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Inpatient Consult Service and Rounds
Residents and students on the ID service will round as a team with the attending on
service. Each day after morning report, you should discuss the day’s plan with the
attending. The daily schedule will depend on new consults, outpatient ID clinic, your
continuity clinic/call schedule, conferences, etc. One team member will be
responsible for each ID patient.
In general, you should plan to pre-round on active ID patients, write an ID-focused
SOAP note, and independently make an assessment/recommendations. You will then
round with the attending and discuss your assessment at that time. It is expected that
the assigned resident/student knows ALL clinically pertinent information about
his/her patients during rounds. In addition, you should read one article or textbook
section on each patient you see!
ID Service Patient Binder
There is a white binder with flowsheets for all ID inpatients. Each patient should
have a Xerox of the original consult note and up to date lab flowsheets. This will
make daily rounds easy, and make it easier to sign out to other residents and on-call
staff. There is also a list of useful phone number and other information in the binder.
Outpatient ID Clinic
ID clinic is held 2-4 times a month on Wednesday mornings (9:00AM – 12:00PM). It
is located on DCH 7th Floor in Subspecialty Clinic. If the inpatient service is quiet,
page Dr. Guzman to participate in outpatient clinic. ID clinic includes: pediatric HIV
clinic, outpatient ID consults, and inpatient follow-up appointments.
Hand Hygiene Audit
All residents are to complete one morning of hand hygiene audits during prerounding. There is a form that should be completed and returned to Dr. Guzman,
reflecting your observations. This data will be used as a part of the OHSU Infection
Control Program hand hygiene surveillance.
Meetings and Conferences
You are expected to attend the following meetings and conferences:
1. Pediatric Morning Report: DCH 11th Floor, 8:30 – 9:00AM daily (except
2. Pediatric Grand Rounds: DCH 11th Floor, 8:00 – 9:00AM Thursdays
3. City Wide Infectious Disease Conference: Rotating sites, 12:00-1:00PM
Thursdays (ask ID attending for schedule). You may be asked to prepare and
present an interesting case at City Wide.
Independent Reading and Lectures
See the Infectious Disease Reading List. This is a list of articles that should be
covered during the rotation month. In addition, you should find articles about other
case-dependent topics, depending on what you see on the service. Didactic lectures
based on patients on the service and topics on the reading list will be arranged by the
attending; team members should review the articles in advance.
ID Rotation Examination
During the month, you should work on your ID examination. The content is based on
rotation objectives, previous ID-related PREP questions, and topics that are important
for pediatric residents to understand. This is an open-book examination, and feel free
to discuss questions with the attending as needed. You should return your completed
exam to Dr. Judy Guzman by the last day of your ID rotation, before your rotation
evaluation is completed by the ID Division attendings.
Updated 07/2006