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出國期間:民國九十四年七月十一日至 出國地區:美國波士頓市
頓麻州總醫院,一方面接觸了解其放射線部之 PACS 系統,一方面以 PACS 系統為基
超順磁性氧化鐵對比劑在磁振造影之應用。檢討本院目前之情況,若能強化 PACS 系
統維護,擴充儲存影像之空間,將可加強本院 PACS 系統之便利性,減少醫師向系統維
目標。醫學研究之進行,會因為完整的 PACS 系統,而變得方便,省去了過去調閱放射
科 X 光片之麻煩,也可以在 PACS 系統之工作站上,從事快速而正確的影像資料分析工
米微粒超順磁性氧化鐵對比劑(簡稱 USPIO)。
本 文
目 次
第一章、目的 ………………………………………………………… 第 3 頁
第二章、過程 ………………………………………………………… 第 4 頁
第三章、心得 ………………………………………………………… 第 5 頁
第四章、建議 ………………………………………………………… 第 13 頁
第五章、英文版論文 ………………………………………………… 第 15 頁
第六章、參考資料 …………………………………………………… 第 43 頁
本計劃(醫學影像無片化與院際整合乙案 )原于民國九十一年提出,當時
像無片化,即為影像擷取及傳輸系統(picture archiving and communication
system, 以下簡稱PACS系統),擬派員赴較早發展PACS系統之美國著名
PACS 系統已初步建構完成並應用於仁愛、忠孝、和平、 中興及陽明等院區。因
此,此次赴美國觀摩 PACS 系統之運作,可以觀察其應用於放射線科以及其他臨床
除此之外,利用 PACS 系統之便利性,從事與放射線醫學相關之研究,包括
射頻腫瘤滅除術之治療效果研究,以及對於新型磁振造影對比劑之量化分析, 也
美國波士頓市之麻州總醫院(Massachusetts General Hospital, 簡稱 MGH)
是北美醫療品質名列前矛之醫院,其 PACS 系統建構亦有相當豐富之經驗。其放
射線部腹部影像科之科主任穆勒醫師(Peter R. Mueller, Dr. Mueller)於民國
(research fellow)之機會。
線部之 PACS 系統,一方面向穆勒醫師及其團隊請教射頻腫瘤滅除術之技術及觀
念,並從事相關之臨床研究工作。除此之外,也向哈利辛哈尼醫師(Mukesh G.
Harisinghani, Dr. Harisinghani)請教新發展之奈米微粒超順磁性氧化鐵對比
劑(Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide,簡稱 USPIO)在磁振造影之應用,
此項研究工作需要測量許多在磁振造影影像上顯示之腫瘤之特徵, 而全部的研
究相關工作,都在便利而完整的 PACS 系統下,於其工作站上順利完成。完成這些
伴」健康照護系統(Partners HealthCare System)之核心醫院之一(另一核心成
員為布莉根婦女醫院, Brigham and Woman’s Hospital)。置身其中觀摩學習,
(一) 醫學影像無片化
麻州總醫院包括了三個院區:總院(main campus)、西院區(Mass General
West, Waltham)、及查爾斯鎮院區(Chelsea, Charles town),目前放射線部(含
研究部門)共有十一部電腦斷層掃描儀、十部磁振造影掃描儀、以及其他一般 X
光攝影機及透視攝影儀,該院自 1996 年起使用艾格法(Agfa, Impax 3000)之
PACS 系統,將所有影像檢查之資料儲存於系統中。大約一年內之檢查儲存於快取
記憶體(cache)中,醫師可以從工作站中迅速瀏覽所需之檢查影像, 時間較久遠
之檢查,則儲存於系統檔案(Archive 或 Disc)中,選取欲查閱之檢查影像後,依照
本院之 PACS 系統於調閱患者先前檢查影像方面,仍需由醫師手動操作,使用上
醫療影像系統的穩定性也是非常重要的一環,PACS 系統一旦不穩定,不但
報告及瀏覽病患之影像。麻州總醫院的 PACS 系統非常穩定,職于進修的一年期
療科醫師之診療流程不順暢,並影響患者就醫之權益。所以我們對於 PACS 系統
(Multi-detector row computed tomography,簡稱 MDCT)之發展,而更顯得重要。
附圖一: 多層電腦斷層掃描之矢狀重組影像,箭號所示為一左
(二) 射頻腫瘤滅除術
射頻腫瘤滅除術(Radiofrequency ablation,簡稱 RFA)為一種利用熱能
1. 水灌注剝離法(Hydrodissection technique):
百分之五 Dextrose Water (D5W)以隔開腫瘤及周圍器官,避免造成周圍器官
2. 電 腦 斷 層 導 引 射 頻 腫 瘤 滅 除 術 (Computed tomography-guided
radiofrequency ablation,簡稱 CT-guided RFA):
3. 穿 肺 途 徑 射 頻 滅 除 術 治 療 肝 腫 瘤 (RFA of hepatic tumor using
transpulmonary trajectory):
對於肝臟頂部(hepatic dome)之腫瘤,若有需要,可以用電腦斷層作為導引,
4. 間接途徑射頻滅除術治療肝腫瘤(RFA of hepatic tumor using indirect
trajectory of applicator):
接穿刺法(direct puncture),而應該採用穿過周圍正常肝臟組織之間接途徑
附圖二甲: 磁振造影顯示一肝細胞癌
附圖二乙: 以間接途徑射頻滅除術治
5. 以射頻腫瘤滅除術治療肝細胞癌,作為等候肝臟移植手術期間之一種「橋樑」
在西元 1998 年至西元 2006 年之間,麻州總醫院共有 27 位患者接受射頻腫瘤
滅除術治療肝細胞癌,平均等候 7.1 個月之後(範圍 1 至 29 個月)進行肝臟移
植手術,手術後平均追蹤時間為 19 個月(範圍 1 至 76 個月),僅有一位病患
(佔所有病患之 3.7%)腫瘤復發,而統計之一年、二年、及三年之存活率分別
為 81.5%、74.2%、及 56.7%,此結果與直接進行肝臟移植手術之患者群無統計上
這部份的研究,是以麻州總醫院之 PACS 系統儲存之影像為基礎,來分析研
究。因為其 PACS 系統使用方便,擷取影像快速,所以整個研究工作進行得非常順
利,讓職得以很快完成分析,以進行另外之研究計畫,增加觀摩學習之機會, 讓整
(三) 奈米微粒超順磁性氧化鐵對比劑(Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron
oxide,簡稱 USPIO)在磁振造影之應用
奈米微粒超順磁性氧化鐵對比劑(簡稱 USPIO)在過去數年間,經過一些動物
被 Dr. Harisinghani 指派分析此磁振訊號之變化與攝護腺癌之組織病理分級是
性氧化鐵對比劑注射,所得到之磁振造影影像,上傳至 PACS 系統,於是可以很方
附圖三甲: 注射對比劑前之攝
附圖三乙: 注射奈米微粒超順
(一) 他山之石,可以攻錯。麻州總醫院建構影像擷取及傳輸系統(PACS 系統)已
源,以及雄厚之經濟後盾,所使用之 PACS 系統,其功能性及系統維護之詳盡,不言
本院 PACS 系統之便利性,減少醫師向系統維護人員求助之需求,並降低故障之頻
(二) 不論是放射科或是其他醫療科的醫師,其臨床醫學研究之進行,都必然會
因為有了完整的 PACS 系統,而變得更方便,省去了過去調閱放射科 X 光片之麻煩,
也可以在 PACS 系統之工作站上,從事快速而正確的影像資料分析工作。本院之
全、且穩定之 PACS 系統。本院目前之 PACS 系統,本來就是以兼顧臨床診療服務、
(PACS 系統),職進行了一些相關之醫學研究,並將研究成果撰寫成兩篇醫學論
英文標題:Thermal ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma before liver transplantation: patient
