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《Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology》 Course syllabus
Course name: Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology
Course character: Compulsory course
Learning points: 4.0
Total hours: 64 Theory hours: 64 Experimental (or machine) hours:0
Applicable objects: Undergraduate Telecommunication engineering
One, the nature of course, objective and task
This course is the basic courses of communication engineering. It mainly explains the macroscopic
Electromagnetic field and microwave technology, is a professional basic course of Communication
Engineering. Its mission is to introduce the basic theory of electromagnetic field and microwave
technology. By way of learning this course,students must have a good grasp of basic concept
and basic theory of electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave,In order to lay a foundation
of studying succeed course. To understand the basic structure of microwave communication and
microwave components, student can have the ability of analyzing and solving problems, and
lay a
good foundation for the future engineering design work.
Attended course:Higher mathematics 、College physics 、electrocircuit
Two, Basic requirements of the course
Master the vector analysis, lay the mathematical foundation for field and the wave of learning
Grasp the basic theory of the electromagnetic field
Master the plane magnetic wave propagation characteristics in different medium
Application of master the calculation method of transmission line problems and chart;
Master mode and transmission characteristics of rectangular waveguide, circular waveguide and
coaxial line
(6) Familiar with the characteristics and application of microwave network various wave matrix;
(7) The structure, working principle and application of microwave components.
(8) Master the basic analysis method of antenna
Three, The course content and time allocation
1. Vector analysis (4 hours)
2. The basic theory of Electromagnetic Field (12 hours)
(1) Basic physical quantity in electromagnetic field and basic law
(2) Magneto statics
(3) constant electric field
(4) constant magnetic field
(5) time-varying electromagnetic field
3. plane electromagnetic wave (12 hours)
(1)Uniform plane wave in unbounded ideal medium
(2)polarization of wave
(3) Uniform plane wave in unbounded loss medium
(4) Uniform plane wave on the plane interface of vertical incidence
4. Transmission line theory (12 hours)
(1) The field analysis method of transmission line equation and transmission line
(2) the basic characteristic parameters of transmission line
(3) the working state analysis of loss transmission line
(4) the Smith maximum
(5) transmission line impedance matching
5. Microwave transmission line (12 hours)
(1) the general analysis of metal waveguide transmission line
(2) rectangular waveguide
(3) circular waveguide
(4) the same axis and the high-order mode
(5) the strip line, microstrip line
6. microwave network infrastructure (6 hours)
(1) the equivalent network of the microwave devices
(2) two port microwave network
(3) working characteristic parameter of the microwave network
7 commonly used microwave components (2 hours)
(1) a reactive element in waveguide
(2) connecting element, a terminal element
(3) attenuator and phase shifter, directional coupler
(4) microwave resonant cavity
8 antenna (4 hours)
(1) antenna overview
(2) the dynamic potential function and its solution
(3) the basic oscillator radiation
(4) dipole antenna
Four Textbooks and references
Teaching material:
《Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology》 Huang YuLan
People's Telecommunications
《Technical foundation and application" microwave 》Chen Zhenguo Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications press
《microwave technology Basement》 Liao Chengen Xi'an Electronic and Science University press
Syllabus: HuBoNing
date: 2013 March
Program approval: Wang Yafang
《High Frequency Electronic Circuits》Course Syllabus
Course name: High Frequency Electronic Circuits
Course character: degree course
Learning points: 4.0
Total Hours: 64
Theory Hours: 56
Experimental Hours: 8
Applicable objects: bachelor degree in communication engineering
One, the nature of the course, the purpose and the task
High frequency electronic circuits is a professional basic courses of Communication Engineering
Specialty .Through the studying of this course, make students familiar with the course described in various parts of
the composition, characteristics, performance index, and it’s status and role in the communication system. Grasp
the basic concepts, basic principles, basic analytical methods and typical circuits of High frequency electronic
circuits, ready for learning courses, engaged in professional work related to laying the groundwork for the future.
The main task of this course is to lay a foundation for the cultivation of students’ professional knowledge and
ability to solve practical problems. Courses prerequisites: Advanced Mathematics, engineering mathematics,
circuit, signal and system, analog electronic circuit and so on.
Two, course basic requirements
1. Understand the characteristics of high frequency electronic circuits, high frequency electronic information
generation, transmission, reception theory and method;
