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Political science –US Government
Notes 2-3-16
Why do Americans hold the values that they hold the federal
government has become intrusive and over barring?
Barry Goldwater –runner against Lyndon Johnson he was a guy the
government didn’t want him to become a presidential nominee and
he said the federal government had no business legislating bill
of rights this nation achieved a lot.
Elective central government one that has power to make people do
things that it wants people do. The government has power to make
you think about making the right decisions were once 13
independent States at first the objective was to have a war.
Congenital congress had no power no money because they didn’t
have tax
Consent has always been important this notion of consent has
been driven to us
“your taking our land without our consent ‘’-The army was made
up of volunteers they said they listen to them
mythology is what feeds our values
these states declared independence all people thought America
was which was a land mass
the first form of government was effective we new we needed war
and safety
consent-social contract we needed to be safe and go to war.
Defense and safety is the most important
We were waging more with militias the safety was straining
failing to shoot
We won the war with a government that had power
Coe up with state constitutionals’ not nation which wasn’t in
our vocabulary
The stets war only states sovereign come up with constitution ,3
ranks of government
New Hampshire came up with Thiers first e world
Massachusetts still has their written constituting and is the
longest lived constitution in the
British rule-the problem here is that the British are tyrants
Tyrant-brutal oppressive word
The way Jefferson defined tyranny the British government was
tyrannical it didn’t obtain of government the States.
The British has violated he has violated a social as to rule
with consent it doesn’t have the right to have sovereign
exclusive over people.
Republicanism -they have a representative self governing thought
your representatives and would lead to anarchy.
of exchange-goods and services john lock is very important in
this ides
we consent to a government limited to protecting our pursuit of
of independence don’t require foot notes. Jefferson
called it the greatest little book in history
the blue bloods of monarch kings and queens has to do with
people being reasonable about things. And specifically
government says that government is them to protect. we want
government to be more life liberty and property
hogs to college to build your property
inherit defensiveness
the idea that its our lives, our property, developing property
his wealth is the brag of his needs
we have had an obsession with freedom Many people are poor and
believe Donald trump for his wealth how do we protect our
1. Sovereignty
2. independence
3. freedom
league of friendships united nations