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d - d /d day per day
D - D aspartic acid.
D - D day.
D - D diopter (lens strength)
D&C - D&C dilatation and curettage.
D&E - D&E dilatation and evacuation.
D&I - D&I dry and intact (wound dressings).
D&V - D&V diarrhea and vomiting.
D-LST - D-LST drug lymphocyte stimulation test.
D-spine - D-spine dorsal spine (thoracic spine).
D/A - D/A date of accident.
D/A - D/A date of admission.
D/BMD - D/BMD Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies.
D/C - D/C diarrhea/constipation.
D/C - D/C discharge.
D/C - D/C discontinue.
D/DW - D/DW dextrose in distilled water
D/H - D/H drug history.
D/NS - D/NS dextrose in normal saline
D/W - D/W dextrose in water.
D/W - D/W discussed with.
D1 – D12 - D1 – D12 dorsal vertebrae (thoracic vertebrae).
D1OW - D1OW 10% aqueous dextrose solution.
D5 - D5 anti-microphtalmia transcription factor antibody (for diagnosis of clear cell
sarcoma/malignant melanoma of soft parts).
D5%DW - D5%DWdextrose 5% in distilled water
D5%NS - D5%NS dextrose 5% in normal saline
D5LR - D5LR dextrose 5% with lactated ringers
D5W - D5W 5% dextrose in water.
DA - DA degenerative arthritis.
DA - DA inbred strains of rats [DA(RT1a/AgB4)].
DAB - DAB diaminobenzidine (chromogen for peroxidase-based detection systems).
DAB - DAB dorsal abductors.
Dabs - Dabs absorbed radiation dose.
Dabs - Dabs degassed by O2 absorption (lungs).
DABS - DABS Derogatis Affects Balance Sheet.
DABS - DABS diazobenzene sulfonate.
DABS-AA - DABS-AA dimethylaminoazobenzenesulfonyl-amino acid.
DABS-Cl - DABS-Cl dimethylaminoazobenzenesulfonyl chloride.
DABS-L-Met-dl-(O) - DABS-L-Met-dl-(O) 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-sulfonyl-Lmethionine-dl-sulfoxide.
DAF - DAF decay-accelerating factor (CD55) - regulates C3.
DAG - DAG diacylglycerol.
DAISY - DAISY the dairy information system (UK).
DAN - DAN24-diaminonaphthalene.
DAN - DAN danazol.
DAN - DAN diabetic autonomic neuropathy.
Dan-MONICA - Dan-MONICA Danish MONItoring trends in CArdiovascular diseases
DAN-PSS - DAN-PSS Danish Prostate Symptom Score.
DAO - DAO dog aorta.
DAP - DAP Draw a Person Test.
DAP - DAP dystrophin associated protein.
DAP-Kinase - DAP-Kinase death-associated protein kinase.
DAPC - DAPC dystrophin-associated protein complex.
DAPK - DAPK death-associated protein kinase.
DAPT - DAPT diphtheria acellular pertussis and tetanus toxoids.
DAR - DAR double-antibody radioimmunoassay.
DAT - DAT dementia of the Alzheimer's type.
DAT - DAT diet as tolerated.
DAT - DAT direct antibody testing.
DATT - DATT Defense Attaché.
DAV - DAV dapple apple viroid.
DB - DB date of birth.
db - db decibel.
DB - DB disability.
DBI - DBI diazepam binding inhibitor.
DBM - DBM demineralized bone matrix.
DBP - DBP demineralized bone powder.
DBP - DBP diastolic blood pressure.
DBP - DBP dibutyl phthalate.
DBPCFC - DBPCFC double-blind placebo controlled food challenge.
DBSC - DBSC double-breath single cycle.
DBW - DBW deficit birthweight.
DBW - DBW desirable body weight.
DBW - DBW diabetic black women.
DBW - DBW dosing body weight.
DBW - DBW dry body weight.
DC - DC dendritic cells.
DC - DC direct current.
DC - DC disc discharged discontinue.
dc - dc discontinue.
DC - DC doctor of chiropractic.
DC&B - DC&B dilation curettage and biopsy.
DCA - DCA directional coronary atherectomy (for coronary ostial lesions).
DCBE - DCBE double-contrast barium enema.
DCC - DCC dextran-coated charcoal.
DCC - DCC direct current contershock.
DCGF - DCGF dry corn gluten feed.
DCH - DCH23-dicyanohydroquinone.
DCH - DCH Day-case haemorrhoidectomy.
DCH - DCH deep cerebral hemorrhages.
DCH - DCH delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity.
DCH - DCH diffuse chorioamnionic hemosiderosis.
DCH - DCH diffuse choroidal hemangiomas.
DCh - DCh dorsochiasmatic area.
DCH - DCH double-crush hypothesis.
DCIS - DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ - type of breast cancer.
DCM - DCM dilated cardiomyopathy.
DCP - DCP des-g-carboxy prothrombin specific for HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma).
DCS - DCS decompression sickness.
DCT - DCT distal convoluted tubule.
DD - DD discharge diagnosis.
DD - DD dry dressing.
DDAVP - DDAVP desmopressin acetate.
DDAVP - DDAVP desmopressin test for urine osmolality.
ddC - ddC zalcitabine.
DDD - DDD degenerative disk disease.
DDH - DDH developmental dysplasia of the hip (case report).
ddI - ddI didanosine.
DDP - DDP diamminedichloroplatinum.
DDS - DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery.
DDT - DDT chlorphenotane.
DDx - DDx differential diagnosis.
DE - DE delayed excitation.
DEA - DEA diethylamine.
DEA - DEA Drug Enforcement Agency.
DEAE - DEAE diethylaminoethyl.
DEC - DEC deceased; decrease
DEF - DEF defecation.
DEF - DEF deferred.
DEF - DEF deficient.
DEG - DEG degeneration.
Derm - Derm dermatology
DES - DES describe.
DES - DES desflurane.
DES - DES diethylstilbestrol.
DET - DET determine
DEV - DEV deviation.
DEXA - DEXA dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (accuDEXA™ bone densitometer by
Schick Technologies).
DF - DF dorsiflexion.
DFA - DFA direct fluorescent antibody test.
DFI - DFI disease free interval.
DFID - DFID British Department of International Development (Formerly ODA).
DFMO - DFMO DL-alpha-difluoromethylornithine.
DFS - DFS disease free survival (time without disease prior to relapse or last follow-up).
DFSP - DFSP dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.
DFX - DFX desferrioxamine.
DGC - DGC differentiated type gastric carcinoma.
DGC - DGC dystrophin-glycoprotein complex.
DGCR - DGCR DiGeorge chromosomal region.
DGGE - DGGE denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.
DGGE - DGGE denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.
DGI - DGI disseminated gonococcal infection.
DGM - DGM duodenal gastric metaplasia.
DGR - DGR duodenogastric reflux.
DGS - DGS DiGeorge syndrome.
DH - DH dermatitis herpetiformis.
DHA - DHA docosahexanoic acid.
DHEA - DHEA dehydroepiandrosterone.
DHEA-ST - DHEA-ST dehydroepiandrosterone sulfotransferases.
DHEAS - DHEAS dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.
DHF - DHF dorsi-hyperflexion.
DHHS - DHHS Department of Health and Human Services.
DHL - DHL diffuse histocytic leukemia.
DHS - DHS dynamic hip screw.
DI - DI date of injury.
DI - DI diabetes insipidus.
diag - diag diagnosis diagnostic.
DIC - DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Dict. - Dict. dictation.
DIF - DIF direct immunofluorescence.
DIFF - DIFF diff differential blood count.
DIL - DIL dilated.
DIL - DIL dilute.
DIM - DIM diminished.
Dind - Dind indicative radiation dose.
DIP - DIP desquamative interstitial penumonitis.
DIP - DIP distal interphalangeal joints.
DIP - DIP distal interphalangeal.
DIPJ - DIPJ distal interphalangeal joint.
DIPP - DIPP diisopropyl phosphate.
dIPSPs - dIPSPs depolarizing inhibitory postsynaptic potentials.
DIS - DIS disabled.
DIS - DIS disease.
DISH - DISH diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis.
DISI - DISI dorsal intercalate segment instability.
DISL - DISL dislocate; dislocation.
DISP - DISP disposition.
DIST - DIST distal.
