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Unit 2 Genetics Study Guide Name _______________________________ Core 1 2 3 4 5 Extra Credit Points
This Study Guide is not required, but it is strongly recommended. You will be given 1 class periods to work on this Study
Guide and to ask me to go over anything you do not understand. A completed Study Guide will:
Help you prepare for the Common Assessment Exam on ________________________
Earn you 5 extra credit points on your final test grade.
Help you understand what you know vs. what you don’t know so you can study more effectively.
Give you links to tutorials to review key content.
The Study Guide is due on ________________, the day of the exam. No Study Guides will be accepted past the due date.
I. Genetics Vocabulary: Fill-in the word for each definition. Try to do this without the list.
a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of
most living cells, carrying genetic information in the form of genes.
deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material present in nearly all living
organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of
genetic information.
Any characteristic that can be passed/ be inherited from parent to offspring.
Section of chromosome (DNA) that codes for a specific trait.
Reproductive cell.
A diagram of the genetic history of an individual: can show how a trait is
inherited over several generations of a family. (a genetic family tree)
Any one of two or more alternative forms of a gene that may occur
alternatively at a given site on a chromosome. Alleles may occur in pairs, or
there may be multiple alleles affecting the expression of a particular trait.\
Genotype of an individual with two different alleles for a given trait.
Genotype of an individual with two of the same alleles for a given trait.
Masks the recessive allele in a heterozygous individual.
Allele that is masked by the dominant allele in a heterozygous individual.
If two alleles in a gene pair are different, then one allele can control the
expression of the trait and the other can be hidden.
A model used to show the probabilities of the results of a genetic cross.
All chromosomes with the exception of the sex chromosomes.
The pair of chromosomes that determine the gender of an individual.
Occurs when neither allele is dominant. They both have an affect on the
heterozygous individual which shows a phenotype between the two
homozygous phenotypes.
The complete genetic material contained in an individual.
The genetic make-up of an organism. Example: Aa BB cc Dd
The external appearance of an individual determined by it’s genotype.
An individual who has the allele for a trait or disease but does not have the
disease or outwardly express the trait.
* Vocab. Study Strategies –
Quiz yourself  Cover the words/ definitions with a piece of paper. Focus on starred items! Answer out-loud.
When you can confidently answer yourself, ask a friend or home supporter to give you the word and you give the
definition in the standard form, and then, explain it in your own words.
II. Key People and Discoveries in Genetics:
Greatest Discoveries in Genetics (with Bill Nye)
This is the link to the video we watched in class. You only need to watch up to 23:00 to review the key
discoveries we focused on in this unit.
Video watched ________ / 10 points Partner/ Parent Signature: _____________________________________________________
* Video Review Study Strategies – Read and highlight your original notes pages – > Class # ______: Greatest Discoveries in Genetics.
Then, put your notes aside, and simply watch the video. Pause after each segment to add your own notes about anything you found interesting
or noticed for the first time as you watched the video a second time. Let yourself get engaged, draw pictures in the margins, enjoy learning. 
Fill-in-the Blank & Match the scientists with their contributions by lightly color coding the columns.
31. “Father of Genetics” -- Worked with p___________ plants.
Mendel's First Law of Genetics (Law of Segregation):
 A gene that can exist in more than 1 form (e.g. a gene for round or
w_______________________ peas) is called an a________________________.
 When gametes are produced (by meiosis) in the parent, allele pairs
separate leaving each g_______________ with one allele for each trait.
 At fertilization, organisms inherit _____ alleles for each trait – 1 from
each p__________________.
 When the two alleles of a pair are different, one is
d____________________________ and the other is r________________________
32. Genes are Located on Specific Chromosomes. Worked with
drosophila (fruit f_________) because they have a s______________ life cycle
and produce many off-s_____________________  giving him a chance to
study many generations for i_________________________________ patterns
 Genes are located at specific locations on a chromosome which
allows them to c___________________ with each other
33. Genes Control Biochemical Events – Worked with bread m_________
 “one gene on enzyme concept”
 enzyme = ____________________________________________________________
 How does this relate to lactose intolerance or PKU?
