Download Y7 BIO 7A Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems Learning Checklist

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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Microscopes S Recall different parts of a microscope.
D Describe the function of each part of the microscope.
E Make detailed scienific observations when using a microscope
S Recall the seven life processes.
D Describe each of the seven life processes using example from nature.
Life Processes E Explain whether seedlings respire using evidence from an investigation.
S Recall the different features of both animal and plant cells.
D Describe the function of each structure in animal and plant cells.
E Explain why mitochondira and chlorophyll are essential in animal and plant cells.
S Create a detailed risk assessment for a method.
Making a Cell D Carefully follow a method to create slides of animal and plant cells.
E Link scientific observations to the structure and function of cells.
S Describe structure tissues reffering to cells
D Identify and describe the function of muscle, fat, xylem, and root hair tissue.
E Make detailed scienific observations of muscle, fat, xylem, and root hair tissue.
S Locate and identify organs within the human body and plants.
D Describe the function of organs within the human body and plants.
E Evaluate the importance of organs to human survival.
S recall different organs in different organ systems.
systems and D Describe the function of the different organ systems.
transplants E Discuss the ethical issues associated with organ transplants.
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7A Cells, Tissues, Organs and
Learning Checklist