Download C3 Topic 3 Ammonia and Functional Groups REVISION

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C3 Topic 3 Ammonia and Functional Groups REVISION
1. What are the raw materials? Where do they come
Nitrogen comes from air
Hydrogen comes from natural gas
2. What is the catalyst for the Haber process?
3. What temperature and pressure are used for the
Haber process?
High temperature (450oC)
high pressure (200 atmospheres)
4. Why is the following reaction reversible?
Nitrogen + hydrogen
The ammonia can break back down into
nitrogen and hydrogen
5. How is the ammonia remover from the continuous
It is liquefied and removed
6. What happens to the unreacted nitrogen and
They get recycled
7. What is the word equation for the Haber process?
Nitrogen + hydrogen
8. What is the symbol equation for the Haber process?
N2 + 3H2
Higher Tier
9. What is equilibrium?
When the rate of the forward reaction is
the same as the rate of the backwards
reaction in a closed system
10. The amounts of all reacting substances at
equilibrium depends on …………………..
The conditions (temperature and
11. If the temperature is raised what happens to the
position of equilibrium?
It will go in the endothermic direction
12. If the temperature is lowered what happens to the
position of equilibrium?
It will go in the exothermic direction
13. If the pressure is raised what happens to the
position of equilibrium?
It will go to the side with few molecules
14. If the pressure is lowered what happens to the
position of equilibrium?
It will go to the side with more molecules
15. What 2 things need to be considered when
determining optimum conditions for an industrial
Rate and position of equilibrium (yield)
Functional Groups
16. What functional group do all alcohols have?
17. Give the displayed formula of methanol
18. Give the displayed formula of ethanol
19. Give the displayed formula of propanol
20. What are these groups of molecules with the same
functional groups called?
Homologous series
21. Do alcohols dissolve?
22. Is the solution formed acid, alkali or neutral?
23. Do they react with sodium? If so what gas is
Yes, hydrogen
24. What are alcohols used for?
As a fuels and solvents, and ethanol is the
main alcohol in alcoholic drinks.
25. What can ethanol be oxidised to?
Ethanoic acid
26. What is the main acid in vinegar?
Ethanoic acid
27. Write the balanced symbol equation for the
combustion of ethanol
C2H5OH + 3O2
2CO2 + 3H2O
Carboxylic Acids
28. What functional group do all carboxylic acids have?
29. Give the displayed formula of methanoic acid
30. Give the displayed formula of ethanoic acid
31. Give the displayed formula of propanoic acid
32. Do carboxylic acids dissolve?
33. Is the solution formed acid, alkali or neutral?
34. Do they react with carbonates? If so what gas is
Yes, carbon dioxide
35. What happens when a carboxylic acid and an alcohol
are mixed in the presence of an acid catalyst?
produce an ester
36. Why are they called weak acids (HT)
They do not ionise completely when
dissolved in water
aqueous solutions of weak acids have a
37. If the concentration is the same for a strong acid and
higher pH value than aqueous solutions of
a weak acid, how will their pH’s compare?
strong acids with the same concentration.
38. What is the functional group of an ester
39. What ester is made from ethanoic acid and ethanol?
Ethyl ethanoate
40. What are esters used for?
Perfumes and flavourings
41. How can you tell you have made an ester?
It has a distinctive smell
42. Esters are volatile, what does this mean?
They have a low boiling point
43. Draw the displayed formula of ethyl ethanoate