2. Familiar with the basic features and uses of high frequency electronic devices;
3. Master circuit working principles of high frequency electronic circuit module and export of basic circuits.
4. Learn basic analysis method for high frequency electronic circuit, able to approximate engineering analysis of
5. Emphasis on experiment and theory with practice-oriented.
Three, course content and distribution of school
Introduction (2 hours)
(1) An overview of wireless communication system
(2) Signal, spectrum and modulation
(3) This course features
2. The basic of High frequency electronic circuits (6 hours)
(1) The high frequency circuit components
(2) The selected frequency in high frequency circuit network
(3) The impedance transformation circuit
3. High frequency harmonic oscillator amplifier (10 hours)
(1) The high frequency small signal amplifier
(2) The principle and characteristics of high frequency power amplifier
(3) The actual line of high frequency power amplifier
4. The sine wave oscillator (10 hours)
(1) The principle of feedback oscillator
(2) The LC oscillator
(3) Quartz crystal oscillator
(4) The oscillator frequency stability
(5) The design method of the LC oscillator
(6) Several phenomena in oscillator
5. Amplitude modulation and demodulation and frequency mixing (14 hours)
(1) The amplitude modulation
(2) The analysis method of nonlinear circuits
(3) The diode circuit
(4) The differential circuit
(5) Other spectral linear transfer circuit
(6) For demodulation of AM signal
(7) The mixing
6. The frequency modulation and demodulation (14 hours)
(1) Analysis of angle modulated signal
(2) Frequency modulation and frequency modulation method
(3) The frequency modulation circuit
(4) The frequency discriminator and frequency discrimination method
(5) Discriminator circuit
(6) FM transceiver
Four, teaching contents and requirements
1 quartz crystal oscillator (2 hours)
2 amplitude modulation (2 hours)
3 amplitude modulation signal demodulation (2 hours)
4 varactor frequency modulation oscillator (2 hours)
Through the experimental teaching to improve students' perceptual knowledge in high frequency electronic circuit,
enhancing students' understanding of classroom teaching theory, Improve student's ability to use the theoretical
knowledge and independent problem solving skills; Make students aware of crystal oscillator design methods and
parameter calculation, measurement of amplitude modulation wave modulation method, diode envelope detector,
FM modulation characteristics and main indicator of measurement methods; Master 1496 analog multiplier is used
to implement common modulation and double sideband amplitude modulation method, using integrated circuit
realization of synchronous detection method, varactor diode frequency modulator circuit principle and
Five, textbooks and references
《Circuit principle and the analysis》 Zeng xingwen
xi 'an university of electronic science and technology press
《High Frequency Electronic Circuits》 Zhang suwen
Higher education press
Outline develop:Zhao ruimen
Outline validation:Wang yafang
Data :August 2012
《Single Chip Principle and Application 》Course syllabus
Course name ::Single Chip Principle and Application
Course character: Required courses
Learning points:
Total Hours: 40
Applicable objects:
Theory hours :
Experimental (or machine) hours:
communication engineering
One,the nature , purpose and mission of the courses
This course is a required course for students specialized in communications engineering . Learning
through the curriculum , so that students master the basic principles of the Single Chip,methods of
system development and design, engineering application technology. Through the study can strengthen
the students' basic knowledge, for the future development and application of the hardware to lay the
Prerequisite: Analog Electronic Technology,Digital electronic technology
Two, the basic requirements of the course
Understanding the development historyl of scm, current situation and development trend,application
of single chip microcomputer. Grasp the common hardware structure, instruction system, extended
design method and application programming technology.
Three, the course content and time allocation
1. Overview of the development trend of SCM and its application (2 hours)
2. The hardware structure of SCM (4 hours)
(1)The hardware composition
(2)Memory construction
(3)I/O port
(4)Reset and clock circuit
3. Instruction system and program design (6 hours)
(1)Addressing mode and instruction system
4. interrupt system (2 hours)
5. Timer / counter (4 hours)
(1)Timer / counter structure and working methods
(2)Timer / counter programming and Application
6. Serial port (6 hours)
(1)structure and operation mode of serial port
(2)The multi computer communication
(3)Serial port programming and Application
7. System expansion technology and Application (4 hours)
(1)Extended memory design
(2)I/O port expansion design
8. Design of MCU application system (4 hours)
(1)Development system
(2)Example of the design of MCU application system
Four, the experimental teaching contents and requirements
1.Number system conversion experiment. (design experiment)
2. traffic light experiment(design experiment) (2 hours)
3. Display experiment(design experiment)
(2 hours)
4. Keyboard experiment(design experiment)
(4 hours)
Through the experiment to verify the work principle of Microcomputer,external behavior,the
design of system expansion circuit, assembly language programming and debugging methods.So that,
students understand the theory deeply,master the characteristics and using methods of main parts of
Five, teaching materials and references
Teaching materials:
Principle and interface technology of single chip microcomputer Gaofeng Science Press
MCS-51 single chip microcomputer application design Yigang Zhang Harbin Institute of Technology
PC and single chip microcomputer Data communication technology Zhaoqing Li Beihang University
Outline develop: Junshe Wang
Outline validation:Yafang Wang
Data : 2012-8
《Coding Theory》course syllabus
Course title: Coding Theory
Course nature: Required course
Credit: 2.5
Total hours: 40
Theory hours: 40
Applicable objects: Bachelor degree in communication engineering
One, The nature, objective and tasks of the course
This course is a required course for students majoring in communication engineering. Through the
study of this course students can master the information system of coding technology, master the
validity and reliability of communication system and other important indicators, master the sourse
coding and channel coding of the basic principles and methods. Prerequisite courses: Probability
Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Communication Principles.
Two, Basic requirements of the course
Familiar with various coding theorem of information theory, grasp the basic principle and coding
method of source coding, grasp the basic principle and coding method of error control coding.
