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Imperialism Test Review Sheet
1. Purdah
2. Ram Mohun Roy
3. Trade surplus
4. Guang Xu
5. Protectorat
6. Sun Yixian
7. Usman dan Fodio
8. Trade deficit
9. Shaka
10.Balance of trade
11.Explain the Social Darwinist view of Western Imperialism
12.What country did Great Britain establish for freed slaves?
13.What did David Livingstone believe would be the result of bringing
Christianity and trade to Africa?
14. What sparked the Boer Wars?
15.Why did Ethiopia remain independent?
16.What were the goals of the Qajar?
17.What was Russia looking at controlling as a result of the decline of
the Ottoman Empire?
18.What sparked the Sepoy rebellion?
19. What was the goal of the US ‘s open-door policy?
20. What was discovered in Iran that interested Western Europe?
21. Which African nation defeatd the Italians?
22. Describe the outcome of the Berlin Conference?
23. Where did Henry Stanley explore?
24. Who did the Boers clash with as they moved north?
25. Describe the catholic and Protestant missionary work in Africa?
26. Who led the Zimbabwe resistance against European Imperialism?
27. Which group was the target of Turkish genocide?
28. Who is considered the “father of modern Egypt”?
29.List the results of the Sepoy rebellion?
30.Why was the Indian National Congress formed?
31. What were the results of the Taiping rebellion?
32.What did great Britain get control of as a result of the Treaty of
33. What caused the Hundred Days of reform in China?
34. Identify the “Three principles of the People”
35. Why did the “self-strengthening movement” not work China?
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