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Dear NJSAMS Users,
This Release Content Letter (RCL) announces the new version of NJSAMS 3.3. Level of Care Index, LOCI-3
is the highlight of the release. This release posted on January 19th, 2016 includes one new feature for
IME/UBHC and two new features for Service Providers and a few maintenance fixes/enhancements.
New Features in this release
Overview of LOCI-3
“Level Of Care Index – LOCI” is a tool for clinicians intended to serve as a practical, functional, and
flexible guide for organizing information that can aid in the accurate placement criteria for
substance abuse treatment and co-occurring services”. The “Diagnosis Related Information” at
page 2 of original LOCI-3 has been removed and replaced with an overarching new category of
substance use disorders with the specific substance used defining the specific disorders in DSM-5™
Highlights of changes from LOCI-2R to LOCI-3
LOCI-2R will not be available to enter information.
The LOCI-2R report will be available for the consumers previously placed through LOCI-2R
and admitted in NJSAMS prior to NJSAMS 3.3 release.
In Dimension 2, unlike LOCI-2R, there is an option to select Biomedical Enhance Services
severity which patient’s biomedical problem requires a degree of staff attention that is not
available in level 3.7 programs. If this option is selected, the client should not continue any
In Dimension 3 to 6, each level of service is indicated for co-occurring criteria separately.
The services for OPIOID Treatment Program (OTP) meet Dimension 1 through 6 criteria. Cooccurring criteria is met in DSM-5 (or) clinician recommends for dual diagnosis with cooccurring, the level of service must select with co-occurring.
Level Of Care Index, LOCI-3 – NJSAMS Changes
There are two options for LOCI-3 in NJSAMS:o Standard LOCI (also known as Adult LOCI-3)
o OPIOID Treatment Programs (OTP) LOCI-3
Each LOCI Interview Type (LOCI-3 interview types: 1. Initial, 2. Re-evaluation, 3. Extension
Request LOCI) has start page, Diagnosis Related Information (DSM-5 Disorder Report) and
option for LOCI selection between Regular LOCI (or) OTP.
Accordions for Standard LOCI are:
o Diagnosis Related Information
o LOCI Selection
o Dimension 1: Acute Intoxication/Withdrawal Potential
o Dimension 2: Biomedical Conditions And Complications
Dimension 3: Emotional, Behavioral, Or Cognitive Conditions And Complication
Dimension 4: Readiness To Change
Dimension 5: Relapse, Continued Use, Or Continued Problem Potential
Dimension 6: Recovery Environment
Level of Care Summary of Findings
LOCI3 Evaluations History
Extension Request LOCI (appears when applicable only)
Accordions for OTP LOCI are:
o Diagnosis Related Information
o LOCI Selection
o OPIOID Treatment Programs (OTP) – LOCI
- Dimension 1 through Dimension 6
o Level of care Summary of findings
o LOCI3 Evaluations History
o Extension Request LOCI (appears when applicable only)
If the consumer has completed DASIE Registration, Immediate Need Profile (INP), UNCOPE
(optional), Income Eligibility /Program Eligibility (IE/PE) and DSM-5, the link for LOCI-3 will
appear under “Clients Quick Links” at left navigation.
Counselor name, LOCI Evaluation Date and Supervisor Name are mandatory and Credential
(multiple selections are available to enter) is optional.
A new LOCI-3 Report.
Ability to view LOCI-3 Report for initial, re-evaluation and Extension Request by IME.
Note: Implementation of LOC-3 in NJSAMS is referred from 2013 publication of Level Of Care Index,
LOCI-3 by Norman G. Hoffmann, Ph.D., David Mee-Lee, M.D., & Gerald D. Shulman, M.A.,
DSM-5 History/ Re-evaluation (or) Versioning
Adding “Re-evaluations” accordion in DSM-5.
In the display, there are columns for DSM ID, Counselor Name, DSM Evaluation Date,
Primary Diagnosis and Report.
Click on Report to retrieve DSM-5 report for initial and re-evaluation report.
Under the DSM-5 History, there are two buttons for “Re-evaluation DSM-5” and “DSM-5
Report” for current DSM-5.
Ability to view history of evaluations for the client within an agency. DSM-5 history from
another agency for the same client cannot be viewed by current agency.
Benefit to adding DSM-5 re-evaluation is to allow changes/corrections of DSM-5
information regarding client’s progress in the treatment process after review by licensed
clinical supervisors (or) clinicians.
Keeping track of the clients’ changes in status by comparing diagnosis.
Maintenance Fixes and Enhancements in this release
DUII Eligibility
This fix ensures DUII eligibility if the conviction is after October 17, 2005. Currently, user
has to select the conviction date if the client has multiple convictions. In this release, the
system will automatically track on the last conviction date and the referring IDRC County.
Client must have conviction date on or after October 17, 2005.
The client Federal Poverty Level (FPL) calculated in DASIE must be less than 350%.
If the client is eligible for DUII Initiative, request assessment authorization by referring (or)
requesting to IME.
If the client is eligible for DUII, IME can secure assessment authorization and issue to
service provider.
If the client is Medicaid Recipient IME will deny issuing assessment authorization funded by
DUII Initiative.
Admission and Discharge Validation
Age at first use must not be older than the client’s current age at the admission
Validation on Primary, Secondary and Tertiary drug cannot be the same drug in admission.
Validation on Primary, Secondary and Tertiary drug cannot be the same drug in discharge.
If the age at first use is less than 7 years of age, or more than the client’s current age the
message pop-up for correction
Brian G. Regan
Assistant Director
Office of Information Systems (OIS)
Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services