outcome and tumor necrosis in explanted livers
作者:Chao-Shiang Li M.D.1,5,6(李兆祥醫師), Ronald S. Arellano M.D.1, Debra A. Gervais
M.D.1, Elkan F. Halpern PhD2, Raul N. Uppot M.D.1, John Y. Kim M.D.1, Gregory Y. Lauwers
M.D.3, Martin Hertl M.D.4, Peter R. Mueller M.D.1
作者服務機構:Departments of Radiology1, Institute for Technology Assessment 2, Pathology3
and Transplant Surgery4, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts; 5Department of Radiology, Renai Branch, Taipei City Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan(台
北市立聯合醫院仁愛院區); 6School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei,
Purpose: To assess efficacy and outcome of thermal ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
prior to liver transplantation.
Materials and Methods: Twenty-seven patients with 32 HCC underwent 42 thermal ablations
before liver transplantation were retrospectively reviewed. Pre-transplant CT or MR and
histopathologic examination of the explanted livers evaluated effectiveness of ablation. Histology
served as reference standard. A second group of 25 patients with HCC underwent liver
transplantation without prior thermal ablation was compared with the ablation group with respect to
waiting time, recurrent HCC and survival.
Results: In the thermal ablation group, the mean waiting time for liver transplantation was
7.1±6.8-months. Imaging showed 87.5% (25 of 28 HCC) complete necrosis. Three patients with 4
tumors underwent transplantation within one month of ablation and therefore had no post-ablation
imaging prior to transplantation.
Histology showed 77.4% (24 of 31) tumors had complete or
greater than 75% necrosis. Imaging accuracy was 92.6%, sensitivity 60% and specificity 100% in
detecting suboptimal necrosis. One (3.7%) ablation patient developed diffuse metastases to the
adrenal gland and bone 19 months after transplantation. Twenty-one (77.8%) patients were alive
without recurrence after follow-up of 19.0±17.1 months. The 25 patients without pre-transplant
treatment had similar survival rate (p=0.6085) but shorter waiting time of 4.2±4.2 months (p=0.03).
Three non-ablation patients (12%) developed recurrent disease after transplant.
Conclusion: Thermal ablation of HCC may serve as an effective treatment option for patients
awaiting liver transplantation.
Keywords: Cancer; Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); Liver transplantation; Radiofrequency
ablation (RFA).
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignancies in the world, and the
incidence is increasing in both eastern and western countries (1, 2). Liver transplantation is
considered the only definitive treatment for HCC (3, 4). Highly selected patients with unresectable
HCC may undergo liver transplantation with 1- and 3-year patient and graft survival rates of 90%
and 70%, respectively (3, 5, 6). In 1996, Mazzaferro et al. evaluated the outcome of patients with
HCC who underwent liver transplantation and recommended liver transplantation in patients with
HCC who had up to 3 tumors all less than 3 cm in diameter or a single lesion up to 5 cm.
This is
commonly referred to as the Milan criteria, which are the most widely accepted criteria to select
and maintain patients with HCC on the liver transplant waiting lists (3). However, limited supply of
donor organs prolongs the waiting time for transplantation and causes high dropout rates from
tumor progression (7, 8). As a result, safe and effective means of treating and delaying the
progression of HCC in liver transplant candidates are urgently needed.
