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Solve 3,4&6
1. The figure shows a cylindrical
tank with 0.25 in-thick walls
containing water. What is the force
on the bottom? What is the force
on the annular surface MM? Find
the longitudinal tensile stress the
sidewalls BB if (a) the tank is
suspended from the top; (b) it is
supported on the bottom. Neglect
the weight of the tank.
2. Find the minimum value of z for which the gate in the figure will rotate counter clock
wise if the gate is (a) rectangular,
4 by 4ft; (b) triangular, 4-ft base
as axis, hight 4 ft. Neglect friction
in bearings.
3. Find the magnitude and point of application of the
force on the circular gate shown in the figure?
4. Referring to the figure, what value of b is
necessary to keep the rectangular masonry wall
from tiding if it weighs 150 Ib/ft³ and the
coefficient of friction is 0.4? Will it also be safe
against ertuning? Assume that water does not get
underneath the block.
5. The gate MN in the figure rotates about an axis
through N. if the width perpendicular to the
plane of the figure is 4 ft, what torque applied to
the shaft through N is required to hold the gate
6. Determine the magnitude of the
force F required to open the gate
shown in the figure. The gate is
hinged at point A. The fluid on both
sides is water of
The center of gravity (G) and moment of inertia (I) of some important geometrical figures is
given below: