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Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________ Period: ____________
Standards: 7.a-d
Objective: Review unit concepts.
Evolution Exam Review
Use your notes, activities and labs to complete the following review
Darwin's concept that the environment selects
those organisms that are best suited for
survival based on their unique characteristics
Darwin's theory (and book) that organisms
have been changing slowly over a very long
period of time due to environmental changes,
population shifts, competition, and limited
Descent with
When one group of organisms split into two
groups that cannot be rejoined
Darwin's idea that if more offspring are born
than can survive that there will be a
competition for resources and only the best
adapted will survive
Example or Drawing
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________ Period: ____________
The combination of two alleles. Expressed as
a physical trait in an organism.
The genetic blueprint for life
Organs that are not used and shrink in size due
to their limited use
Evolutionary changes that drive groups of
organisms apart
Evolutionary changes that cause separate
groups of organisms to develop similar traits
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________ Period: ____________
The group that humans, chimpanzees, and
gorillas belong to because they all of binocular
vision, opposable thumbs, and large