DIST - DIST distended.
DIT - DIT diiodotyrosine.
DIW - DIW dextrose in water.
DJD - DJD degenerative joint disease.
DKA - DKA diabetic ketoacidosis.
DKA - DKA did not keep appointment.
DKB - DKB deep knee bends.
dl - dl deciliter - 0.01 liters (100 ml).
DL - DL dual lumen.
DLA - DLA dorsolateral area.
DLC - DLC diamond-like carbon (coatings).
DLCL - DLCL diffuse large cell lymphoma.
DLCO - DLCO diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide.
DLDH - DLDH dementia lacking distinctive histopathology.
DLE - DLE discoid lupus erythematosus.
DLI - DLI donor lymphocyte infusion.
DLO - DLO d-limonene 12-epoxide.
DLO - DLO dorsolateral outflow.
DLO - DLO octopamine-IR.
DLS - DLS date last seen.
DLT - DLT dose limiting toxicity - determined by phase 1 studies.
DM - DM diabetes mellitus.
DM - DM diastolic murmur.
DM1 - DM1 myotonic dystrophy gene.
DM2 - DM2 myotonic dystrophy gene 2 (linked to chromosome 3q).
DMA - DMA dog mesenteric artery.
DMARD - DMARD disease modifying antirheumatic drugs.
DMC - DMC Data Monitoring Committee.
DMD - DMD 3-(s)-[(dodecyloxycarbonyl)methyl]-14-dioxane-25-diones.
DMD - DMD daily maintenance dose.
DMD - DMD delayed mental development.
DMD - DMD depression and manic depression.
DMD - DMD desmethyldiltiazem.
DMD - DMD desmethyldoxepin.
DMD - DMD diastolic myocardial dysfunction.
DMD - DMD dietary management of diarrhea.
DMD - DMD differential metabolic display.
DMD - DMD differentially methylated domain.
DMD - DMD digitoxigenin monodigitoxoside.
DMD - DMD dimethadione.
DMD - DMD dimethyldioxirane.
DMD - DMD discontinuous molecular dynamics.
DMD - DMD disease modifying drug
DMD - DMD disseminated malignant disease.
DMD - DMD disseminated mycobacterial disease.
DMD - DMD Doctor of Dental Medicine.
DMD - DMD dorsal medullary depressor area.
DMD - DMD Drug Misuse Databases.
DMD - DMD drusen-related macular degeneration.
DMD - DMD dry matter digestibility.
DMD - DMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
DMD - DMD Dynia-Majan-Drdlicka factor
DMD - DMD Dystonia Musculorum Deformans
DMD - DMD dystrophin.
DMG - DMG dimethylglycine.
DMI - DMI Desipramine (Norpramin).
DMI - DMI dry matter intake.
DMN - DMN dorsal motor nucleus.
DMP - DMP data management plan.
DMPK - DMPK dystrophia myotonica-protein kinase (gene on chromosome 19q).
DMR - DMR direct myocardial revascularization.
DMS or MSM - DMS or MSM dimethylsulfone or methylsulfonylmethane
DMSO - DMSO dimethyl sulfamethoxazole (cryoprotective used to store cells from
patients undergoing autologous transplantation).
DMSO - DMSO dimethylsulfoxyde.
DMT1 - DMT1 divalent metal transporter 1.
DMV - DMV dog mesenteric vein.
DMV - DMV dorsal metatarsal veins.
DN - DN double negative.
DNA - DNA deoxyribonucleic acid.
DNA - DNA did not attend (clinic).
DNC - DNC dominant-negative complementation.
DND - DND died a natural death.
DNI - DNI do not intubate.
DNI/DNR - DNI/DNR do not intubate do not resuscitate.
DNKA - DNKA did not keep appointment
dNM - dNM 1-deoxynojirimycin.
dnm - dnm daunosamine.
DNM - DNM delayed nonmatching-to-sample.
DNM - DNM descending necrotizing mediastinitis.
DNM - DNM desmoplastic neurotropic melanoma.
DNM - DNM dominant negative mutant.
DNR - DNR daunorubicin.
DNR - DNR do not resuscitate.
DNR - DNR dorsal nerve root.
DNS - DNS did not show for appointment.
