Download TRIGGER POINT DRY NEEDLING What is Trigger Point Dry

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What is Trigger Point Dry Needling?
Trigger point dry needling (TDN) is a treatment technique which uses fine, filamenttype needles to release tight muscles with the goal of permanently reducing muscle pain
and dysfunction. Utilizing trigger point dry needing allows a faster return to pain-free
How Does TDN Work?
Dry needling works to deactivate trigger points in the muscle, desensitize associated
structures, and restore function by:
- Decreasing spontaneous electrical activity
- Releasing muscle shortening
- Removing the source of irritation
- Promoting healing
Is There Research to Support the Use of TDN?
Research has shown that there is increased spontaneous electrical activity at the site of
an active trigger point. This electrical activity is kind of like “buzzing”, which causes the
nerve-muscle connection to trigger the muscle to be tight. This tightness can cause the
joint to have decreased range of motion, and many times will even restrict the joint
enough to limit normal functional activities of the whole body. Dry needling has been
shown to decrease or completely eliminate this spontaneous electrical activity by
eliciting a twitch response in the muscle, which “resets” its electrical conduction system.
In addition, new research has reported that dry needling can also reduce levels of
inflammatory and pain-producing chemicals that are found at an active trigger point,
ultimately reducing pain and dysfunction of the muscle, as well of the nerves and joints
in its vicinity. This release can immediately improve range of motion, decrease pain and
improve function.
How Do Myofascial Trigger Points Develop?
Trigger points develop in the muscle as a result of various stresses, such as: postural,
repetitive motion, hormones, psychological, and/or emotional stresses. Trigger points
are more likely to develop in tissue whose associated nerves are compromised by factors
such as mechanical compression of the nerve, disc dysfunction, facet joint dysfunction,
vascular compression, metabolic stress, biomechanical stress, postural stress, etc.
Why Do We Want to Deactivate Trigger Points?
When muscles develop trigger points, they remain tight, causing the compression of
blood vessels, nerves and joint structures in that area. This can affect the normal
function of that tissue, and possibly even affect other tissues that the involved nerve
communicates with.
How is TDN Different from Acupuncture?
TDN is a treatment that uses acupuncture needles, but that is where the similarity to
acupuncture ends.
- more superficial treatment that is
based on Traditional Chinese
Medicine focus of restoring energy
or "Qi" to the body
- it is thought there are blockages
that can be opened by properly
placing needles along energy
channels called meridians
Trigger Point Dry Needling
- directly treats the neuromuscular
system affecting muscle tightness,
joint mobility, and symptoms of
pain and irritation
- it is thought that if you adequately
release the muscle, the tissues are
then allowed to assume normal
function with improved
neurological conduction and blood
What Does It Feel Like?
People experience differing sensations with TDN. Most people only feel minimal
discomfort as the needles are inserted. Patients often feel a significant cramping
sensation from the twitch response, but then feel an immediate improvement in their
Is There Any Special Advice to Follow After a TDN Treatment?
Stay hydrated: drink lots of water
Light physical activity only for the rest of the day (stretching is great!)
Ice or heat may be applied following a treatment for patient comfort
Muscle soreness is common and can be expected for 1-2 days following needling
(it may feel like your muscles have done a workout)
Avoid deep tissue massage as it will likely be uncomfortable
Contact your health care practitioner if you have any questions or concerns