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Picking a name … Fighting over the name..!
This is an interesting story, Just like any loving couple in the world, once they tie the knot they start
thinking of their future babies’ names. yhey become close they start choosing names for the future
Yazan and I chose the boy’s name but we never agreed on the girl’s name. Don’t know why, but this was
the case. I really admired the name Omar but I had no idea why Yazan never liked it.
(I will investigate later!) We decided that the crown prince would be named “Zaid” (at least we agreed
on something) We decided that the boy will be named Zeid. I loved Omar much more and I wanted that
name, but he never likes this name and so we agreed in Zeid. Ever since, my nick name is “um el zooz”
people found it funny when Yazan calls me that since my name has not a single Z in it  but this is the
story behind it. I think that cleared up why my friends couldn’t relate when Yazan used to call me “Em el
zooz”. Mera? Em El zooz? Huh?!
Well, as you all know now the baby turned out to be a girl <3. So, here is where the war ignited! Every
name I’d suggest he’d refuse. (Isn’t that what men normally do!? ) He suggested Jana but I didn’t like it
because I felt it would be a bad omen. A storm that hit Amman was named Jana during my pregnancy so
I didn’t feel good about it. Talia, do you know that almost every member in my social circle and all the
search engines I know about assisted in choosing a name for you! You were a celebrity already!
Our concern was to choose a name that wouldn’t socially embarrass you, would be religiously
acceptable and sounded modern. Among the top ten names, Yazan (finally) fell in love with “Talia”. It
was the name of a daughter of one of his friends. He was already enchanted by that Talia. It also holds a
beautiful meaning “Light from Heaven”. Talia you are our light from heaven. You are my Talia.
Once I found out the baby’s gender, we started looking up for names, and every name I suggest he
refuses and the only names he suggested “janaa” I did not like because they names a storm after this
name in Amman during my pregnancy and I felt it’s a bad omen. So the online search begun and the
phone calls to friends and family in the attempt of finding a cool name was on. Our only concern was
that we choose a name that won’t embarrass her in school, is religiously acceptable and sounds modern
too. Among the list of 10 names I liked, yazan fell in love with only Talia and this is because his friend’s
daughter who is gorgeous by all means and the most beautiful baby girl we saw made us even like the
name more and more. On top of that, I found out that the name means “light from heaven” and this was
the final call for us to 100% agree on Talia.