Three, The course content and time allocation
1. Introduction (2 hours)
2. Lossless source coding (14 hours)
(1) The amount of information entropy and mutual information
(2) The source coding theorem
(3) The method of Hoffman coding and other coding method
(4) The arithmetic coding
(5) The run-length coding
(6) The improved Hoffman coding
(7) The generic coding
3. The related source code (4 hours)
(1) The predictive coding
(2) The transform coding
4. The limit of distortion source coding (4 hours)
(1) Continuous source entropy and mutual information
(2) The information rate distortion theory
5. The channel coding (4 hours)
(1) The basic concepts of channel coding
(2) The basic principle of channel coding
(3) The linear block codes
(4) The cyclic code
(5) The convolution code
Four, textbooks and references
Teaching material:
《The theory of code》 Tian Lihua
The Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology
《The coding theory》 Xiao Guozhen
The National Defense Industry Press
《 The information processing and coding 》
Wu Weiling
The People’s Posts and
Telecommunications Press
The outline set:
Lian Baoqian
Date: August 2012
Outline validation:
Wang Yafang
《Communication Theory 》Course syllabus
Course name: Communication Theory
course character: Required courses
Learning points:5.0
Total hours:72
Theory hours 62
Experimental hours:10
Applicable objects: Undergraduate Communication Engineering
One, The nature of course, objective and task
The course is the basis of professional theory courses. Through learning this course, students can
understand and master the basic theory and method of analog communication and digital
communication ,the specific measures of anti-jamming as well as the basic structure of the
communication network, the principle of channel multiplexing and synchronization of digital
Advanced Placement: advanced mathematics, complex variable function, integral transforms,
probability theory, circuit analysis, signals and systems, analog electronic circuits, digital electronic
Second ,basic requirements
To master the basic principles and methods of various analog and digital transmission mode, basic
principle and the analytical method of anti-noise performance of various control as well as the basic
concepts of optimum transmission mode.
Master key: the principle of Analog and digital transmission, base band and frequency band
Transmission, various anti-noise performance and best receiver , spread spectrum and synchronization .
Third, The course content and time allocation
1.Introduction and the basic theory of information (2 classes)
2.The concept, nature and representation of a random process (10 classes)
3.The basic concepts of the channel (4 classes)
4.Analog modulation and demodulation principle and anti-noise performance analysis (12 classes)
5.Digital baseband transmission system analysis (6 classes)
6.Digital modulation analysis (8 classes)
7.A variety of digital transmission principle, performance analysis of analog signal
(5 classes)
8.The principle of the best reception of the digital signal (8 classes)
9.Various synchronization principle (5 classes)
Fourth, Experimental teaching contents and requirements
1.Sampling theorem and pulse amplitude modulation experiment (2 classes)
2.Frequency shift keying (FSK) experiment (2 classes)
3.Phase shift keying (PSK) experiment (2 classes)
4.Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) experiment (2 classes)
5.Delta modulation encoding and decoding experiments (ΔM) (2 classes)
Requisition: According to the theory of modulation and demodulation understanding of
methods of implementation, master the experimental steps, waveform measured by the experiment
instructions requirements of each point and write lab reports.
Fifth, Textbooks and references
Teaching material:
《The Communication Theory》 Fan Changxin, National Defense Industry Press
《Modern communication principles》 Cao Zhigang, Tsinghua University press
Syllabus: Liu qiyue,Cui huimin
Date: 2012 August
Program approval: Wang Yafang
《Programmable Switching Theory 》course syllabus
Course nature :degree
Total class hour:56
Theory class hour:48
Practices class hour:8
Applicable object:Communication engineering undergraduate
Ⅰ The nature and purpose and task of courses
It is a course of communication engineering. The main task of this course is that making students
master the hardware composition and working principle and software composition and characteristics
and signaling system of digital program-controlled switchboard , that making students familiar with the
basic composition and the network of telephone network numbering plan, that making students
understand the data exchange technology and the basic knowledge of the soft exchange technology.The
ultimate aim is that making students understand comprehensively and systematically the knowledge
of telecommunication network and the hub function of switches in the telecommunication network. In
future ,students can work on SPC switching system and communication network design and
developement .
Courses: analog circuit, digital circuit, communication principle, microcomputer principle and
Ⅱ Basic requirements of courses
1 Master circuit switch principle
Master hardware structure and software system and performance index of digital
program-controlled switchboard
3 Master telephone network basic components and numbering plan
4 Master signal System of digital program-controlled switchboard
5 Understand basal principle and network protocol of ATM switch
6 Understand characteristic and architecture and network protocol of soft switch technology
This course is a complete system. It demand that the students master the composition of hardware
system, function and software system composition and characteristics of each part. And function
realization of the technical details of the circuits require general understanding only.
Ⅲ Content courses of and class hour distribution
1 Summary (2 class hour)
(1)basic concept of Switch
(2)Switch way
(3)NGN brief introduction
2 Circuit switch principle (10 class hour)
(1)The history of Circuit switch development
(2)Circuit switch foundation.