Recently radiofrequency ablation (RFA) has emerged as a safe and effective treatment for small,
unresectable cases of HCC (9-12). Therefore, the potential beneficial role of RFA for the patients
of HCC while awaiting liver transplantation has emerged in recent years (13-20). These studies
have reported varying results regarding treatment response of RFA, rate of patient dropout from
waiting lists for liver transplantation, and patient outcome following liver transplantation. The aims
of current study are to evaluate the outcome of patients who underwent thermal ablation therapy as
a bridge to liver transplantation for HCC; secondarily, to evaluate the treatment efficacy of
pre-transplant thermal ablation therapy in livers, which provides an opportunity to
histopathologically determine the extent of necrosis of tumor in a more rigorous and accurate
Materials and methods
The institutional review board approved the study design and review of patient records and
images. All patients provided written informed consents for the thermal ablation therapy procedures
and liver transplantation.
From April 1998 to January 2006, there were 82 patients who underwent percutaneous
radiofrequency or microwave ablation for treatment of HCC at our institution. Twenty-seven of the
82 patients (21 men and 6 women, mean age: 56.9±1.4 years, age range: 42 – 71 years) ultimately
underwent liver transplantation for potentially curative treatment, and were included in this study.
Of these patients, Child-Turcotte-Pugh class was A in 15 patients, B in 9, and C in 3. Diagnosis of
HCC was confirmed on biopsy in 17 (63.0%) of 27 patients. In the remaining 10 patients, the
diagnosis of HCC was based on hypervascular tumors present on computed tomography (CT) or
magnetic resonance(MR) imaging as well as growth of tumors over time. In all but 3 patients, the
pre-ablation alpha-fetoprotein (α-FP) serum levels were determined. A total of 32 tumors were
treated with thermal ablation therapy prior to liver transplantation.
During the same period, a total of 25 patients with HCC who underwent liver transplantation
without pre-operative treatment were included in this study for comparison. This group was
composed of 24 men and one woman, with mean age of 54.5±7.1 years (range: 38 – 69 years). Of
these patients, Child-Turcotte-Pugh class was A in 2 patients, B in 10, and C in 13. The diagnosis of
HCC was established prior to liver transplantation in 23 out of 25 patients (92%).
Radiofrequency ablation
Thermal ablation of HCC was performed with a manufacturers recommend protocol using the
Cool-Tip radiofrequency system (Radionics Inc., Burlington, MA), Starburst RITA system (RITA
Medical, Mountain View, CA), or VivaWave microwave ablation system (Vivant Medical, Inc.,
Mountain View, CA). Seven ablations were performed using general anesthesia. The remainders
were performed with the use of intravenous procedural sedation and local anesthesia.
Imaging follow-up
Contrast-enhanced dynamic CT or gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging was obtained at 1 month, 3,
6, 9 and 12 months intervals after thermal ablation. Subsequent imaging follow-up depended on the
clinical condition of the patient and co-morbid conditions, but was generally at 6- to 12-month
Post-ablation images were analyzed and compared with pre-ablation images. A thin rim of
contrast enhancement at the periphery of the coagulation zone identified during the
arterial-dominant phase of CT or MR imaging was considered inflammatory reaction to the thermal
damage (21). Nodular enhancement within or along the margin of the coagulation zone was
considered a residual tumor (22). Any pre-existing tumor region not encompassed by the new
coagulation zone was considered incomplete treatment. In cases of uncertainty, additional
follow-up scans were obtained to determine stability, with interval growth of the area considered to
represent a residual tumor. Residual tumors were re-treated with radiofrequency ablations if
clinically feasible. Final imaging determination of completeness of tumor coagulation was made
using the last available follow-up imaging study before liver transplantation. Incomplete necrosis of
target tumor was defined as presence of residual tumor or incomplete treatment.
Pre-ablation, post-ablation and post-transplant images were retrospectively reviewed by two
board-certified abdominal radiologists (C.S.L. and R.S.A.). Disagreements were resolved by
Evaluation of explanted liver
The explanted livers were evaluated by a pathologist with special interest and training in hepatic
diseases using standard procedures at our institution. The explanted livers were fixed in 10%
formalin and then cut into slides of 1 cm or less. All treated tumors, together with all
macroscopically visible untreated neoplastic nodules, were evaluated by conventional optical
microscopy after hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining. Considering the treated tumors, necrosis of
tumor was defined as the absence of neoplastic cells along with the presence of amorphous material,
while the diagnosis of viable tumor was based on the demonstration of neoplastic hepatocytes at
the ablated site.
Comparison between pre-transplant images and histopathologic findings
The interpretations of pre-transplant CT or MR images were compared with histopathologic
findings of the explanted liver. Three patients with 4 tumors underwent liver transplantation within
1 month of the last ablation and therefore had no post-ablation imaging prior to transplantation. In
one patient, liver transplantation was performed at an outside hospital, and the histopathologic
diagnosis of explanted liver was not available. Therefore, a total of 23 patients with 27 tumors were
included in the imaging-pathology comparison portion of this study. In this imaging-pathology
comparison analysis, ablated tumors with complete or partial necrosis greater than 75% as
determined by histopathologic analysis were considered as one group of significant necrosis, and
those with partial necrosis less than 75% including less than 25% were considered another group of
suboptimal necrosis (Table 1).
Statistical analysis
Continuous variables were expressed as mean  standard deviation (SD), and t test was used for
comparison. Selected variables associated with patients, tumors and thermal ablation procedures
were evaluated for possible influence on efficacy of thermal ablation therapy, based on evaluation
of explanted liver. Fisher exact test was used for analysis of these nominal variables. A threshold P
value of 0.05 was chosen for statistical significance.
