Download 6. American High Tech will get decimated

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America High Tech. Companies are in danger.
Most American knows that China inherited old obsolete nuclear missiles system from
Russia many decade ago.
1. They are running out of spare part for the old missiles.
2. They cannot upgrade the software of such system.
3. They know that such obsolete system is no match for US simple anti-missiles system.
4. Their system is never fully tested (I hope they really have trust their Russia agent)
Communist China is desperate trying to upgrade their ground base system. They are so
happy that Linus software Operation System comes along as a free gift from our idealistic
computer geek. With over the counter American computer part, they upgraded all their
ground base system immediately. Pentagon knows the problem but they cannot say so
because at the time, politician suppressed their voice since China is providing us slave
labor and plenty of consumption goods. Pentagon also knows that Linus is not a real time
operation system and therefore cannot be used in embedded system such the guidance
control of the missile itself or any advance fighter jet control system. (Note: there is
always a control of real time Linux OS export in US)
However, when Google announce they will make Android open source and sign a treaty
with China for 5 year of support in exchange for more handset sale. Hugh problem arise
for the Pentagon.
1. Android is a real time Linus OS. It can be used in just about any embedded
2. It is small and can be ported to any microprocessor. For the first time in US
history, China space operated satellite, missile control, jet fighter software system
is actually more reliable and run faster than American military system.
For a while, Pentagon can assume that Chinese is using Intel or AMD processor. A kill
switch can solve the problem if the situation is called for. However, the British is so
cueing that they develop the ARM RISC processor that they just license it away. It is so
popular now that every American high tech firm is using ARM in their system. For
example, Nvidia graphic processor, TI DSP processor, the brain in apple iphone and just
about any embedded application using British ARM.
The result:
1. ARM is the open source version of microprocessor
2. Android is the open source version of real time OS.
American military planner is facing the ultimate nightmare. They do not have any control
of any high technology that go to China anymore. China is so confident that they will
beat us because all the geeks actually are supporting China for free. Eventually, US
Military will have to abandon all their proprietary system design and force to start from
scratch. All military advances over china will be lost in 5 year.
In 5 year, China will decimate Intel, AMD and Microsoft. A large portion of our high
tech will be their slave company.
Your Truly
Frank L K Wan (
July 23, 2012 Travelling in USA