34. Some Genes Can Jump! – Worked with corn plants
 While genes are usually located on specific locations, some
segments of genes called t________________________________ can move to
different location on a chromosomes
 This can cause m_________________________________________
35. DNA is the Genetic Material
36. DNA is a Double Helix - deoxy _______________________________________
 Made up of 4 base pairs: g_________________________, a___________________,
t___________________________, c_________________________________
43. Genetic factors that promote UNITY
III. Dominant and Recessive Alleles and Traits.
37. Avery, Pauling,
38. Gregor Mendel
39. Barbara McClintock
40. Watson & Crick
41. Thomas Hunt Morgan
42. Beadle & Tatum
44. Genetic factors that promote DIVERSITY
45. The convention for writing a dominant genotype is: ______________________________________
46. The convention to writing a recessive allele is: _____________________________________________
47. A homozygous gene has 2 of the same a________________________ for example ________________.
48. A heterozygous gene has 2 different a________________________ for example ________________.
49. For each genotype, indicate whether it is heterozygous (HE) or homozygous (HO)
AA ____
Bb ____
Cc ____
Dd ____
Ee ____
ff ____
GG ____
HH ____
Ii ____
Jj ____
kk ____
Ll ____
Mm ____
nn ____
OO ____
Pp ____
50. For each of the genotypes below, determine the phenotype.
Purple flowers are dominant to white flowers
PP ___________________________
Pp ___________________________
pp ___________________________
Brown eyes are dominant to blue eyes
BB ___________________________
Bb ___________________________
bb ___________________________
51. For each phenotype, list the genotypes. (Remember to use the letter of the dominant trait)
Straight hair is dominant to curly.
____________ straight
____________ straight
____________ curly
Pointed heads are dominant to round heads.
____________ pointed
____________ pointed
____________ round
52. One more vocabulary word … Purebreeding = ______________________________________________
53. Picture
54. Sentence
“Step 1: Who’s your mama and whose your daddy?” Name the guinea pig parents for the following
crosses using the dominance and recessive relationships below:
o Short hair (S) dominant over long hair
o Black (B) dominant over white hair
o Wacky hair (W) dominant over smooth hair
55. Homozygous short, heterozygous black
heterozygous short, heterozygous black
56. Homozygous long, heterozygous black
homozygous short, homozygous white
57. Homozygous smooth, homozygous white
heterozygous wacky, heterozygous black
58. Homozygous smooth, heterozygous black
heterozygous wacky, heterozygous black
59. Homozygous long, homozygous white
heterozygous short, homozygous black
60. Homozygous short, homozygous black
heterozygous short, homozygous white
IV. Punnett Squares: Run video to 6:00.
(R) Round is dominant and wrinkled seeds (r) are recessive.
61. Homozygous dominant x homozygous dominant
______________ x _________________
70. Homozygous recessive x homozygous recessive
______________ x ________________
62. Genotypic Ratios: ___________________________________
63. Phenotypic Ratios: _________________________________
71. Genotypic Ratios: _________________________________
72. Phenotypic Ratios: _________________________________
64. Homozygous dominant x homozygous recessive
______________ x ________________
73. Homozygous recessive x homozygous dominant
______________ x ________________
65. Genotypic Ratios: ___________________________________
66, Phenotypic Ratios: _________________________________
74. Genotypic Ratios: _________________________________
75. Phenotypic Ratios: _________________________________
Heterozygous x homozygous dominant
______________ x ______________
68. Genotypic Ratios: ___________________________________
69. Phenotypic Ratios: _________________________________
heterozygous x homozygous recessive
______________ x ____________
77. Genotypic Ratios: _________________________________
78. Phenotypic Ratios: _______________________________
Sex-linked Punnett Squares: Short 2:49 video
B = Normal sight
b = color blindness
79. XBXB x XbY
a. What proportion/percent of the male children
are colorblind? _____________
b. What proportion/percent of the female children
are colorblind? _____________
80. XBXb x XBY
a. What % of the male children are
colorblind? _____________
b. What % of the female children are
colorblind? _____________
Dihybrid Punnett Squares: Start video at 6:00
o Tall (T) and short (t)
Green (G) and white (g)
81. A tall green pea plant (TTGg) is crossed with a tall green pea plant (TtGg)
___________ X ___________
82. Genotypic Ratios
83. Phenotypic Ratios: ____ Tall/Green : ____ Tall/White : ____ Short/Green : ____ Short/ White
84. A tall green pea plant (TtGg) is crossed with a Short white pea plant (ttgg).
___________ X ___________
85. Genotypic Ratios
86. Phenotypic Ratios:
____Tall/Green : ____ Tall/white : ____ short/Green : ____ short/ white
Analyze the following dihybrid crosses for the phenotypic and genotypic ratios.
Example 1: Guinea Pigs
B = Black hair b = white hair
S = short
s = long
87. Genotypic Ratios
88. Phenotypic Ratios
Example 2: Naked Mole Rats
T = long tails t = short tails
Z = fuzz z = no fuzz
89. Genotypic Ratios
90. Phenotypic Ratios
Incomplete Dominance
V Pedigrees: Introductory Video (2:40 minutes)
95. The pedigree to the right shows a family’s pedigree
for colorblindness. Which sex can be carriers of
colorblindness and not have it? ___________________
96. With this in mind, what kind of trait is
colorblindness (use your notes)? __________________
**half-shaded = carrier of
97. Which IV females are carriers?
98. Why do all the daughters in generation II carry the
colorblind gene? ________________________________
99. Name 2 IV generation colorblind males. _________
100. Relationship between IV 1 and IV 7? _______________________ 1