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We aim to express solidarity and compromise our commitment and active support
towards the national democratic and popular decision expressed by the call to a
referendum to seek citizen´s opinion regarding the economic extortion that the
financial capital exert over the Hellenic Republic. We want to outstand the emotion
caused to us by the brave and vibrant speech addressed to the Parliament and the
population by Alexis Tsipras with the conviction to attain the support to reject the
imposition by the international financial capital.
We, argentines, know about financial suffocations , the market coups attempts and
the mechanisms of currency flights pushed by the agents of financialization, either
by those one private that dwell financial markets plundering poor or impoverished
nations and populations and
by multilateral agencies that
promote austerity
policies that cause major sufferings and the deterioration of national autonomy, or
by the governments of central nations dominated by similar paradigms
economic interests. The same “bulk funds” that are harassing us are a clear example
of oppressive aggression.
We share the need to confront these encroachments centering in the political
aspects and denouncing the reduction of the negotiations to the technical-financialeconomic spheres only reinforce the asymmetries between powerful oligarchies
and people. This is the reason why we highly value the way chosen by the Greek
to place the decisions in the hands of the people,
placing the
reference of the millenary democratic tradition that so proudly brandish. At any
case , we share, as it has also done the Argentine Government,
the concept that economic and social rights cannot be subsumed to tribute debt
commitments with privileged sectors of the financial world.
We will keep striving to contribute to the development of a big international
movement to support Greece´s attitude, which merges with the one of Argentina,
towards a world with international relations governed by the symmetry among
nations and with the noble goal to privilege the democracy in the way towards the
paradigm of a world of equals.
Aiming for the success of your goal.
A fraternal embrace.
Argentina, June 29th. 2015
Espacio Carta Abierta: [email protected]