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Year 9 History Module 4: Nazi Germany
Assessment focus: Interpretation
Assessment objective: To evaluate different perspectives on life in Nazi
Modular Content
Hitler’s consolidation To investigate the key events surrounding Hitler’s swift
of power
transition from Chancellor of Germany to the Fuhrer of
the Third Reich.
Censorship and
To examine the role of Joseph Goebbels and his
influence over the people of Germany.
Nazi foreign policy
To examine the role of Hitler’s aggressive foreign policy
and the Second
in the outbreak of the Second World War.
World War
Nazi economic
To evaluate the extent to which Nazi economic and
social policies improved people’s lives in Germany.
The Holocaust
To examine the escalation of Nazi Anti-Semitism to the
‘Final Solution’.
Homework: You will have 3 homework sheets to complete. You will be asked
to define 5 key words and answer 2 questions and a challenging extension
Assessment: You will be asked to evaluate 3 written extracts in their historical