ Thomson 1897
5. Robert Millikan 1909
6. Eugen Goldstein 1900
7. Ernest Rutherford 1910
8. James Chadwick 1932
9. William Thomson 1903
10. Neils Bohr 1913
11. Amedeo Avogadro 1909
12. Max Planck 1900
13. Albert Einstein 1905
14. Louis de Broglie 1924
15. Werner Heisenberg 1927
16. Erwin Schrödinger 1926
17. Jons Berzelius 1811
18. Dmitri Mendeleev 1869
19. Sir William Ramsay 1890
20. Henry Moseley 1914
21. Glenn Seaborg 1940
Conversions and Calculations
1. density
2. SI units
3. percent error
4. significant figures- expressing and calculating
5. scientific notation- expressing and calculating
6. determining proportions
7. proton, neutron, electron counts, isotope values
8. average atomic masses
9. atom/mole, amu/mole, and gram/mole conversions for elements
10. half-life decay rates
11. c = λ ν
12. E = h ν
13. percent ionic character
14. molar masses
15. molar mass conversions for compounds
16. percent composition
17. empirical formula determination