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LGBT+ Words – 2016
Allies: People who work for equality, especially if they are not a member of the
group facing prejudice or discrimination.
Bisexual: Someone who is attracted to women and men.
Biphobia: Prejudice or discrimination towards bisexual people.
Biphobic bullying: Bullying based on prejudice or discrimination towards
bisexual people.
Coming out: The process of understanding yourself and telling others that you
are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or non-binary.
Cisgender: Someone who is not transgender.
Gay: Someone who is primarily attracted to people of the same gender. In the
past, the term ‘homosexual’ was used. Gay usually refers to males as many
women prefer to call themselves lesbian.
Gender identity: A person’s deeply felt internal identity as female, male, or
another identity such as non-binary.
Gender expression: How people show their gender, through their clothes,
hair, voice, etc.
Heterosexual/straight: Someone who is attracted to people of another
Homophobic bullying: Bullying based on prejudice or discrimination towards
LGBT people.
Intersex: Intersex people have various sex characteristics (e.g. chromosomes
or genitals) that do not belong strictly to what we see as male or female
categories, or that belong to both at the same time. The term ‘intersex’ also
stands for acceptance of the physical fact that sex is a spectrum (rather than an
either/or category) and people with variations of sex characteristics exist.
Lesbian: A woman who is primarily attracted to other women.
LGBT+: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans people. The plus sign includes nonbinary people.
LGBT+ bullying: Bullying based on prejudice or discrimination towards LGBT+
Sexual Orientation: The attraction people feel towards others based on their
Transgender or Trans: An umbrella term for those whose gender identity
and/or gender expression differs from the sex they were given at birth.
Transition: A process in which trans people begin to live as the gender with
which they identify, rather than the sex they were given at birth. Transition may
include, e.g. social, medical or legal changes, e.g. coming out to family and
friends, changing one’s appearance and/or name, pronoun and legal documents,
and medical treatment (e.g. hormones, hormone blockers or surgery.)
Non-Binary: An umbrella term which includes individuals who see their gender
identity as a combination of male and female or between or beyond genders.
Gender Fluid: This is the self-description of people who deeply feel they have
different gender identities at different times.
Transphobic bullying: Bullying based on prejudice or discrimination towards
transgender people.