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Minor in Business Administration College of Business DEGREE PLAN Minor in Business Administration REQUIRED ACCT 2013 ECON 2013 or ECON 2023 Principles of Accounting I Principles of Economics: Macro Principles of Economics: Micro OPTIONS — SELECT FOUR COURSES — Courses offered by the College of Business* 18 Hours 6 3 3 3 12 12 Total Hours Required Options Total hours required for minor 6 12 18 * Must include at least six hours of 3000 or 4000 level courses. If any of the courses required in the minor are counted in the student’s common core, major or area of concentration, additional courses from the College of Business must be taken to bring the total minor program to 18 hours. Such substitutions must be approved by the Dean of the College of Business. A maximum of 3 hours of Cooperative Education Courses may count towards the business minor. This minor is not available to students with an area of concentration in the College of Business. Oklahoma Baptist University Updated November 2016