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AUTUMN 1 – Year 4
In Maths, we will be learning about:
This term we will be starting our new
English programme ‘Success For All’.
Children will be taught in smaller groups
so that children can develop their cooperative learning skills.
More information about this will be sent
out in the coming weeks.
Our topic for this half term is Britain
From the Air. We will be learning
about Britain and our local area by
using maps and researching using ICT.
We will be developing our map skills by
investigating OS maps and what their
symbols mean and by using coordinates and grid references.
We will also be using our artistic skills
to draw things in a bird’s eye view
This term in science we will be learning
about energy and sound. We will be
carrying out practical demonstrations
and investigations to support out
We will be using our prior knowledge
to make informed predictions about
what will happen in experiments.
 Place value – learning the value of
a digit in a number, number
sequences, decimals.
 Addition – starting with a number
line and moving on to starting
column method.
 Subtraction – starting with a
number line and moving on to
starting column method.
 Money – Using the skills above.
 Problem solving – Using the skills
For Autumn 1:
In RE, we will be
learning about
Hinduism. This will
involve looking at their
religious buildings,
teachings and
 Netball (Tuesday)
 Dance (Thursday)
Please make sure PE kit is in
school for these days.
SEAL lessons provide the children
with everyday life skills. Our topic
for this half term is New
Beginnings. We have been
thinking about what a new
beginning is and how it makes us
We will be developing
our research skills to
support our learning.
We will also be investing
the different ways we
can present our work.
Additional Information
Children will have a homework
book this year. Homework will
be given out on Fridays and
will be due in on Wednesdays.
Power Projects will be sent
home early in the topic to give
children chance to complete it.
Any questions or queries
please come and talk to one of
Miss Welding and Miss Earp 