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Cuban Missile Crisis
How were the missiles discovered?
Why were the missiles sent to Cuba?
What countries were involved?
Describe what the outcome was.
Who were the historical personalities involved and their roles?
How were the missiles discovered?
The pilot of an American U-2 spy plane passed over Cuba on
October 14, 1962, photographed a Soviet SS-4 medium-range
ballistic missile being assembled for installation.
CIA reference photograph of Soviet R-12 intermediate-range nuclear ballistic
missile (NATO designation SS-4) in Red Square, Moscow
Why were the missiles sent to Cuba?
Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev wanted to increase his nation’s
nuclear strike capability. The Soviets had long felt uneasy about
the number of nuclear weapons that were targeted at them from
sites in Western Europe and Turkey.
Another key factor in the Soviet missile scheme was the hostile
relationship between the U.S. and Cuba. The Kennedy
administration had already launched one attack on the island–
the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961–and Castro (president of
Cuba) and Khrushchev saw the missiles as a means of stopping
further U.S. aggression.
What countries were involved?
Soviet Union
United State
Describe what the outcome was.
The U.S. agreed to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev’s offer to
remove the Cuban missiles in exchange for the U.S. promising not
to invade Cuba. Kennedy also secretly agreed to remove U.S.
missiles from Turkey.
The nuclear-armed Jupiter intermediate-range ballistic missile. The US secretly
agreed to withdraw these missiles from Italy and Turkey.
Both the Americans and Soviets were calmed by the Cuban
Missile Crisis. The following year, a direct “hot line”
communication link was installed between Washington and
Moscow to help l e s s e n similar situations, and the
superpowers signed two treaties related to nuclear weapons.
Who were the historical personalities involved and their roles?
Robert F. Kennedy
U.S. Attorney General
John Kennedy
President of the U.S
Nikita Khrushchev
Chairman of Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union
Curtis LeMay
General in the United States Air Force
Fidel Castro
Cuban President
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