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Section 3: Marriage and the Family Revision Guide
SECTION 3: Marriage and the Family
There are six main topics to know for this unit
“Success is a
habit – not
Changing attitudes
Sex outside marriage
Family life
A study
guide to
help every
pupil to
achieve an
 Tick each section after thoroughly revising it and knowing it!
 If you are having trouble with a particular section put a star instead to
remind you to look at it again before the examination!!!
Remember for
‘C’ questions if
you cannot
develop four
ideas really
develop 3 or
really (really)
explain 2 or
write a text
book entry for
 Keywords – adultery, civil partnership, cohabitation, contraception, faithfulness,
homosexuality, nuclear family, pre-marital sex, procreation, promiscuity, reconstituted family and remarriage
 Changing attitudes to marriage, divorce, family life and homosexuality in the UK and
the reasons for them.
 Christian attitudes to sex outside marriage and the reasons for them.
 Attitudes to sex outside marriage in one religion other than Christianity and the
reasons for them.
 Different Christian attitudes to divorce and the reasons for them.
 Different attitudes to divorce in one religion other than Christianity and the reasons
for them.
 Christian teachings on family life and its importance.
 The teachings of one religion other than Christianity on family life and its
 Christian attitudes to homosexuality and the reasons for them.
 Attitudes to homosexuality in one religion other than Christianity and the reasons
for them.
 Different Christian attitudes to contraception and the reasons for them.
 Different attitudes to contraception in one religion other than Christianity and the
reasons for them.
Section 3: Marriage and the Family Revision Guide
staying with your marriage partner and having sex only with them.
having sex with someone who is not your marriage partner.
Civil partnership:
a legal ceremony giving a homosexual couples the same legal rights as a
husband and wife.
sexual attraction to people of the same sex.
Nuclear family:
mother, father and children living as a unit.
Re-constituted family:
a family with stepbrothers and stepsisters.
Pre-marital sex:
sex before marriage.
having sex with a number of partners without commitment.
marrying again after being divorced.
intentionally preventing pregnancy from occurring.
making a new life.
Sex before marriage is
accepted by society and
many couples now live
together rather than
marrying. Fewer people
marry and more marriages
end in divorce.
Divorce has risen in the UK,
Family life is the basis of
and up to 1 in 3 marriages
society, but modern society
end in divorce. There are
has different types of
probably more divorces
families, any of which can
because society has
bring up children.
Section 3: Marriage and the Family Revision Guide
These notes have been written in bullet points to help you revise. However, you must answer in
full sentences and paragraphs in you examination.
Always develop each example, feature or opinion you describe or explain to maximise points to
achieve an A*!
Changing attitudes
There have been changes to how society thinks in the past 100 years. There have been
many social changes to the role of women in society, the way minorities are treated and
views on issues such as cohabitation and homosexuality.
Why have attitudes in the UK change?
Christian teachings are no longer taken
seriously by many people
Women are less dependent on men for
The Church is less influential
The UK has become a multi-faith and multiethnic society
Reliable contraception has made sex safer
There has been a decline in traditional
family values
The UK has become more tolerant to issues
Laws have changed (e.g. legalisation of
homosexuality and changing paternity leave
Examination question 2007
Explain why there are more divorces now than
there used to be.
Those who received full marks fully developed
the following:
Women are no longer dependent on men for
Divorce is cheaper
Church teachings to not divorce are no
longer followed by most people
Society has accepted divorce
Remember to
develop you
need to fully
explain each
feature, attitude
or belief! (P.E.E)
Section 3: Marriage and the Family Revision Guide
Sex outside marriage
Christian attitudes to sex outside marriage
All Christians are AGAINST
The bible only allows sex
between marriage partners
Adultery breaks the marriage
vows of faithfulness
Decalogue forbids adultery
Children born outside
marriage may have a less
stable family life
If you are planning to get
It can bring a couple closer
Sex makes a marriage official
(it consummates a
Children born outside
marriage may have a less
stable family life
It could lead to promiscuity
and the spread of STIs (body is
meant to be a temple to God)
If you are in a long term and
committed relationship
Although Roman Catholics are against cohabitation, some Liberal
Christians believe that it gives couples a chance to learn more about
each other (work out problems, see if they are compatible) before
getting married.
*Remember questions on sex outside marriage means you can write about sex before
marriage and adultery.
Muslim attitudes to sex outside marriage
Muslims are against adultery and against sex before marriage
The Quran teaches that sex by unmarried couples is the same as adultery
There are strict punishments for those who commit adultery or have sex before marriage (in some Islamic
countries adultery is punishable by death)
Prophet Muhammad was married – Muslims should follow his Sunnah
Islamic law states that boys and girls should be separated after puberty to prevent sex before marriage
The Quran teaches to wear baggy clothes for men and women to prevent sex outside marriage
Section 3: Marriage and the Family Revision Guide
Christian attitudes to divorce
Romans Catholics
Some Christians
Jesus said divorce was wrong “Anyone who
divorces is wife and marries another woman
commits adultery”
Marriage is a sacrament and a sacred
agreement made before God that should not
be broken
Breaks the wedding vows – “In sickness and
in health ... Till death do us part”
Catholics who divorce cannot be remarried in
a Catholic Church
Jesus seemed to allow for divorce in the case of
unfaithfulness “…anyone who divorces his wife, except
for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman
commits adultery.”
