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Chapter 9.2 Questions/Study Guide
& Sectionalism
a. Nationalism – feelings of pride and loyalty to a nation
b. American System – a series of measures intended to make the United States economically
self-sufficient (to avoid situations like the one leading to War of 1812)
c. Sectionalism – disagreements between the different regions (North, West, South)
1. What was the Era of Good Feelings?
From 1815-1825, an era of peace, pride and progress in the United States (only one
political party existed – the Democratic-Republicans, as Federalist opposition to the War of
1812 ended that party)
2. Describe – What positions did Henry Clay and Daniel Webster take in the Congressional
debates on the American System?
Clay – supported it as a national improvement
Webster – opposed it as more beneficial to one region of the nation (North)
3. How did the War of 1812 affect the U. S. economy?
Economy grew as amount of lands and resources increased
Desire to become self-sufficient, to avoid getting involved in other nation’s conflicts by
trading with them, led to a desire to improve US transportation and manufacturing within
the US (part of Clay’s American System)
4. Analyze – explain the issues behind the decisions and the importance of the Supreme
Court cases McCullough v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden? How did they affect life in
the United States?
McCulloch v. Maryland – McCulloch sued Maryland over the national bank; John Marshall’s
Supreme court reinforced federal power (said use of the elastic clause to create the
national bank was OK and a state can’t tax a federal institution)
Gibbons v. Ogden – Gibbons sued Ogden over made movement of goods cheaper and
easier (John Marshall’s Supreme Court reinforced federal power over interstate trade)
5. Predict – How would transportation improvements eventually aid the grown and stability
of the U. S. economy?
Made movement of goods cheaper, easier
6. RECALL – What role did Henry Clay play in the debate over Missouri’s statehood?
Proposed the Missouri Compromise
a. Read Henry Clay’s biography on P. 305a. Why did he work for compromises
between regions? Wanted to ease sectional tensions
7. What problem did Missouri’s request for statehood cause?
Threatened to upset the balance of power between the free states and slave state in the
Missouri Compromise:
a. Maine would enter as a free state, separating from Massachusetts
b. Missouri would enter as a slave state
c. Slavery would be outlaws in the Louisiana Territory north of the 36°30’N latitude line
8. Elaborate – Was the Missouri Compromise a good solution to the debate between free
states and slave states? Explain!
9. Identify: Who were the candidates in the presidential election of 1824? How was the
winner determined?
Andrew Jackson ran against John Quincy Adams (son of John Adams); there was no winner
in the electoral college, so the House of Representative chose the winner – John Quincy
10. Draw Conclusions: Why did John Quincy Adams lose popular support following the
election of 1824?
Jackson had more of the people’s votes (popular vote), so there was suspicion of a corrupt
bargain in the election
Andrew Jackson won the popular vote.
John Quincy Adams became President.
The American System:
Protective Tariff
would protect developing industries from foreign
competition by raising the price of imported manufactured
goods from other countries
see chart on p. 303
road, canals, and other transportation projects would
stimulate trade - would help manufacturers get raw
materials to factories and move finished products to markets
to sell
would help move agricultural products faster
would unite the country
National Bank
would control inflation (rising prices due to drop in value of
money) and lend money to help build industries
South and West didn’t like it; felt it benefited the North more than them
Eventually, sectional differences over tariffs, slavery and the national bank would end the Era of
Good Feelings