The size of the 32 HCC ranged from 1.2-cm to 4.4-cm (mean: 2.5±0.8-cm). On initial staging, 24
out of 27 patients (88.9%) fit the Milan criteria for liver transplantation. There were 3 patients who
did not fit the Milan criteria. One patient had 5 tumors less than 3-cm and the largest tumor was
treated by 1 session of RFA. One patient had 4 tumors less than 3-cm, and 2 of the 4 tumors were
treated by 1 session of RFA. Another patient had 2 tumors, and 1 session of RFA was performed on
1 tumor, which was greater than 3-cm in diameter.
Thermal ablation treatment and outcome
A total of 39 radiofrequency ablations and 3 microwave ablations were performed for 32 HCC.
Among these treatment sessions, a total of 10 repeat radiofrequency ablation sessions were
performed for 6 patients with residual tumors, and two successive transcatheter arterial
chemoembolizations (TACE) were performed for one patient with residual tumor. Twenty-three
(85.2%) of the 27 patients were treated exclusively with radiofrequency ablation.
Based on pre-transplant CT or MR imaging, complete necrosis was achieved in 25 (89.3%) out of
the 28 HCC before liver transplantation. Pre-transplant imaging studies were not available for 4
tumors because the patients underwent liver transplantation within one month of their last thermal
ablation. All of the 27 patients ultimately underwent liver transplantation. The mean waiting time
between the first RFA and liver transplantation was 7.16.8-months (range: 1 – 29 months), while
the mean time between last loco-regional treatment and liver transplantation was 5.5±5.9 months
(range: 0 - 29 months). Histopathologic evaluation of explanted livers showed complete necrosis in
11 out of the 31 HCC (35.5%), partial necrosis higher than 75% in 13 tumors (41.9%), partial
necrosis between 75% and 25% in 5 tumors (16.1%), and partial necrosis less than 25% in 2 tumors
(6.5%). One patient underwent liver transplantation at an outside institution, and preventing
histopathologic analysis of the explanted liver.
Comparison of pre-transplant images and histopathologic findings
The mean interval between pre-transplant imaging procedure and transplantation was 41.4±34.3
days (range: 1-150 days). Pre-transplant images were 92.6% accurate in facilitating the diagnosis of
histopathologically evident significant (higher than 75%) necrosis of HCC at the ablated site (Table
1) (Fig 1). The use of contrast material-enhanced CT or MR imaging after thermal ablation therapy
showed a specificity of 100%, positive predictive value of 100%, sensitivity of 60.0% and negative
predictive value of 91.7% to detect suboptimal ablation of HCC using necrosis of 75% tumor
burden as cutoff value.
Factors affecting complete or partial necrosis of tumor after ablation
The mean diameter of completely necrotic tumors was 2.1±0.7-cm, and for those with partial
necrosis was 2.6±0.7-cm. The mean size of partially necrotic tumors was larger than that of
completely necrotic tumors (P= 0.03, t test).
Nine (43%) out of 21 non-perivascular tumors showed complete necrosis, however, only 2 (20%)
out of 10 perivascular tumors in our study showed complete necrosis. Nevertheless, the difference
could not draw statistical significance (p = 0.20, Fisher exact test) (Table 2).
Complications and post-transplant follow-up
Percutaneous thermal ablation therapy was associated with a low rate of peri-procedural
complications. Major complication was recorded in one patient (3.7%) who developed a
pneumothorax necessitating chest tube insertion. Minor complications including small right pleural
effusion (n=1), asymptomatic peri-hepatic hematoma (n=1), and persistent nausea requiring
overnight observation (n=1) were recorded in 3 patients. No mortality or exclusion from the
waiting list of liver transplantation resulted from these complications. No patient developed tumor
implantation along the needle track of thermal ablation therapy.
The cumulative one-, two-, and three-year post-transplant survival rates were 81.5%, 74.2%, and
56.7%, respectively (Fig 3). For analysis of influence of complete or partial necrosis on patient
survival, the subjects in our study group were divided into two sub-groups. The first sub-group was
composed of 8 patients with 9 tumors, which showed complete necrosis on explanted livers. The
second sub-group was composed of 18 patients in whom one partially necrotic tumor (n=14), two
partially necrotic tumors (n=2), or one partially necrotic tumor together with one completely
necrotic tumor (n=2) were noted. Comparison of the survival rates between the two sub-groups
showed no statistically significant difference (P=0.3992, Log-Rank test).
Patients group with no thermal ablation prior to liver transplantation
A total of 40 HCC were detected by imaging prior to liver transplantation in this group of 25
patients (mean: 1.6±0.2, range: 0 – 5). A small HCC less than 1.0-cm in one patient and a 12.5-cm
diffuse HCC in the other patient were found in the explanted livers, whose pre-operative imaging
could not identify the presence of tumor.
On initial staging, 22 out of 25 patients (88%) fit the Milan criteria for liver transplantation.
There were 3 patients who did not meet the Milan criteria. One patient had 5 tumors with the
largest one of 1.6-cm. One patient had 4 tumors with the largest one of 3.5-cm. Another patient had
3 tumors with the largest one of 3.2-cm.
The basic characteristics of these 25 patients were compared to those of 27 patients in thermal
ablation group (Table 3). The severity of liver cirrhosis was significantly higher in the group of no
thermal ablation (P=0.0002). The percentage of patients underwent liver biopsies for diagnosis
of HCC was significantly lower in the group of no thermal ablation (P=0.005) (Table 3).
The cumulative one-, two-, and three-year post-transplant survival rates in this group were 63.3%,
62.3%, and 57.5%, respectively (Fig. 3). The survival rate showed no statistically significant
difference with that of 27 patients in the thermal ablation group (P=0.6085) (Fig 3).
Liver transplantation is universally regarded as the main curative therapeutic option for selected
patients with HCC (3). However, donor organs are limited while demand for organs remains high.