People can make mistakes and relationships do break
God is always ready to forgive sins
With God’s forgiveness, believers may divorce and find
happiness with a different marriage partner
Lesser of 2 evils / Situation Ethics
Muslims attitudes to divorce
If someone leaves Islam
Muhammad was married
If the man deserts the
woman for a long period
of time/is imprisoned
There is a Hadith which says
Muhammad hated divorce
If the man/woman is
Islamic law permits
Teachings in the Quran
set out rules and
regulations – e.g. must
have a 3 month ‘iddah’
where the couple live
together and try to
reconcile their
Family life is important for the ummah –
so as divorce breaks up the family, it
affects the ummah
Annulment = when
Catholics say a marriage
never existed.
 Muslims believe that sex
before marriage and
adultery are wrong because
the Qur’an teaches this.
 All Muslims should marry
because Muhammad
 Muslim marriage is for
love and to raise a Muslim
 Marriage is a contract in
Section 3: Marriage and the Family Revision Guide
Family life
Christian teachings on family life
Why they
have this
Church support
Family is important
Children must be brought up in
a Christian family
The Church plays an important
part in supporting families
The Bible makes many
references to the
importance of family life
Christian marriage service
refer to founding a family
and bringing up children
Families are created by God
to keep society together
Family is the basis for
Parents should love their
children and provide them
with basic needs
Parents should set a good
Children should obey their
Children should look after
their parents when they are
The Church can provide
help if the family is in need
Families may seek
counselling from the Church
to help with their marriage
or family
Muslim teachings on family life
Why they
have this
Mosque support
Family is the centre of Islam
Children must be brought up in
an Islamic family
The Mosque plays an important
part in supporting families
It was created by Allah
(God) to keep society
The place where children
learn about Islam
Men must provide for their
Women are to keep a good
Muslim home
Muhammad had a family
Parents raise their children
in Islam
Parents have a duty to
provide them with love and
the basic needs
Children must respect their
Children must care for their
parents when they are older
The Mosque runs specials
schools during the evenings
and weekends to teach
children the Quran
The Mosque acts as a social
centre for families and
Section 3: Marriage and the Family Revision Guide
Christian attitudes to homosexuality
God is omni-benevolent
God said ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ – homosexuals
cannot do this naturally
Golden Rule – treat people how you would like to
be treated
The Bible says “Do not lie with a man as one lies
with a woman”
Relationships should be based on their love and
commitment, not their sexuality
St Paul says homosexuals will not enter heaven
God made man in his own image
God created Adam and Eve – man and woman to
be in a marriage relationship together
Bible teaches how you should obey the laws of the
Muslim attitudes to homosexuality
Muslims believe that homosexuality is wrong for the following reasons:
It is seen as a grave sin
Muhammad was married – Muslims should follow his ummah
Homosexual couples cannot procreate naturally, which threatens the stability of the ummah
Allah destroyed the people of ‘Lot’ who were practicing homosexuality
Under Islamic law homosexuality is punishable by death
Section 3: Marriage and the Family Revision Guide
Contraception is the deliberate prevention of pregnancy by natural or artificial methods. Reasons for
people want to prevent pregnancy:
They want to plan when they have a family
They consider themselves too young or too old
They feel that they could not provide for a child financially
Could be harmful to the woman’s health
Having a child would be incompatible with the couple’s lifestyle
One or both carry a genetic disorder
Christian attitudes to contraception
Condoms provide a barrier – so is not classed as
Contraception allows for responsible family
Condoms can protect you from STIs – your body
is meant to be kept as a temple to God
We have been given the technology, so we may
as well use it
Prevents people fulfilling God’s command to “Be
fruitful and multiply”
The purpose of marriage is to have children
If life begins at conception then the morning after pill
and IUD coil could be seen as murder
Contraception has allowed promiscuity, which
increases the risk of STIs
Muslim attitudes to Contraception
Condoms provide a barrier – so is not classed as
Muhammad spoke of the withdrawal method
and so using condoms is acceptable as they are a
more reliable way of preventing the sperm
reaching the egg
If the mother’s life or health would be in danger
if she became pregnant
If the family and existing children would suffer
materially or physically
The purpose of sex is to have children
Some Muslims believe life begins at conception, so the
morning after pill and IUD coil could be seen as murder
Contraception has allowed promiscuity, which
increases the risk of STIs
Section 3: Marriage and the Family Revision Guide
Past GCSE questions
5. (a)
What is contraception?
(b) Do you think gay couples should be allowed to marry in a church?
Give two reasons for your point of view.
* (c)
Explain why many Christians are against sex outside
(d) "Couples should have counselling before getting a divorce."
In your answer you should refer to at least one religion.
Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion.
Give reasons why some people may disagree with you.
(Total for Question 5 = 20 marks)
6. (a)
* (c)
What is adultery?
Do you think marriage is better than co-habitation?
Give two reasons for your point of view
Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why there are different
attitudes towards divorce within that religion.
"You should honour your mother and father."
In your answer you should refer to at least one religion.
7. (a)
Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion.
Give reasons why some people may disagree with you.
What is meant by procreation?
(Total for Question 6 = 20 marks)
(b) Do you think an attitude in the UK toward homosexuality has changed?
Give two reasons for your point of view
* (c)
Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why some of its followers
accept divorce and some do not.
"Christians should never use contraception."
In your answer you should refer to at least one religion.
Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion.
Give reasons why some people may disagree with you.
(Total for Question 7 = 20 marks)