(3)Basic switch unit
(4)Switch network
3 Digital program-controlled switching technology (12 class hour)
(1) Characteristics and business performance of digital program-controlled switchboard
(2)hardware structure of digital program-controlled switchboard
(3)software system of digital program-controlled switchboard
(4)performance index of digital program-controlled switchboard
4 Telephone network (4 class hour)
(1)concept and classify of communications network
(2)component of communications network
(3)Routing and optimum routing
(4)telephone network numbering plan
5 Signal System(12 class hour)
(1) Basic concept and classify of signal
(2) Subscriber line signaling and signaling system No.1
(3) Signaling system No.7
(4) Structure of Signaling system No.7
(5) Transmitting process of Signaling system No.7
6 Data switch technology (4 class hour)
(1) Basic concept and characteristic ofdigital communication system
(2) Packet switch technology
(3) ATM switch
7 Soft switch technology (4 class hour)
(1)Basic concept and characteristic of soft switch
(2)Architecture of soft switch network
(3)Basic function and major equipment of soft switch
(4)Soft switch network protocol
Ⅳ The experimental teaching contents and requirements
1 Basic construction of digital program-controlled switching system(2 class hour)
2 Data configuration of digital program-controlled switching system(2 class hour)
3 Control system and switch network of digital program-controlled switching system(2 class hour)
4 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit (2 class hour)
Through the experiment, students can understand the basic composition of digital
program-controlled switch system,master the basic process of telephone, and program and data
configuration using a compute. The ultimate aim is that improving students' understanding of
theoretical knowledge and practical hands-on ability
Ⅴ Textbooks and references
Teaching material:
《Modern Switching Technology》MAO Zheng-chong, YAO Jun. Peking university press
《Modern Switch Principle》 GUI Hai-yuan. Posts & telecom press
《SPC digital switch and the modern communication network》 YE Ming. Beijing university of posts
and telecommunications press
Syllabus: LU Xin-bo
Program approval: WANG Ya-fang
Date: 2013 April
<<optical fiber communication>> course syllabus
Course name : Optical Fiber Communication
The nature of course: Elective Course
Credit:: 3.0
Total Hours:48
Theoretical hours:44
Experimental Hours:4
Suitable for: Communication Engineering undergraduate
First, the nature of course, purpose and task
This course is for Communication Engineering Institute Limited elective. Through the studying of this
course can make students understand the optical fiber communication technology widely used in
optical fiber transmission network. Through the study of optical fiber communication system, optical
fiber transmission theory and transmission characteristics, optical passive device, optical transceiver,
the composition and principle of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) optical fiber communication
system, performance index, optical fiber communication technology, content, there is a general
understanding of optical fiber communication, lay a good foundation engaged in the study of the
parties concerned.
Prerequisites: The principle of communication , Electromagnetic field theory.
Second, the course basic requirements
1 Understand the characteristics of optical fiber communication, application and development trend.
Grasp the basic concepts, basic composition of optical fiber communication, optical fiber transmission
2 Thorough understanding of optical fiber transmission theory, the light source and the light detector
principle and characteristics. Familiar with all kinds of optical passive device. Master the principle and
structure of optical transmitter. A systematic understanding of the theory of light transmission
system.Optical fiber communication technology and the new system.
3 Master the new optical fiber communication technology and new systems science 1990s. And the
design digital fiber-optic communication system.
4 Master the basic concepts of optical fiber transmission system using SDH technology, multiplexing
and mapping process as well as the synchronization principle. Have a complete understanding of
optical synchronous transmission network, the flexibility to apply the knowledge.
Third, the curriculum content and allocation of hours
1 Overview of Optical Fiber Communication (2 hours)
2 optical fibers and cables (8 hours)
(1) the structure and type of the optical fiber
(2) optical fiber for transmission of light principle
(3) the transmission characteristics of the optical fiber
(4) optical fiber cable
(5) optical passive
3 light source and the optical transmitter (6 hours)
(1) The principles and characteristics of the laser
(2) The principles and characteristics of the light-emitting diode
(3) Optical Transmitter
4 photodetector optical receiver (4 hours)
(1) The photodetector
(2) The optical receiver
5 optical fiber communication system (4 hours)
(1)The design of the optical fiber communication system
(2)The optical fiber communication system
(3) The optical fiber communication network
6 The optical fiber communication technology (2 hours)
7 Frame structure and reuse step SDH (4 hours)
(1) The frame structure
(2) The multiplexing and mapping
8 overhead and pointer (2 hours)
9 SDH devices (2 hours)
10 SDH self-healing network (6 hours)
(1) The basic network topologies
(2) The chains and self-healing ring network
(3) The overall structure of SDH network
11 The retiming and synchronization (4 hours)
Four, Experimental teaching contents and requirements
1 The optical transmission -- receiving system experiment (2 hours)
2 The telephone optical transmission system experiment (2 hours)
Requirements: Improve students' perceptions of optical fiber communication by experimental teaching
to enhance students' understanding of the theory of classroom teaching and training students in
experimental skills, and improve students' ability to use the theoretical knowledge and the ability to
solve problems independently. Optical transmitter - receiver system experiments comprehensive
experiment, telephone optical transmission system experiment design experiment.
Five, textbooks and references
"Optical fiber communication" Liu Zengji Xi'an Electronic and Science University press
(1)"Modern fiber communication and network tutorial" Zhang Baofu People's Posts and
Telecommunications Press
Telecommunications Press
The outline formulation: Hu Boning
The outline validation: WANG Ya-fang
Date: August 2012
《Multimedia Information and Communication》course syllabus
Course title: Multimedia Information and Communication
Course nature: Required course
Credit: 3.0
Total hours: 48
Theory hours: 48
Experimental hours: 0
Applicable objects: Bachelor degree in communication engineering
One, The nature, objective and tasks of the course
This course is a professional course of communication engineering specialty. Through the course,
the students can understand and master the basic theory and method of how digital communication
systems transmit multimedia information. Lay a good foundation for the students in multimedia
communication technology research and engineering design in the future.