Therefore, time on the transplant waiting list is up to 6 or 12 months in Europe and the United
States with up to 30-40% dropouts per year (23, 24) due to progression of disease while awaiting
transplantation. The Milan criteria provide patient selection guidelines based on tumor size and
nodule number for liver transplant candidates (25, 26). Adjuvant treatments were given in many
centers to HCC patients on waiting lists in order to destroy as much neoplasm as possible, reducing
tumor progression and the risk of dropout due to progression of disease based on the exceeding the
Milan criteria (19). Recent studies have suggested that pre-transplant loco-regional therapy
conferred a survival benefit and was cost effective (23, 27).
The general goal of RF ablation is complete thermal coagulation of the tumor. Most clinical
studies on the performance of RF ablation have relied on imaging characteristics to assess treatment
response (28, 29). Using established imaging criteria (21, 22), 25 (89.3%) out of the 28 HCC
showed complete local response in our study. This result is similar to that of a recent study by Lu et
al, in which 43 (91%) of 47 HCC showed complete radiological response (30).
Histopathologic examination of explanted livers can offer a definitive diagnosis of complete
necrosis or residual viable tumor within ablated sites (31). Our study showed that complete
necrosis was achieved in 11 (35.5%) out of the 31 HCC based on histopathologic findings. However,
a total of 24 (77.4%) out of the 31 HCC showed significant necrosis in our study using higher than
75% necrosis as the criterion. Few previous studies which evaluated explanted livers to determine
the success rate of radiofrequency ablation showed rates of complete necrosis between 21% and
75% (13, 14, 20, 30). The wide variability of complete necrosis rate may result from various
intervals between pre-transplant imaging and liver transplantation, different histopathologic criteria
to define complete necrosis, and different treatment strategy of thermal ablation for HCC patients.
Lu et al reported 74% (35 of 47) radiofrequency ablated HCC showed complete necrosis based on
histopathologic findings (30). Recently, Brillet et al reported a 75% (12 of 16 radiofrequency
ablated HCC) complete necrosis rate based on a smaller number of cases underwent liver
transplantation (20). In our study, the discrepancy of complete necrosis rates between radiologic
(89.3%) and histopathologic (35.5%) criteria may be attributed mostly to insensitivity of CT and
MR imaging in demonstrating small remnants of residual carcinoma. Alternatively, the time interval
between the last imaging study and post-transplant histopathologic analysis may have been
sufficient for the development of new disease along the treatment margin.
Our study showed a low sensitivity of CT or MR imaging to depict suboptimal necrosis, i.e. less
than 75% necrosis, of thermal ablated HCC. Only 3 of 5 (60%) ablated HCC with less than 75%
necrosis were detected on pre-transplant images. Lu et al also reported a low sensitivity of 36% in
their study, in which only 4 out of 11 tumors with positive histopathologic findings were detected
by images (30). Previously Dromain et al reported a CT sensitivity of 44% for depicting residual
tumor at 2 months after ablation (22). However, their study was not based on findings at explanted
liver but relied on tumor growth detected by follow-up images. In a preliminary study (33),
Fluorodeoxyglucose positive emission tomography (FDG-PET) was considered superior to CT or
MR imaging in the surveillance of patients treated with RFA for malignant hepatic tumors.
However, the use of this technique in the follow-up of HCC after thermal ablation therapy remains
under investigation.
However, our study showed an excellent specificity of 100% for CT or MR imaging to detect
suboptimal necrosis of HCC after thermal ablation. Lu et al also reported 100% specificity of
post-ablation imaging to detect histopathologically evident residual or viable HCC (30). Given the
low sensitivity of cross-sectional imaging for early detection of small remnants of viable HCC, we
recommended post-ablation imaging follow-up at short intervals to identify residual tumor
amenable to repeated ablation. At our institution, contrast-enhanced dynamic CT or
gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging was obtained at 1 month, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after
radiofrequency ablation, as well as subsequent imaging follow-up at 6- to 12-month intervals.
We acknowledge that this is a retrospective study in which there may be selection bias with
respect to patient referral to thermal ablation therapy. As a result, the advanced stage of liver
cirrhosis may contribute to the shorter waiting time in those patients without pre-transplant thermal
ablation. We lack information to obtain the percentage of patients who underwent percutaneous
thermal ablation for HCC and were ultimately excluded dropout from the transplant waiting list due
to progression of HCC, due to the retrospective study design.
In conclusion, percutaneous thermal ablation therapy for HCC is a safe pre-transplant treatment
modality, and can achieve satisfactory coagulative necrosis of HCC. Thermal ablation therapy
may keep patients as suitable candidates while awaiting a new liver and as such may serve as an
effective bridge to liver transplantation.
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Bruix J. Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology 1997; 25:259-262.
5. Llovet JM, Bruix J, Fuster J, et al. Liver transplantation for small hepatocellular carcinoma:
the tumor-node-metastasis classification does not have prognostic power. Hepatology 1998;
6. Yao FY, Ferrell L, Bass NM, et al. Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma:
expansion of the tumor size limits does not adversely impact survival. Hepatology 2001;
7. Yao FY, Bass NM, Nikolai B, et al. Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma:
analysis of survival according to the intention-to-treat principle and dropout from the waiting list.
Liver Transpl 2002; 8:873-883.
8. Yao FY, Bass NM, Nikolai B, et al. A follow-up analysis of the pattern and predictors of
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implications for the current organ allocation policy. Liver Transpl 2003; 9:684-692.
9. Llovet JM, Fuster J, Bruix J, Barcelona-Clinic Liver Cancer Group. The Barcelona approach:
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references list has been truncated due to limited pages.)
