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Examples of reflective writing
Creativity is defined as ‘an ability to come up with new and
different viewpoints on a subject. It involves breaking down
and restructuring our knowledge about the subject in order to
gain new insights into its nature’ (Proctor, 2005, .p.2).
of theory
From this it is my belief that creativity can help an individual
interpret information in different ways to produce a variety of
solutions. Having a new or different viewpoint will be seen as
creative and this will be important to help differentiate my
abilities from somebody else’s.
[Creativity] was then put into practice with the task of a free
standing flagpole. By using different approaches and thinking
in a lateral way briefs can be interpreted in a number of ways.
Our reading of the brief allowed us to make a separate flag
from the flagpole [which] helped us to be more efficient and,
for me, provided a vital lesson in thinking on different levels.
How the theory
was put into
I learnt the unexpected importance of creativity when both
What was learnt from
researching and implementing ideas. Without a creative
influence or approach, rules would remain intact and
How this learning
repetition would be the norm. The whole essence of creativity
will be used
is to think in a different manner to try to look at alternative
solutions to problems solving.
This could be useful in other units like market research, as I could
use a range of resources which are only slightly related to try
to obtain more information.
I find it difficult on occasions to think creatively but other group
members’ influence will help me to adapt in future
reoccurrences. This will help my future thought processes as
I will try incorporating ideas of others into my way of thinking.
The task for the second term was to choose a brief from the selection
provided and to complete a report, presentation and a model
stand. Each team member had a role to play within the group
and I became the leader. I made the decision to split the
workload fairly, with all members attending regular meetings
to discuss development and time management. I felt this
relaxed, self-managing approach helped make others feel at
ease, although sometimes lacked control and guidance. After
a second meeting regarding progress it became apparent that
my leadership style was far too relaxed as work was not
produced to a high standard or produced within the agreed
time constraints.
‘Leadership is about recognising and responding to the challenges facing
us in organisations and communities (Pedler, 2004, p.35).
This comment made me understand the importance of the
challenges involved within this project and the work involved.
The work was not difficult but just time consuming and some
group members failed to see this. I feel I developed here in
What was
my interpersonal skills by becoming the leader and this
learned from this
helped me in the assimilating stage of Kolb’s model as I was
watching and thinking as well as participating.
From this quick analysis I learnt the importance of leading the group and
‘grabbing the bull by the horns’ to help provide a substantial
platform towards success. From the adaptation of trusting
peers I changed my approach towards a transformational
style to help clarity the goals and help inspire the group to
assist the output (Mullins, 2007, p.316). This worked in the
format of regular peer feedback and a collaboration of
thoughts helping create a positive contribution towards the
As Adair’s (1979) model suggests leadership is a fine balance of task
needs, individual needs and team maintenance needs. I felt I
had the wrong balance of the three in the beginning when
using the initial approach I did. Adaptation and problem
recognition are two skills I used to change the group
dynamics and refocus them. Adapting my approach to meet
the individual member’s needs created a sense of
involvement and importance, helping to achieve the group
This situation helped me a lot as I have now become more adaptable in my
approach and guidance of people towards the achievement of
tasks, this is why I feel I now allocate jobs to people’s
strengths and this works.
I will now always try to adapt my leadership needs to fit around the group’s
needs and the task.
Application of theory
Application of theory
How the learning will
be used