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Living matter consists of Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen - (CHON) + small amounts of Sulfur + Phosphorus
Organic Chemistry - study of compounds that contain carbon, most also include
Vitalism - belief in life force outside the jurisdiction of physical and chemical laws
o Theory rejected after labs synthetically made complex organic
Mechanism - all natural phenomena governed by physical and chemical laws
Characteristics of atom defined by configuration of electrons
Carbon - 6 electrons totoal, 4 valence → enables carbon versatility large + complex,
tetrahedron shap
o Shares electrons = COVALENT BONDS
CO2 is source of carbon for all organic molecules found
in organisms
Molecular Diversity from carbon skeletons
Hydrocarbons - hydrophobic organic molecules
consisting only of carbon + hydrogen, show diversity
of carbon skeletons of organic molecules, undergo
reactions that release large amounts of energy
o Regions of human cells have hydrocarbon
chains (ex; fat molecules)
Types of carbon chain skeletons
o Length
o Branching - branched or unbranched
o Double bonds - location of bond varies
o Rings
Isotopes - SAME ELEMENT with same proton number but
Isomers - compounds that have the SAME # of ATOMS of the
same elements but DIFFERENT STRUCTURES → different
properties, 3 types = structural, geometric, enantiomers
Structural Isomer - different covalent arrangement, bond location
Geometric Isomer - different spatial arrangement around a double
bond but same covalent, have carbon double bond → doesn’t allow moving
o cis - isomer : X (atom or group of atoms) on same side
o trans - isomer : X (atom or group of atoms) on opposite diagonal sides
Enantiomers - mirror images, one normally active + one inactive, pharmacy important
o L-Dopa - effective against parkinson disease
o D-Dopa - biologically inactive
Functional Groups - components of organic molecules that are most commonly involved in chemical reactions, 7 groups
o Methyl too
Hydroxyl Group - (-OH) carbon bonded to hydrogen + oxygen, always polar, makes attached molecule soluble, aka alcohols
CarboNyl Group - (-CO) carbon double bonded to oxygen, polar, water soluble, in sugars
o Ketones = found at within skeleton
o Aldehyde = found at end of skeleton
CarboXyl Group - (-COOH) oxygen double bonded to carbon that’s bonded to hydroxyl, polar, water soluble, acidic properties
Amino Group - (-NH2) nitrogen bonded to 2 hydrogen and carbon, polar, water soluble, weak base, accepts H+ from nearby solutions,
when combined with carboxyl group → amino acids
Sulfhydryl Group - (-SH) sulfur bonded to hydrogen, helps stabilize protein structure b/c two SH groups form covalent bonds, aka thiols
Phosphate Groups - (-OPO3 -2) phosphorus bonded to 4 oxygens (2 have neg. charge), O connects to carbon, polar, water soluble, used to
transfer energy between molecules, acidic properties b/c of neg. Charge, react with water → release energy
Methyl Group - (CH3) carbon to 3 hydrogens, affects expression of genes if added to DNA or other DNA related molecules, addition to
male and female sex hormones = change in shape and function
ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate molecule, primary energy transferring molecule