Two, Basic requirements of the course
Master the basic theory and coding methods for video compression; master the basic concepts and
synchronization methods of multimedia synchronization; and on this basis, understanding and grasp the
characteristics and realizing methods of multimedia transmission network; understand the composition
and basic principles of multimedia communication terminal and system.
The focuses of this course are: compression method of video data; The representation of
characteristics of multimedia transmission network.
Three, The course content and time allocation
The characteristics of multimedia technology(4 hours)
the meaning of the multimedia
the technical background of multimedia production
the multimedia computer terminal communication system
the multimedia communication system
The visual characteristics and color television signals(6 hours)
(1) the visual characteristics of the human eyes
(2) the color television signals
(3) the digitization of color television
The basic techniques of data compression(12 hours)
(1) the necessity and possibility of data compression
(2) the sampling frequency conversion
(3) predictive coding
(4) orthogonal transformation coding
(5) the sub-band coding
A constant rate of multimedia information encoding (4 hours)
(1) the video encoder and decoder typical
(2) the rate control
(3) the international standard of image compression coding
The multimedia synchronization(14 hours)
(1) the multimedia
(2) the representation of
multimedia data time-domain feature
(3) the four layer reference model of multimedia synchronization
(4) synchronization in distributed multimedia systems
(5) the continuous synchronization in media
(6) synchronization among media streams
The multimedia transmission network(4 hours)
(1) the requirement of multimedia information transmission on the network
(2) the concept of the QoS
The multimedia communication terminals and systems (4 hours)
(1) the transport layer protocol
(2) the end-to-end QoS guarantee and QoS specification
(3) QoS mechanism
Four,, textbooks and reference books
Teaching materials:
《Basis of the multimedia communication technology》
Cai Anni
,The Electronic Industry
《The multimedia communication technology》 Wang Ruyan
Xi’an University of Electronic
Science and Technology Press.
《The multimedia communication technology》 Li Xiaoping
Bejing University of Aeronautics
and Astronautics Press.
《The multimedia communication technology》
Cai Wandong
Xi’an University of Electronic
Science and Technology Press.
Outline set: Lian Baoqian
Outline validation: Wang Yafang
Date: August 2012
《Computer communication Network》Course Syllabus
Course Title: computer communication network
Course Attribute: Elective
Credit: 3.0
Total hours: 48
Theory hours: 48
Experimental hours: 0
Applicable professional: Communication Engineering Undergraduate
1. Course nature, purpose, and tasks
This course is a elective course of communication engineering specialty. Through the
course, the students can understand and master the basic theory of Computer Network
Architecture,LAN,WAN,and Internet, understand the Packet forwarding mechanism,
understand and master routing algorithm,congestion control,understand network
security techniques
Basic Course: Communication Principles, Microcomputer Principle, Program
Controlled Switching Principles.
2. Basic requirements of course
(1) Understand and master the commonly used network protocols;
(2) Understand channel sharing and medium access control technology of LAN;
(3) Acquire routing mechanism of WAN and Internet;
(4) Understand network security techniques.
3. Courses content and hours distribution
(1) Computer communication network introduction (2 hours)
[1] The development of computer communication network
[2] The concepts of computer communication network
[3] The types and characteristics of network
(2) Computer network architecture (8 hours)
[1] Network topology
[2] Computer network architecture
[3] The network architecture model of OSI/RM
[4] The network architecture model of Internet
(3) Physical layer (2 hours)
(4) Data link layer (4 hours)
[1] The data link layer of OSI/RM
[2] The control principle and technology of data link
(5) Local Area Network(LAN )(6 hours)
[1] Introduction of LAN
[2] The technology of Ethernet
[3] Virtual Local Area Network(VLAN)
[4] Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN)
(6) Network layer and Wide Area Network(WAN )(12 hours)
[1] The network layer of OSI/RM
[2] Switching and routing technology of network layer
[3] Flow control technology of network
[4] Network interconnection technology and devices
(7) The service of transfer layer and end-to-end communication (4 hours)
[1] The transfer layer of OSI/RM
[2] End-to-end communication
[3]The service quality system of network
(8)Application layer(6 hours)
[1]Network-based applications introduction
[2]Typical cases of network application system
[3]The new developments of network application
(9)Network security and management(4 hours)
[1]Network security introduction
[2]Network security techniques and strategies
[3]Network management system and SNMP
4. Teaching materials and reference materials
Teaching materials:
<Course of Computer Communication and Network> Lin Shen,Fan Bing Bing
Tsinghua University Press
Reference materials:
<Computer Communication> Xie Xiren
Electronic Industrial Press
Syllabus Drafters: Xu Xiangyang
Syllabus Authorize: Wang Yafang
Data: August 2012
《Mobile Communication 》Course Syllabus
Course Title: Mobile Communication
Course Attribute: Optional Course
Credit: 3.0
Total hours: 48
Theory hours: 48
Experimental hours: 0
Applicable professional: Communication Engineering Undergraduate Professional
1. Course nature, purpose, and tasks
Mobile communication is an important part of future personal communications.
Its characteristics are ideal for the need of the development of information society.
