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The money generated by charcoal will be less and less due to limited number of available trees and
the environment will keep to degrade.
High magnitude of aforementioned reasons under current column
Population will need more biomass energy
Dependence of Biomass energy
More Environments will be degraded
Food insecurity due to low and unreliable rainfall, soil erosion, increased pest and disease
both in crops and livestock
Low community income due to poor production and productivity
Worse forest/environmental degradation and extreme environmental degradation
Demand of forest is high therefore more production
Income increase
More deforestation
Decrease in biodiversity
More forest goods production Carbon emission
-Value/price of forest products will increase due to increased fees and levies
-However, forest degradation shall also increase with expanding demands for forest produce
More environmental degradation due to high rate of trees harvesting.
Economy will rise by selling of forest products.
Poor conservation strategy.
Continued presence of protected areas
And continued contribution of timber to the economy of the southern highlands zone.
Afforestation in National Tree Days – no one takes care of the trees. In areas where there is
afforestation campaigns, there is no positive impact because there is no follow-up.
In Mbarali and Chunya – extensive tree-planting to no visible product.
In Sumbawanga, they plant the tree in personal/individual plots, plant it in their farms, and the trees
become theirs. This ensures more survival.
We have laws, we don’t enforce them, which means we will have worse forests. More extraction,
more degradation.
What we do best at the moment is declare forests as protected, but we don’t do much to take care
of the forests. IF we continue to not take care of the forests, then we will have more degradation;
but this may allow for more economic prosperity as people take advantage of the prohibited forest
-The presence of forest attracts various timber traders
-without funded projects the situation can worsen
The forests will be depleted
Increased forestry activities will result to increased economy
Economy will increase from timber products, charcoal and bee products products but environmental
degradation will increase (trees cutting and uncontrolled bush firing), this is because we predict in
few years to come (10 years to come) there will be natural forest e.g available Miombo woods
Economy trend will raise due to extraction of NTFPs& TFPs
While env. degradation increases
 Over exploitation of natural resources
 Increase of illegal harvesting and poaching.
 Economic growth to the minority
Political interests (i.e. Politicians supports illegal activities in the gazetted areas due to presence of
their voters)
Population growth which intensifies the demand queue
2. Plant rotation
3. Unemployment rate
Environmental will continue to be degraded and economy will go up then down abruptly due to
scarcity of resources
Overexploitation of forest resources
Shortage of rainfall
Increase of drought
Increase in global warming hence result in climatic changes
Emission of carbon gas
Deforestation increase due to human activities;
overutilization of forest products; inactive law enforcement; land use plan not implemented;
ineffective reafforastation programs (use of alien species, invasive),lack of government commitment;
No new farms
Population increased
Increased exploitation of existing forests due to increased demand