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Chapter 16 Lesson 3
The Endocrine System:
a. Endocrine glands:
b. Hormones:
What is the difference between endocrine glands and exocrine glands?
What are the major glands of the endocrine system?
c. The Pituitary Gland aka “master gland”:
Anterior lobe
i. What does anterior mean?
ii. What do they regulate?
iii. Produces how many hormones?
iv. What is the somatotropic hormone?
v. Gonads (pg 380):
Intermediate lobe:
Posterior lobe
i. What are the two hormones the posterior lobe secretes and what are
they functions?
d. Thyroid Gland:
Where is it located?
What is the principal hormone produced and what does it do?
What happens if body produces too much?
What happens if body produces too little?
e. Parathyroid Glands:
Adrenal Glands:
Adrenal Cortex:
Adrenal Medualla:
g. Pancreas:
 Largest gland in the endocrine system
 Explain its role in digestion:
Explain its role in regulating insulin levels:
h. Endocrine Disorders
 Diabetes Mellitus:
i. Symptoms:
Graves’ Disease:
Cushing’s Disease:
i. Symptoms:
ii. Treatment:
i. What causes it?
Explain how someone could not grow during adolescence:
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