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Chemistry and the material world
Unit 4, Lecture 1
Matthias Lein
Magdeburg hemispheres (1650)
Otto von Guericke
1602 – 1686
Boyle's law: pV = const.
p1V1 = p2V2
Joseph Louis Guy-Lussac
1778 – 1850, France
Guy-Lussac's law: p/T = const.
Robert Boyle
1627 – 1691, England
p1T2 = p2T1
Charles' law: V/T = const.
V1T2 = V2T1
Jaques Charles
1746 – 1823, France
Robert Hooke
1635 – 1703, England
Avogadro's law: V/n = const.
V1/n1 = V2/n2
Amedeo Avogadro
1776 – 1856, Italy
ideal gas law:
pV = nRT
p is the absolute pressure of the gas
V is the volume of the gas
n is the number of moles of the gas
R is the universal gas constant
T is the absolute temperature
Chemical thermodynamics allows us
to predict both the direction and the
extent of spontaneous chemical and
physical change under particular
conditions using a property called the
Gibbs free energy, G.
Josiah Gibbs
1839 – 1903, United States
Chemical reactions and physical
changes almost always either absorb
or release energy as heat.
Energy may be distributed throughout
a chemical system in a large number
of different ways, some of which have
significantly higher probabilities than
G = H – TS
H enthalpy of the system
S entropy of the system
Function related to the heat absorbed or
evolved by a chemical system
Measure of number of ways energy is
distributed throughout a chemical
T temperature in kelvin
• ΔG allows us to determine whether a
particular chemical reaction or physical
change is spontaneous
If ΔG < 0, the process is spontaneous
If ΔG > 0, the process is
If ΔG = 0, the system is at equilibrium
System refers to the particular
chemical species being studied
Surroundings are everything else
• Universe refers to the system and the
• Boundary defined as region across
which heat flows
Open systems
Closed systems
Can gain or lose mass and energy
across their boundaries
Can absorb or release energy, but not
mass, across the boundary
Isolated systems
Can not exchange matter or energy with
their surroundings
Example: Open System
Example: Closed System
Example: Isolated System
(important: truly isolated systems do not exist)
Today we covered:
Introduction into correlations between pressure, volume,
temperature and the number of moles for gases.
Construction of the ideal gas law from these correlations.
Description of all systems with the Gibbs free energy.
Connection of spontaneous processes to the change in
the Gibbs free energy.
ΔG < 0
ΔG > 0
ΔG = 0
Definition of a system, including the boundary and the
Open systems, closed systems, isolated systems