After the first generation and the second generation of the development of cellular
mobile communication, it is evolving toward the third communication generation
which purpose are transmit broadband and multimedia information. This course
enables students to acquire the mobile cellular network technology, digital
modulation techniques and code division multiple access technology, understand
the characteristics and structures of various standard cellular networks. Cultivate
students’ ability of comprehensive technology, to lay a good foundation for
students to engage in relevant research.
Basic Course: Simulation Circuits, Digital Circuits, Communication Principles,
Microcomputer Principle, Program Controlled Switching Principles.
2. Basic requirements of course
(1) Understand the development of mobile communications and the basic
concepts to acquire the composition and structure of mobile network;
(2) Acquire the composition of GSM system network and channel, master control
and management technology of GSM system;
(3) Acquire the basic theory of code division multiple access technology and
spectrum communication technology, grasp the Walsh code, sequence of M
and the main characteristics and production methods of Gold code;
(4) Grasp the channel structure of the narrow-band CDMA and the main functions
and key technologies of the parts of the system;
(5) Understand the three criteria and key technology of Wideband CDMA system;
3. Courses content and hours distribution
(1) Cellular network communications introduction (6 hours)
[1] The development brief history and the status of cellular mobile
[2] Mobile channel waves spread characteristics
[3] Community network composition technology
(2) TDMA digital cellular network (10 hours)
[1] GSM network structure
[2] GSM channel type and composition
[3] Voice and channel coding
[4] The control and management of system
(3) The basic of code division multiple access technology (6 hours)
[1] Basic concept of spread spectrum technology
[2] QPSK modulation technology
[3] Spread spectrum communications principle
(4) CDMA code sequence (6 hours)
[1] Concept of pseudo-random code sequence
[2] M sequence produced method and characteristics
[3] Gold sequence produced method and characteristics
(5) CDMA communication principle (8 hours)
[1] The principle and characters of code division multiple access
[2] The power control technology of CDMA system
[3] Multiple trail effect and diversity set technology
[4] Cellular network of communications capacity
(6) Narrowband CDMA cellular communications system (8 hours)
[1] Narrowband CDMA system requirements and standard
[2] CDMA forward channel
[3] CDMA backward channel
[4] CDMA system control functions
(7) Wideband CDMA cellular systems (4 hours)
[1] The three standards of wideband CDMA system
[2] Key technology of wideband CDMA system
4. Teaching materials and reference materials
Teaching materials:
<Cellular Communication> Wu Guoyang Xi’an Electronic and Science
University Press
Reference materials:
<Mobile Communication>
Guo Tiyun
Xi’an Electronic and Science
University Press
<GSM Digital Mobile Communication Engineering>
Sun Rushi People’s
Posts and Telecommunications Press
Syllabus Drafters: Wang Mei Lian Hua
Syllabus Authorize: Wang Yafang
Data: August 2012
《Circuit design and simulation》 Course syllabus
Course name : Circuit design and simulation
Course character: Electives
Total hours: 48 Theory hours : 36 Machine hours: 12
Learning points: 3.0
Applicable objects: Undergraduate communication engineering
One, The nature of course, objective and task
It is a professional basic course for communication engineering. The circuit design and its
performance testing, debugging and analysis method of the curriculum system on circuit design and
simulation, aims to help students to understand and master the software simulation method in circuit,
to cultivate the comprehensive analysis ability, development and innovation ability and
engineering design capability.
Two, Basic requirements of the course
Through the studying of this course, students are required to understand the ideas of software is
components and software is the instrument, to master the techniques of drawing principle circuit,
analysis and testing of circuit by simulation software multisim and some typical circuits and their
main parameters of transistor amplifier circuit, integrated operational amplifiers, wave generator,
transform circuit, analog multiplier, power circuit and gate circuit.
Three, The course content and time allocation
1 Simulation software multisim (4 hours)
(1) Software introduction.
(2) Basic operation
(3) Use of instrumentation
(4) Method for circuit analysis
2 Transistor amplifier circuit
(6 hours)
(1) Transistor amplifier
(2) Multistage amplifier circuit
(3) Negative feedback amplifier circuit
(4) Differential amplifier
(5)Low frequency power amplifier
(6) Single tuned amplifier
(7) Double tuned amplifier
3 Integrated operational amplifier (4 hours)
(1) Integral circuit and differential circuit
(3) Voltage comparator
(4) Design of tone control circuit.
4 Wave generator (4 hours)
(1) Sine wave oscillator
(2) Square wave and triangle wave generating circuit
(3) Sawtooth wave generating circuit
5 Converter (6 hours)
(1) Rectifier circuit
(2) Amplitude limited circuit
(3) Voltage / current converter
(4) Peak detection circuit
(5)Voltage / frequency conversion circuit
(6) Impedance transformation circuit
6 Analog multiplier (4 hours)
(1) Amplitude modulation circuit
(2) Mixing circuit
(3) Frequency doubling circuit
(4) DSB demodulation circuit
7 Power supply circuit (6 hours)
(1) Single phase half wave controlled rectifier circuit
(2) Bridge rectifier circuit
(3) DC chopper circuit
(4) DC-AC full bridge inverter circuit
(5) Pulse-width modulation inverter circuit
8 Gate circuit (2 hours)
(1) Encoder circuit
(2) Decoder circuit
Four, Textbooks and references
Teaching material:
《Electronic circuit design and analysis on computer based on NI Multisim》 Huang Zhiwei, Li
Chuanqi, Zou Qihong, Electronic Industrial Press.
