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Who Lives There?
Produced and presented by:
Mrs. Thomas’ and Mr.
Napier’s Grade 4 Wizards
Spider Monkey
§ Habitat : In the canopy of the Amazon rainforest.
§ Food:Ripe fruit and leaves.
§ Spider Monkeys have a rubbery tips to their tail to
help when swinging through the trees. They also
have very long arms and legs for swinging through
the trees. Their body grows to 60cm long and
their tail to 90cm long.
§ Rachel
§ Habitat : Tropical rainforest
§ Food:
Leaves and fruit
§ Special Characteristics: They have very sharp
claws to help them climb trees.
The Colugos have short brown/grey fur and their
body is 42cm long and their tail is 12 cm long.
§ Information collected by:
§ Habitat : Caves, and trees in Tropical rainforests.
§ Food :Fruit, nectar , leaves and pollen.
§ Special Characteristics: Small, sausage shaped,
black body, fox like head, black bat wings.
Their wing span is nearly 2 metres.
It is one of the larges bats. Their wings are made
of flexible skin stretched over its
§ elongated fingers.
§ It only weighs 1 kg.
§ Information : Zacc
§ On the forest floor in the southern part of Cape York.
§ Snails, insects, fruit, seeds and fungi.
§ The Cassowary has a big, helmet-like bone on the top of its head.
They are black in colour with a purple-blue face and reddish-orange
‘wattle’ hanging from its neck. It lays pea-green eggs and only six of
them at a time. They build a mound and lay their eggs into it. The
male sits on them and they take 50 days to incubate. The male
continues to look after the chicks for 9 months.
The male Cassowary grows to 1.6 metres high
and the female is slightly bigger.
§ By: Sally, Rebecca & Jemma
§ On the forest floor in Australia and New Guinea
§ Insects, seeds, berries and fruit and also require water.
§ The male Bird collects leaves and sticks for their nest which is called
a Bower. The male decorates it with flowers, shells and sometimes
even glass. The male Bower Bird is blue and black in colour
and the female is yellow. They both have blue eyes. They grow to
approximately 27-33cm. There are 19 different species in the
Bower Bird family.
§ By: Kyle, Roxanne, Kylah
In the tropical forests of New Guinea
and north eastern Australia often in
mountainous terrain.
Eats Leaves and fruit.
It grown to a length of 52-80cm with a tail nearly one
metre long.
§ It feeds at night. The Tree Kangaroo is very different
from other kangaroos. It prefers to walk rather than
hop. They can leap up to 9 metres from one branch to
the next.
» By:
§ Rainforest of Cape York.
§ Eats Leaves and fruits of the forest.
§ The Cuscus is spotted black and brown in patches all
over.It has a tail which is about a metre long which it curls
up when scared. They also have long claws, up 60cm.
The Spotted Cuscus carries its baby
§ in a pouch for 3 or 4 months.
§ By: Lisa
§ In the Tropical and Sub-tropic of Australia in fresh waters of rivers
and streams. It lives part of the time on land and part of the time
in the water.
The Platypus eats worms, insect larvae, molluscs, crustaceans and
vegetation which it crushes with its horny plates in the bill (mouth).
§ The male has a poisonous spur on their hind legs which can kill
small animals and inflict painful wounds on larger ones. The
young suckle milk from the mother for about 5 months. The Platypus
grows to about 61 cm long and weighs approximately 1.8 kg.
They have a coat of dark brown to yellow fur, with webbed feet
and a flat rubbery bill.
The female digs a burrow in river banks and lays her eggs
which hatch in 8-10 days.
§ By: Leith
§ Lives In South East Asia in treetop canopies
and eats flies, insects and grasshoppers.
§ Flying Dragons are like a lizard. They have
a flap of skin from their front and hind legs
which acts like a wing when they fly from
tree to tree.
§ In a dark, damp swamp.
§ Flies, and insects.
§ The Green Tree Frog can grow quite big
and is a plain green colour.
They are quite harmless.
§ By Abby
§Pythons live in many different areas,
from the desert to rainforests.
Indian Rock Pythons live in rocky mountain
§gorges in the rainforest areas. They feed on
§warm-blooded animals like rock wallabies, scrub wallabies and scrub
turkeys. Indian Rock Pythons grow to about four metres long. They are very
strong and have broad or wide heads and thick bodies compared to other
kinds of snakes. Indian Rock Pythons, like most other snakes, are deaf and
mute. They are nocturnal. This means they sleep during the day and are
awake all night. Female Pythons lay between 15 - 100 eggs. The mother
curls her body around the eggs until they hatch which is called brooding.