Table 1. Post-thermal ablation necrosis of 27 hepatocellular carcinomas: correlation between
imaging assessment and examination of explanted livers
Imaging findings
Histopathologic findings
Partial necrosis
Complete or partial
necrosis >75%
Incomplete necrosis
Complete necrosis
Note. —Data were the number of lesions.
Table 2. Efficacy of thermal ablation therapy in 26 patients with 31 hepatocellular carcinomas
Prognostic factors
Post-ablation response
P value
Child-Pugh classification
7 (39%)
11 (61%)
3 (30%)
7 (70%)
1 (33%)
2 (67%)
Pre-ablation α-FP serum level
< 100 ng/mL
8 (35%)
15 (65%)
> 100 ng/mL
1 (20%)
4 (80%)
Prior liver biopsy
4 (31%)
9 (69%)
7 (39%)
11 (61%)
Tumor size
Tumor location
9 (43%)
12 (57%)
2 (20%)
8 (80%)
Number of thermal ablation sessions
9 (35%)
17 (65%)
2 or more
2 (40%)
3 (60%)
Note. — Unless otherwise indicated, data were the number of lesions. Numbers in parentheses
were percentages. Complete or partial necrosis was determined by evaluation of explanted liver.
The superscript * indicated statistical significance.
英文標題:Analysis of ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide uptake in the prostate gland of
patients with primary prostate cancer: Preliminary results
作者:Chao-Shiang Li1,2,3(李兆祥醫師), MD; Mukesh G. Harisinghani1, MD; Wen-Chiung
Lin1,4, MD; Martha Braschi1, MD; Peter F. Hahn1, MD, PhD; Peter R. Mueller1, MD
作者服務機構:1Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, Massachusetts; 2Department of Radiology, Renai Branch, Taipei City Hospital,
Taipei, Taiwan(台北市立聯合醫院仁愛院區); 3School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming
University, Taipei, Taiwan; 4Department of Radiology, Tri-service General Hospital and National
Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Purpose: To analyze the MR signals change of prostate gland after ultrasmall superparamagnetic
iron oxide (USPIO) enhancement in primary prostate cancer.
Materials and Methods: Sixty patients with prostate cancer who underwent USPIO-enhanced MR
imaging for staging of nodal metastasis were enrolled. The central zones (CZ) and peripheral zones
(PZ) of prostate gland were evaluated on T2-weighted imaging (T2WI) and T2*-weighted MR
imaging (T2*WI) before and 24 hours after USPIO enhancement. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
of each anatomic zone was evaluated using region of interest measurements. The change of SNR
after USPIO enhancement was analyzed and correlated with serum level of prostate-specific
antigen (PSA) and histopathologic findings of surgically removed prostate gland.
Results: Significant decrease of SNR was noted in each anatomic zone of prostate gland after
USPIO enhancement (P<0.001). The mean percentage of SNR decrease in CZ was significantly
higher than that in PZ (P<0.05). High-grade prostate cancer was associated with significantly
higher decrease of SNR than that of intermediate grade (P<0.05). The change of SNR using T2*WI
was significantly correlated with serum PSA level (correlation coefficient=-0.568, P<0.05).
Conclusion: The preliminary results show characteristic SNR decrease within the prostate gland
with primary prostate cancer after USPIO enhancement.
Key words: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); prostate cancer; ultrasmall superparamagnetic
iron oxide (USPIO)
Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy and the third leading cause of cancer death in
the United States (1). The development of increasingly sensitive early detection strategies for
clinically localized prostate cancer, including serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) and transrectal
ultrasonography, has led to an increased number of patients who undergo radical prostatectomy for
potential cure (2). Recently magnetic resonance (MR) imaging including magnetic resonance
spectroscopy (MRS) has shown promise in detecting primary prostate cancer with reported
sensitivity of 71-97% and specificity of 88-90% (3, 4). However, there are a few important
limitations regarding MRS evaluation of prostate cancer. First, it is difficult to create a standardized,
vendor independent protocol to evaluate prostate cancer because the application is variable across
different imaging platforms. Second, patient accessibility to MRS is a problem because it is still an
expensive medical tool (5).
In recent years, ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO)-enhanced MR imaging
showed improved accuracy to differentiate benign from malignant lymph nodes in patients with
prostate cancer and various other primary tumors (6-11). Accumulation of USPIO nanoparticles in
tumors with subsequent change of MR signals has been investigated in a few experimental and
clinical studies (12-17). The purposes of our study are primarily to analyze the MR signals change
of prostate gland using USPIO contrast agent, and secondarily to evaluate the correlation
between the MR signals change and the histopathologic findings of prostate cancer.
Materials and Methods:
The institutional review board approved the study design and review of patient records and
images. All patients provided written informed consents for the examinations that were performed
and for receipt of the contrast material, which is not approved for clinical use.
From October 2000 to November 2004, ninety-eight patients with recently diagnosed or
recurrent prostate cancer were scheduled for MR imaging with USPIO contrast agent for evaluation
of lymph node metastasis at our hospital.
Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-guided biopsy of prostate prior to MR imaging was performed
in 48 (80%) of 60 patients. For these patients, the mean interval between biopsy and MR imaging
was 54.0±30.0 days (range: 17-135 days). In 4 patients, the prostate biopsy was performed after
MR imaging study. There was no history of recent prostate biopsy for the remaining 8 patients.
T1-weighted MR imaging was carefully reviewed to exclude the possibility of hemorrhage in the
prostate due to prior biopsy. Recent (less than 2 months) serum levels of prostate-specific antigen
(PSA) were obtained in 51 patients (85%), in whom the mean level of total PSA was 18.8±30.5
ng/mL (range: 1.4-178.8 ng/mL; normal range: 0-4.0 ng/mL).