《introduction and Application of Multisim 2001 on circuit design and Simulation 》Zheng Busheng,
Electronic Industrial Press.
《Analog Electronic Technology》Tong Shibai, Hua Chengying, Higher Education Press.
Syllabus: Zhao Ruimei Program approval: Wang Yafang
Date: 2012 August
《Professional English》 courses syllabus
Course name : Professional English
Properties: compulsory courses
Learning points: 2.0
Total hours: 32 (include 32 class hours and 0 experimental hours)
1.Applicable objects: communication engineering undergraduate
The purpose , the nature and tasks of the course:
the purpose of this course is to make students to consolidate their basic knowledge of English and can
read and translate professional English literature correctly.
2. The basic requirements and key points:
(1). The basic requirements
I. To make the students to master the translation methods and skills of English of scientific paper.
II. To let the students understand the English description of scientific paper.
III. To let the students to know the basic method of writing scientific paper in English.
(2). The key points
The basic skills of translation English into Chinese.
3. Teaching content distribution and instruction:
(1). Basic concept of digital information (2 hours)
(2). Multimedia information system (4 hours)
(3). The TCP/IP protocol (4 hours)
(4). The Internet telephone service (7 hours)
(5). New technology of communication (9 hours)
(6). The future communication system (4 hours)
(7). Review (2 hours)
4. Textbook:
《Communication Engineering Professional English》 Chang Yilin Xi 'an university of electronic
science and technology press
Outline formulated: Liu qiyue
examination and approval: Wang Yafang
Date: August
《MATLAB & Application》 Course syllabus
Course name : MATLAB & Application
Course character: Electives
Learning points: 2.5
Total hours: 40 Theory hours : 28 Experimental (or machine) hours: 12
Applicable objects: Undergraduate communication engineering
One, The nature of course, objective and task
This course is a professional elective course of communication engineering. By learning this course,
students understand the features and powerful functions of MATLAB software, able to skillfully apply
MATLAB to solve the complex math problems of related courses. That makes a good foundation for
engaging in related industries in the future.
Two, Basic requirements of the course
MATLAB is a kind of computer software consisting mainly of numerical calculation and data schema,
and includes many professional software packages that adapt multiple disciplines. The students are
required to master the MATLAB data types, the inputting and operating of matrix, grammatical
structure, the use of function, 2D and 3D drawing, and to be able to skillfully apply MATLAB to solve
complex mathematical calculations and optimization problems. Computer practice is an important
teaching link of the course, only through practice, students can understand the various functions of
MATLAB application and achieve proficiency level. This course will be half of the class for computer
Three, The course content and time allocation
1 MATLAB introduction (2 hours)
2 The MATLAB language (8 hours)
(1) Variable and its assignment
(2) Vector and its operation
(3) Array and its operation
(4) Matrix and its operation
(5) Function and expression
(6) The MATLAB data type
3 MATLAB calculation (10 hours)
(1) Solution to the equations
(2) Interpolation and fitting
(3) Extremum points of the function
(4) Numerical calculus
(5) Symbol object
(6) Differential and calculus of symbol
(7) Solution to the symbolic equations
4 MATLAB programming (8 hours)
(1) M file
(2) File operation
(3) MATLAB flow control statement
(4) MATLAB program optimization and debugging
(5) Basic drawing
(6) Function drawing
Four, The experimental teaching contents and requirements
1 Familiar with the MATLAB environment(2 hours)
2 Matrix generation and operation(2 hours)
3 Solution to equations(2 hours)
4 Differential and calculus of symbol, symbolic equations(2 hours)
5 Program debugging(2 hours)
6 Drawing(2 hours)
Five, Textbooks and references
Teaching material:
《Electronical Information Application Using MATLAB》 Wang Yafang, Posts &Telecom press
《MATLAB foundation and application example highlights 》Wang Qi, Posts &Telecom press
《MATLAB language and
its application in electronic information engineering 》Wang Hongyuan,
Tsinghua University press
Syllabus: Hou Yanli
Program approval: Wang Yafang
Date: 2013 March
《Modern Communication Technology》Course syllabus
Subject Name: Modern Communication Technology
SubjectType: Specialized Subject
Class Hour: 32
Credits: 2.0
Target user: Senior class of Communication Engineering
Assessment Methods: Test(Normal Performance for 20%)
Prerequisite Subjects: Principle of Communication、Computer Networks、Signals and Systems
1. Subject Nature, Purpose, Task
This teaching program contains all kinds of advanced telecommunication technology in terms of
whole-process-net-coverage and tri-networks integration. We work hard to establish a structure of
knowledge and a system of content with scientificalness, systematicness, inventiveness and
advancement. We value learning and cultivate the basic idea of engineering methodology which
would help the students to learn various kinds of advanced communication technology on the
basis of the concept of layered network, more important, it will enhance their capacity of master
the method of scientific research and accelerate their learning speed; therefore lay a solid
foundation for student to become a high quality and innocative talent.
2. The Basic Requirements of the Subject
1) To well know the key elements and development trend of modern telecommunication network.
