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Birth Control Bulletin Board Information Sheet
Child Studies 11
Outcome 1c: Describe and compare various methods of contraceptives
You will choose a method of birth control that has been discussed in
class and complete research to design an informative sheet (1 page
only!). It should be completed for appropriate use on our bulletin
board. This is to be completed using a computer software program…
Word, Publisher, etc. You will be given class time to complete this.
Copying and pasting is considered plagiarism… You can obtain
diagrams from the Internet, but please state the website from which it
was taken. All text information must be in your own words. Please
indicate on the sheet where your information was found!!
You must include:
How (where) it is used on the body
How it works (prevents pregnancy)
Where it can be purchased/obtained
Pros (advantages)
Cons (disadvantages)
“Other” (additional information)
Diagrams may be included but are not required. Be sure to organize
your information well and include graphics.
Once you are done, work as a group to decide on the layout of the
bulletin board. Birth control methods of the same “type” should be
grouped together. A statement about the two most effective methods
should also be posted.