MR imaging
MR imaging was performed on a 1.5 T scanner (System 9X, GE Healthcare) with
region-specific phased-array coils. Identical sequences were obtained before and 24 hours after the
administration of ferumoxtran-10 (Combidex, Advanced Magnetics; or Sinerem, Guerbet). The
pulse sequences performed included T2-weighted fast spin-echo (TR/TE, 4,500/80 ms; flip angle,
90°; field of view, 24-28 cm; slice thickness, 3 mm; matrix, 256 x 256; number of excitations, 3;
average acquisition time, 4.2 minutes), T2*-weighted gradient-echo (TR/TE, 2,100/12; flip angle,
70°; field of view, 26-28 cm; slice thickness, 3 mm; matrix, 160 x 256; number of excitations, 2;
average acquisition time, 6.4 minutes), and T1-weighted gradient-refocused echo (GRE) (TR/TE,
175/1.8; flip angle, 80°; field of view, 22-30 cm; slice thickness, 4 mm; matrix, 128 x 256; number
of excitations, 1; average acquisition time, 22 seconds) sequences obtained in different anatomic
Imaging analysis
Within the prostate, the signal intensities (SI) in four areas (central zone and peripheral zone in
each side of prostate gland) were evaluated by quantitative measurements before and after USPIO
enhanced on both T2-weighted imaging (T2WI) and T2*-weighted imaging (T2*WI). The
measurement of background noise was also performed in which the ROI was placed in the
phase-encoding direction outside the anterior abdominal wall. The size of ROI in prostate gland
varied 0.1-0.15 cm2 according to the size of gland. The size of ROI for the measurement of
background noise was limited to 0.25 cm2. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in each area of prostate
gland was calculated by dividing the measured mean SI by the standard deviation (SD) of the
background noise to normalize the SI.
To verify the MR signals change of prostate gland after enhanced with USPIO, the mean values
of SNR of all patients in each area before and after USPIO administration were compared on T2WI
and T2*WI.
Furthermore, the SNR changes of CZ and PZ of prostate gland were evaluated. Within each
area of prostate gland, the SNR change after USPIO enhancement was calculated as
SNR change= (SNRpost - SNRpre)/SNRpre 100%
Where SNRpre and SNRpost denote the signal-to-noise ratios before and after the administration of
USPIO. The mean SNR change in central zone versus that in peripheral zone, in each side of
prostate, was compared.
MR imaging and tumor characteristics
In 20 of these 60 (33%) patients (mean age: 59.1±5.8 years; range: 46-67 years), retrospective
pathologic correlation was possible between the radical prostatectomy (RP) specimen and the
USPIO-enhanced MR imaging. Using histopathologic findings of surgical specimens in these
patients, the Gleason score for prostate cancer and presence of extra-prostatic extension were
recorded. In this preliminary study, the prostate cancer was grouped based on Gleason score into
low histologic grade (Gleason score 2-5), intermediate grade (Gleason score 6-7) and high grade
(Gleason score 8-10) (21).
Statistical analysis
The mean value of SNR and percentage of SNR change in each area or zone of prostate
gland on T2WI and T2*WI were presented as mean ± SD. The comparison of SNR in each area of
prostate gland before and after USPIO administration was performed using the paired Student’s
t-test. Comparison of the SNR change between central zone and peripheral zone of prostate gland
was performed using Student’s t-test also.
MR signals of prostate gland
By quantitative measurements using ROI cursors, decreased signal intensities of prostate gland
after USPIO administration were noted on both T2WI and T2*WI. Specifically, the signal-to-noise
ratios in all four areas were significantly lower on USPIO-enhanced than those on unenhanced
images (P<0.001) (Table 1).
In the 20 patients with histopathology correlation between RP specimens and USPIO enhanced
MR images, the mean interval between MR imaging and surgery was 36.9±25.6 days (range: 2-83
days). Recent serum levels of total PSA were obtained in all 20 patients, with a mean value of
9.2±8.1 ng/mL (range: 2.7-34 ng/mL). The histopathologic examination proved the diagnosis of
prostate adenocarcinoma with Gleason score of 6 (n=9), 7 (n=7), 8 (n=2), or 9 (n=2). For the
purpose of our study, there were 16 patients of intermediate-grade (Gleason score 6 and 7) and 4
patients of high-grade (Gleason score 8 and 9) prostate cancer. In 13 patients, the histopathologic
examination showed that the tumors were confined within the prostate gland. There was
extra-prostatic extension of prostate cancer in the remaining 7 patients.
For patients with high-grade prostate cancer, there were significantly higher percentages of
SNR decrease in peripheral zone (P=0.001) and whole prostate gland (P=0.02) than those with
intermediate-grade prostate cancer using T2*WI (Table 3). There was no significant difference of
SNR change within the prostate gland between high-grade and intermediate-grade prostate cancer
using T2WI (P>0.05, t-test).
Using the Spearman rank correlation test, the percentage of SNR change in each zone of
prostate gland was not significantly correlated with serum level of total PSA. Using T2WI, the
Spearman correlation coefficient (rs) was –0.282 for CZ, -0.323 for PZ and –0.261 for whole
prostate gland (P>0.05). Using T2*WI, the rs was –0.426 for CZ, -0.426 for PZ and –0.412 for
whole prostate gland (P>0.05). However, observation of patients with normal (0-4ng/mL), mild
(4-10ng/mL) and moderate (10-20ng/mL) elevation of total PSA (22) revealed significant
correlation with SNR change using T2*WI. The rs was –0.586 for CZ, -0.611 for PZ and –0.568 for
whole prostate gland (P<0.05) (Fig. 2).