2.) To better understand the key elements and operation principle of telecommunication exchange,
data communication, wireless communication, photo-communication and wide band.
3) To well understand division and principle of cyber function module.
4) To familiar with the structure of various kinds of communication network and the mutual
relations among them.
5) To know the development trend of modern communication network.
3、Subject Content and Class Hour Arrangement:
1) Introduction(2 Class Hours)
(2)The Components of communication Network
(4)The Development of Communication Technology
2) Supporting Technology of Telecommunication Network (4Class Hours):
(1)Source Encoding
(2)Channel Coding
(3)Baseband Transmission
(4)Modulation Technique
(5)Error Code
3) Telecommunication Switching(6Class Hours):
(1)The Components of Telecommunication Network
(2)Switching Technique
(3)Programme-controlled Switching
(4)Integrated Services Network
4) Data Communication(6 Class Hours):
(1)Network Technique
(2)Base Net
(3)IP Net
(4)IP Telephone System
5) Mobile Communication(6 Class Hours)
(1)Mobile Communication and Key Technology
(2)Wireless Access
(3)GSM Communication Technology
(4)CDMA Technology
(5)3G Technology
6) Photo-communication Net(4Class Hours)
(1)The Wavelength Division Multiplexing of Optical Transmission System
(2)Optical Networks
7) Broadband Communication Network(4 Class Hours)
Broadband Access
Core Technology
Next Generation Networks
4. Teaching Material:
Basis of modern communication technology, Yan Xiaohua, Tsinghua University Press
The modern communication technology, Ji Xiaofeng, Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications Press
The Maker of the Program: Hu Boning
The Reviewer of the Program: Wang Yafang
Date: March, 2013
《Digital Image Processing 》Course syllabus
Course name:Digital Image Processing
course character:optional
Learning points:2.0
Total hours:32
Theory hours :32
Experimental (or machine) hours:0
Applicable objects: Undergraduate Communication Engineering,Electronic Information Engineering
One, The nature of course, objective and task
The optional course is selected by the academy for students majoring in Communication
Engineering and Electronic Information Engineering .Through learning this course,students can master
the basic concepts,basic theory and basic methods to select problems of Digital Image Processing.They
can also master basic Digital Image Processing technique and know kinds of application areas about
Digital Image Processing.The task of the course is to do space work for developing professional
knowledge and ability of solving practical problems.Before learning this course,students must learn
higher mathematics,Linear Algebra and Digital Signal Processing first.
Second ,basic requirements
overview,features,research status and some important application.
2. A deep understanding of the the basic knowledge and technical term of Image information,the
relation between image and vision,the relation among pixels and the basic operations between images
in order to know well the images in perceptual and visual point of view.
3.Master the common method and feature of Digital Image Processing,such as Fourier
transform,discrete cosine transform,Discrete K - L transform and Wavelet Transform.Students can
master the feature and see the common ground of all kinds of transforms at the same time.Thus,they
can know image processing systematically and completely,comprehend by analogy and use the
knowledge flexibly.
4.Master common Digital Image enhancement method,know well the applications of all
methods.So that,we can select suitable method according to practical application.
5.Know the phylogeny and the situation of
Digital Image Processing.Follow the latest trend of
Digital Image Processing developing.
Third, The course content and time allocation
1.introduction(2 hours)
2.the basic knowledge of image information(4 hours)
the term of digital image including digitization,scanning,sampling,
quantization,contrast ratio and resolution ratio.
the representing method of digital image including array notation of Gray image and representation of
Binary image .
the relation between image and vision
the basic operations of image information(4 hours)
the relation in pixels including neighbourhood ,connection,distance conception and HTM.
Basic algebraic operation method including mixed practice as well as its application.
Basic geometric operation method including translation,amplification
,contraction and revolution as well as its application.
image transformation(4 hours)
Fourier transform
discrete cosine transform
Discrete K - L transform
image intensification(6 hours)
(1)Enhancement method based on the point of operation including direct gray-scale transformation and
Gray level histogram processing
(2) The enhancement method based on spatial filtering including image smoothing and image sharpen
(3)Enhancement method based on frequency domain transform including frequency domain image
smoothing filtering and sharpening image frequency domain filtering.
6.image segmentation(8 hours)
(1)Segmentation method based on the threshold including histogram threshold segmentation method,
variance threshold segmentation between class method,Maximum entropy threshold segmentation
method and the fuzzy threshold segmentation method.
(2)Segmentation method based on the edge including point detection method,line detection method and
edge detection method.
(3)Segmentation method based on movement including difference method based on movement,optical
flow motion segmentation method and Motion segmentation method based on block.
7.the phylogeny and the situation of
Digital Image Processing(4 hours)
Fourth, Textbooks and references
Teaching material:
《Digital Image Processing and Analysis》 Liu Zhifang ,Tsinghua University Press
《Image Engineering》Zhang Yujin, Tsinghua University Press
《Digital Image Processing》K.R.Castleman,Publishing House of Electronics Industry
《Computer Image Processing》 Rong Guanao,Tsinghua University Press
《Digital Image Processing》Chen Tingbiao,
Posts and Telecom Press
Syllabus: Li Chunhua
Date: August 2012
Program approval: Wang Yafang