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MK201: Consumer Behaviour Marking Scheme
Answer ALL questions from section A and ONE of the three questions in section B.
This exam is ONE Hour.
Section A. (Answers can earn up to 10% each)
What are the five levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as applied to consumer behaviour?
(physiological, safety, social, ego and self-actualisation)
Give a definition of vicarious memory which can be employed by marketing planners (remembrance of
events which may never have happened)
Identify three mutual benefits of CRM (any three from trust, cost savings, problem solving, satisfying
exchange processes, reduction of anxiety and feelings of being valued)
Name four of the segmentation alternatives (any from geographic, demographic, psychographic,
behavioural, benefit, usage rate and occasion) and give a definition of one of your choice.
Section B (Answers can gain up to 60%)
How can the Expectancy Disconfirmation Performance approach assist marketing planners to devise
successful product strategies? Illustrate your answer with reference to practical examples if possible
(the answer needs to take into account the definition of this approach – the degree to which a
product/service fulfils a consumer’s needs – and apply it to either a related marketing theory,
such as the product contract, product attributes, the adoption curve or at least two aspects of
marketing strategy. It also needs to show how this approach can help marketing input to new
product/service design and relate this to an example of which the student is aware. Reasonable
discretion may be applied to their choice of example.)
What use can marketing strategists make of behavioural learning theories? How can marketers
employ such knowledge to benefit both customers and organisations? Give an example of classical
conditioning and relate it to a product/service with which you are familiar
(Answers should refer to the classical example of Pavlov’s dogs and also stress the need to
ensure that meaningful associations are made within a rapid and sequential timeframe if the
desired result is to be achieved. Credit will also be given to answers which refer to consistency
of application or to the fact that learning processes may operate simultaneously but may also
obscure the original motivation. Strong answers will also link this with the temporal contiguity
principle and draw meaningful comparisons between the two.)
What benefits to marketers can brand image deliver? Illustrate your answer with reference to the
importance of brand positioning.
(Reference should be made to:* perceptions about a brand being influenced by associations held in the consumers’ memory,
* the associative network showing that sets of ideas can be linked to a concept,
* retrieval of memory in which accessibility is important because it draws on long term memory
* priming which activates memory, sometime without the consumer being aware of this