The results of our study summarize empiric observations of signal intensities change of prostate
gland on USPIO-enhanced MR imaging in patients with prostate cancer. In our study, the visual
observation was confirmed by quantitative analysis that demonstrated statistically significant lower
signal-to-noise ratios of prostate gland on USPIO-enhanced T2WI and T2*WI. Our study also
showed the decrease of SNR in CZ was higher than that in PZ of prostate gland, which indicated
that the uptake of USPIO in the CZ is greater than that of PZ. To our knowledge, there is no
previous literature describing these findings on MR imaging after USPIO administration.
Superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) particles have been used for years as negative MR
imaging contrast agents. They have marked T2 relaxivity due to their high magnetic moment, which
generates microscopic field inhomogeneities. Consequently, they produce a strong decrease in
signal intensity of the organs in which they accumulate (19, 23). USPIO nanoparticles constitute a
distinct class in this family of products. Ferumoxtran-10 is an USPIO contrast agent under clinical
development for the differentiation of metastatic or non-metastatic lymph nodes (6-11) as well as
other applications such as visualization of atherosclerotic plaque (24), imaging infection or
inflammation (25), vascular imaging (26), and demonstration and characterization of various
primary tumors (12-17).
The mechanism for the distribution of USPIO nanoparticles in tumor was considered depending
on vascular permeability and interstitial trafficking in the tumor (12, 17, 27). In Moore’s study (17)
using a gliosarcoma rodent model, the nanoparticles were identified in several cell populations,
including endothelial cells, tumor-associated macrophages, and tumor cells. In Neuwelt’s small
clinical study (28) of 7 patients with primary or metastatic brain tumors, stainable ferumoxtran-10
iron appeared in reactive cells, i.e. astrocytes and macrophages, rather than tumor cells themselves.
Neoplasm typically was infiltrated by macrophages derived from monocytes recruited from the
circulation, and these cells represented a target population that avidly internalizes USPIO
nanoparticles (17, 29).
Using T2*-weighted imaging, our study demonstrated the relationships between higher SNR
change within prostate gland and high-grade prostate cancer, and higher PSA level in the range
of less than 20ng/mL. The relationship was not demonstrated using T2-weighted imaging, which
may be partly attributed to relative insensitivity of T2-weighted MR sequence to magnetic
susceptibility effect (35). Previous studies (36, 37) have reported that the degree of intra-tumoral
infiltration of macrophages was associated with stage of tumor development and angiogenesis. We
hypothesized that prostate cancer of high histologic grade may recruit more macrophages, and as a
result, there was more uptake of USPIO and consequently more SNR decrease of prostate gland.
Our results raise the potential to use USPIO-enhanced MR imaging in the detection and
characterization of primary prostate cancer. At present, the conventional MR imaging assessment of
prostate cancer was focused on the peripheral zone, with central zone cancer remained a
challenging issue (38).
There were limitations recognized in our study. As this was a retrospective analysis of a study,
primarily performed for lymph node imaging, we lacked a detailed and robust anatomic correlation
between MR imaging and the surgical specimen of the removed prostate gland, which precluded us
from drawing stronger conclusions with respect to distribution of USPIO uptake and the differential
uptake of tumors with various histopathologic grade.
In conclusion, in patients with prostate cancer, the use of USPIO-enhanced MR imaging may
demonstrate decrease of signal-to-noise ratio of prostate gland. The decrease of SNR may be due to
uptake of USPIO by tumor-associated macrophages. The current study raises the potential to apply
USPIO-enhanced MR imaging to the detection and characterization of primary prostate cancer.
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(The references list has been truncated due to limited pages.)
Table 1. Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO)-enhanced MR imaging of prostate:
mean signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) before and after enhanced in 60 patients
P value
P value
Right CZ SNRpre
Right PZ SNRpre
Left CZ SNRpre
Left PZ SNRpre
Note: 1. Data are mean SNR in each area. 2. A threshold P value of less than 0.05 indicates
statistical significance. 3. CZ and PZ indicate central and peripheral zones, respectively; SNRpre
and SNRpost denote the SNR before and after enhanced with USPIO.
Table 2. Comparison of MR signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) change after administration of ultrasmall
superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) in 60 patients: central zone versus peripheral zone of
prostate gland
P value
P value
Right CZ (%)
Right PZ (%)
Left CZ (%)
Left PZ (%)
Note: 1. Data are percentages of SNR change. 2. A threshold P value of less than 0.05 indicates
statistical significance. 3. CZ and PZ indicate central and peripheral zones, respectively.
Table 3. Change of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on T2*-weighted MR imaging after ultrasmall
superparamagnetic iron oxide enhancement in 16 patients followed by radical prostatectomy:
comparison between intermediate (Gleason score 6 and 7) and high (Gleason score 8 and 9) grades
of prostate cancer
Histologic grade of prostate
Central zone Peripheral zone Whole prostate gland
Intermediate (n=12)
High (n=4)
Note: 1. Data are percentage of SNR change. 2. The symbols * (P=0.001) and  (P=0.02) indicate
statistically significant difference. 3. CZ and PZ indicate central and peripheral zones of prostate
州總醫院便利及功能良好之醫學影像擷取及傳輸系統(PACS 系統),得以專心從
一、 醫學期刊 Poon RT, Ng KK, Lam CM, Ai V, Yuen J, Fan ST. Radiofrequency ablation for
subcapsular hepatocellular carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol 2004; 11:281-289.
二、 醫學期刊 Mazzaferro V, Regalia E, Doci R, et al. Liver transplantation for the treatment
of small hepatocellular carcinomas in patients with cirrhosis. N Engl J Med 1996; 334:693-699.
三、 醫學期刊 Harisinghani MG, Barentsz J, Hahn PF, et al. Noninvasive detection of clinically
occult lymph-node metastases in prostate cancer. N Engl J Med 2003:348:2491-2499.