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The Tollgate Practice
The Tollgate Health Centre
145 London Road
Telephone: 01206 574483
Fax: 01206 767558
Attendees: Mrs Mandy Seaforth, (MS), Mrs Mel Woods (MW), Mrs
Kathleen Heaps Frewer (KHF), Mr Ian Frewer (IF), Mr Keith Tucker (KT1),
Mrs Rosemary James, (RJ), Mr Kevin Chase (KC), Mr Christopher Dowsett
(CD), Mrs Alexandra Barakat (AB), Mr Joseph Mattack (JM), Mrs Audrey
Salmon (AS), Mrs Hildegard Osman (HO), Mrs Karen Drake (KD), Mr John
Gant (JG), Dr Anwaar Wahab (AW) and guests Mr Steve Burtrand and Mr
Brian Procter from Witham Health Centre PPG.
Minutes of the last meeting - These were not discussed but were
Practice Manager up-date – MS explained that unfortunately
Steph could not make the meeting but continued to read out a
report written by her. Please find as attached. MS also welcomed
Mr Brian Procter and Mr Steve Burtrand from The Witham Health
Centre PPG who had attended to gain experience in forming their
own PPG.
Reception up-date – MS introduced one of our newest GP’s, Dr
Anwaar Wahab. Dr Wahab gave a short introduction talk about his
training and job sharing with Dr Ayisha Sajid which enables them to
offer an exceptional level of service for all Dr Kaukab’s previous
patients. There then followed a short question and answer session.
DNA’s – MS quoted what it cost us at the surgery when a patient
does not attend their appointment. In short each patient who does
not attend their appointment costs the surgery £100. General
discussion followed regarding the possibility of charging for DNA’s,
the provision of a messaging service either texting or answerphone
before 8.30 am in the morning. It appears from the figures that it is
generally women who do not attend more than men. AB asked if
our population was female heavy? Again general discussion
followed and it was agreed that a further breakdown in the DNA
figures was needed in order to analyse and improve the attendance
of appointments. MS will speak to SK to audit this in greater detail.
Please also find attached information regarding DNA’s.
SK/MS to action
Accident and Emergency figures and costs – These were
discussed. It costs the surgery every time a patient of ours attends
A and E. The Group asked if patients were going to A and E
because they can not get an appointment at the surgery. They
suggested we put up a sign to advise patients to contact us first if
unsure whether they should attend A and E. Questions were raised
regarding the reasons that people attend A and E. Our guests from
Witham advised the Group that to attend the walk in centre, it cost
the surgery £75.00 per person and £250 for an ambulance. The
Group asked if this subject could feature in the newsletter.
MW to action
Noticeboard – The Group were pleased with the noticeboard but
KD asked if the text could be bolder and therefore easier to read
with a larger PPG sign above the board. There was a request to
move the chair in front of the board to enable easier access.
MS to action
Suggestion box with slips – KC kindly provided the suggestion
box with slips and this is now in Reception.
Colouring competition – Information regarding the competition
will go on the noticeboard
Pain clinic (see minutes) was not discussed at this time. (AY
sent her apologies).
Feedback from Systm1 demonstration – KT1 gave a resume of
the demonstration in April of the possible new computer system
that the surgery may invest in. As a patient he could not yet see
the advantages of the system ie checking in. The group felt a self
checking board was impersonal. MS explained we use the EMIS
System but changing to Systm1 would enable us to get the patient
notes quicker from their previous practice as a lot of other surgeries
use systm1. The cost of the new system was raised and the query
about how our summary care records would work within the new
MS to action discuss with SK.
Secretarial up-date – Unfortunately KT2 could not attend meeting.
MS read out a brief report from KT2. See attached Choose and
book information.
Choose and Book – AW discussed and reminded the Group about
Choose and Book and that patients do have the ability to choose
where they attend their hospital appointment following a referral by
their GP. They are just to remind their GP of this service.
Any other Business – JG wanted to know why we were no longer
having a phlebotomy service at the surgery? The group were very
unhappy that we were no longer offering this service. They found
going to the walk in centre too inconvenient having to wait a long
time and finding it difficult to park. AW explained to the group that it
was not down to the costs to the surgery but due tousing Roz in
other areas where she is needed more, for example ECG’s and the
fact that Roz’s list is very busy.
AW to action, discuss with SK
One of our guests suggested we get a TV screen rather than a
notice board for reception.
The group wanted to know what the latest developments were with
the merger. MS said she would speak to SK as she was unable to
give information. KT asked if all questions in the meeting could
please be answered before the next meeting.
SK to action
RJ wanted to add, and the group agreed, how outstanding they
thought we all are at this surgery.
MW and MS thanked the quest speakers.
The meeting finished at 8pm.
The next meeting is on Wednesday September 25th at 1pm.