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Imperialism Review Sheet
(People / Personalities): Fill in the blank with the correct name.
Theodore Roosevelt
Alfred Thayer Mahan
William Randolph Hearst
William McKinley
William H. Taft
1. Liliuokalani was the Hawaiian queen who wanted to restore Hawaii’s independence.
2. John Hay was the Secretary of State for President William McKinley who called for an
“Open Door Policy” with China.
3. William Randolph Hearst created news stories regarding Spanish atrocities in Cuba.
4. William H. Taft’s brand of foreign policy involved encouraging American investment in
foreign economies.
5. In his book, Alfred Thayer Mahan argued that the economic future of the U.S. hinged
on gaining new markets abroad and that a powerful navy was necessary to protect these
markets from foreign rivals.
6. Theodore Roosevelt was known as the lead “Rough Rider” who led the charge up San
Juan Hill in July 1898, and he also had a very aggressive foreign policy once he became
president of the U.S.
Vocabulary Terms: Circle/highlight the correct term to complete each sentence.
During the late 1800s and early 1900s, strong nations were attempting to dominate
weaker nations in the quest for colonial empires through the use of (Roosevelt Corollary;
imperialism; jingoism). One way some nations attempted to build up the “mother land” was
through (Open Door Policy; jingoism; annexation), in which a new territory was joined to the
existing one. For example, the United States added Hawaii in 1898. Some nations wanted to
create (spheres of influences; jingoism; imperialism), or regions where a particular country has
exclusive rights over the mines, railroads, and trade in another country’s territory. With the
scramble for new lands and wanting to keep the Western Hemisphere for the United States,
President Theodore Roosevelt created the (Open Door Policy; sphere of influence; Roosevelt
Corollary), which was an extension of the Monroe Doctrine, issued in 1904 and signaled that
the U.S. was ready to enforce the Monroe Doctrine. Americans also began to believe in
(Monroe Doctrine; Manifest Destiny; Open Door Policy) in which they believed it was
America’s destiny to expand westward. The United States did want to create the (jingoism;
open door policy; sphere of influence) with China in 1900, favoring open trade relations
between China and other nations. With the tension going on between the imperial nations,
(jingoism; annexation; imperialism) became a product of yellow journalism in the U.S. that
resulted in a feeling of strong national pride and a desire for an aggressive foreign policy.
What factors led to the burst of European and American imperialism in the late 1800s?
Why did American business leaders favor expansion?
They were looking for new markets to sell their goods.
What was the major reason for the start of the Spanish-American War?
The blowing up of the U.S.S. Maine
Why was the United States so interested in the Panama Canal?
It would allow the American Navy to move quickly from ocean to ocean
Why did Teddy Roosevelt send the Great White Fleet around the world?
To flex its muscles for other nations to see the US’s impressive naval power
Be familiar with what happened in the following areas during this time
Philippine Islands:
San Juan Hill: The Rough Riders made this
The Spanish-American War began here in 1898,
When the U.S. launched a surprise attack on
Spanish ships in Manila Bay.
the site of a famous incident during the SpanishAmerican War.
Cuba: One of the major events that helped lead
Alaska :
The U.S. purchased this land from Russia in
1867 for $7.2 million. It would be admitted as
the 49th state in 1959.
to U.S. involvement in the Spanish-American
War was Spain’s refusal to make this nation
The sinking of the U.S.S. Maine happened in
this city’s harbor on February 15, 1898.
Congress approved the annexation of this land in
1898. It would be admitted as the 50th state in
American intervention in this country under
President Woodrow Wilson led to strong antiAmerican feelings in Latin America.