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NAME: __________________________________ Period: _________ DATE: __________________________
CHAPTER 10.3 Power Point Guided Notes
Regulating the Cell Cycle
How do cells know when to divide?
Cyclins: ________________________________________________________________________
Regulatory Proteins
Internal: ________________________________________________________________
External: ________________________________________________________________
What ways might a cell die?
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
Uncontrolled Growth
Cancer: Disorder in which body cells lose the ability to ___________________________
Cells do not respond to the _________________ that _______________ the growth of most
The cells divide _________________________
Types of Tumors
Benign tumors ___________________________ to surrounding tissues or other parts of the body
Malignant tumors _________________________________________ surrounding healthy tissue
Causes of Cancer:
Defects in genes that ___________________________________________________________________
Exposure to carcinogens (cancer causing sources) like
____________________________ (to name a few)
Treatments for cancer include:
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