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Large Trees (recommended)
Scientific Name
Common Name
Ilex X attenuata 'Fosteri' Foster holly
25' tall 10' wide fast growth rate
25-40' tall and half as wide; fast
Ilex X attenuata 'Savannah'
Savannah holly
growth; good fruit set
20-25' tall and wide; may need
Ilex latifolia 'Mary Nell'
Nary Nell holly
pruning to keep dense
20-30' tall and half as wide; native
Ilex cassine
Dahoon holly
plant with a more open habit
15-20' tall and wide; Fragrent flowers
Osmanthus fortunei
Fortune's osmanthus in the fall.
15-30' tall; fast grower; noted for
Ilex X Nellie R. Stevens Nellie Stevens holly dependable fruti set
40-50' tall 8-20' wide; native plant
Juniperus virginiana
Eastern red cedar
with many color and size varieations
10-20' tall and wider than tall;
cultivars are easier to find which may
Prunus laurocerasus
English laurel
only reach 4-6' tall
Thuja "Green Giant'
Ilex 'Carolina Sentinel'
Viburnum awabuki
Viburnum rhytidophyllum
Osmanthus fragrans
Prunus caroliniana
Juniperus chinensis
Green Giant
30-40' tall; fast grower; shade of
green varies with season
10-15' tall and wide; good heat and
Carolina Sentinel hollydrought tolerance
15-20' tall with a conical shape;
Chindo viburnum
lustrous leaves
15-20' tall multi-stemmed shrub; has
Leatherleaf viburnum some shade tolerance
20-30' tall slightly less wide; most
Fragrant tea-olive
fragrant osmanthus in the fall
20-30' tall and nearly as wide; well
Carolina cherrylaurel adapted native plant
Many different cultivars including
'Robusta Green' 15' tall, 'Spartan' 15Chinese junipers
20' tall 4-8' wide fast grower, and
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash
Ginkgo biloba
Female plants are messy use males
Ilex vomitoria
Yaupon Holy
Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet gum
Large tough seed pods
Pistacia chinensis
Chinese pistache
Quercus virginiana
Live oak
Ulmus parvifolia
Lacebark elm
beautiful winter bark
Any other variety approved by the zoning administrator
Small Trees (recommended)
Scientific Name
Common Name
Camellia japonica
Camellia sasanqua
Sasanqua camellia
Eleagnus pungens
Thorny eleagnus
Illicium spp.
Osmanthus heterophyllus
Holly-leaf osmanthus
Ilex cornuta
Chinese holly
Loropetalum chinense
Magnolia grandiflora
Southern magnolia
Morella cerifera
Wax myrtle
Pyracantha coccinea
Scarlet firethorn
Pyracantha koidzumii
Formosa firethorn
Ternstroemia gymnanthera
Viburnum tinus
10-15' tall 6-10' wide May
need some shade, blooms
later winter
6-10' tall blooms in fall
10-15' tall and wide.
Aggressive grower; provide
sufficient space; avoid major
pruning; may become
6-15' tall and about the same
width; noted for fragrent
8-12' tall and slightly wider;
prickly foliage; fragrant fall
10-12' tall and wide; many
different cultivars to choose
from including 'Burfordii'
10-15' tall and wide; in cold
years may be semievergreen; many different
cultivars with varying hight
and foliage color from green
to deep maroon
Several cultivars available
with varying height and
width; large, tough foliage
may be messy in some
10-15' tall and wide; native to
the area; noted for fragrent
6-20' tall and wide; re-orange
fruits in fall
8-12' tall and wide; bright red
8-10' tall and half as wide,
grows best in afternoon shade
6-12'tall and less wide;
flowers in winter
Lagerstroemia indica
Crepe myrtle
Summer flowers
Any other variety approved by the zoning administrator
Shrubs (recommended)
Shrubs shall be of an evergreen variety maturing to a height of four (4) to
five (5) feet.