DO - DO doctor of osteopathy.
DO - DO dorsal outflow.
DOA - DOA day of admission.
DOA - DOA dead on arrival.
DOB - DOB date of birth.
DOC - DOC deoxycholate.
DOC - DOC deoxycorticosterone.
DOC - DOC died of other causes.
DOD - DOD date of death.
DOD/OSD - DOD/OSD Department of Defense/Office of the Secretary of Defense.
DOE - DOE date of examination.
DOE - DOE Department of Energy.
DOE - DOE dyspnea on exertion.
DOES - DOES disorder of excessive somnolence (narcolepsy).
DOI - DOI date of injury.
DOJ - DOJ Department of Justice.
DON - DON demyelinating optic neuritis.
DOS - DOS date of surgery.
DOS - DOS Department of State.
DOT - DOT date of transfer.
DOT - DOT Department of Transportation.
DP - DP deep pulse.
DP - DP diastolic pressure.
DP - DP distal pulses.
DP - DP dorsalis pedis pulse.
DP - DP dorsalis pedis.
DPC - DPC desaturated phosphatidylcholine.
DPC - DPC desaturated phosphatidylcholine.
DPC - DPC diethypyrocarbonate.
DPC - DPC diethypyrocarbonate.
DPC - DPC direct patient care.
DPC - DPC direct patient care.
DPC - DPC disseminated peritoneal cancer.
DPC - DPC distal palmar crease.
DPC - DPC distal palmar crease.
DPC - DPCdelayed primary closure.
DPC - DPCdelayed primary closure.
DPD - DPD diffuse pulmonary disease.
dpdt - dpdt time derivative of left ventricular pressure.
DPDT-SP - DPDT-SP D-Pro2-D-Trp79-SP.
DPGN - DPGN diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis.
DPH - DPH diphenylhydantoin.
DPKO - DPKO Department of Peacekeeping Operations.
DPL - DPL diagnostic peritoneal lavage.
DPM - DPM dipyridamole.
DPM - DPM direct photometric method.
DPM - DPM disintegrations per minute.
DPM - DPM Doctor of Podiatric Medicine.
DPM - DPM dog pancreas microsomal membranes.
DPPC - DPPC dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine.
DPT - DPT diphtheria pertussis tetanus immunization.
DPTA - DPTA diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid.
DPV - DPV diameter of portal vein.
DR - DR delivery room.
DR - DR diabetic retinopathy.
DR - DR diagnostic radiology.
DR - DR dorsal root.
dr - dr dram.
DR - DR dressing.
DR - DR HLA DR antigen.
DRE - DRE digital rectal examination.
DREZ - DREZ dorsal root entry zone.
DRG - DRG diagnosis-related groups.
DRG - DRG dorsal root ganglion.
DRG/PPS - DRG/PPS diagnosis-related-group/prospective-payment system.
DRN - DRN disaster relief nurse.
Drng - Drng drainage.
Drsg - Drsg dressing.
DRSP - DRSP drospirenone.
DRT - DRT daily rumination time.
DRT - DRT delay-reduction theory.
DRT - DRT Developmentally Regulated EPH-related Tyrosine kinase gene.
DRT - DRT deviation ratio topography.
DRT - DRT device readiness test.
DRT - DRT device-related thrombosis.
DRT - DRT dexamethasone-resistant thymocytes.
DRT - DRT Diagnostic-Rhyme Test.
DRT - DRT dichotic rhyme task.
DRT - DRT Diet Readiness Test.
DRT - DRT diffraction Radon transform.
DRT - DRT diffuse rhythmic theta (waves).
drt - drt diffusional response time.
DRT - DRT digestion-related thermogenesis.
DRT - DRT discriminative reaction time.
DRT - DRT discriminative response task.
DRT - DRT disjunctive reaction time.
DRT - DRT DNA-damage-repair/toleration activities.
DRT - DRT dopamine replacement therapy.
DRt - DRt dorsal reticular nucleus.
DRT - DRT dorsal root terminals.
DRT - DRT dorsal roots.
DRT - DRT Drug resistant typhoid fever.
DRT - DRT dynamic regional thresholding.
dRT-PCR - dRT-PCR differential RT-PCR.
DRUDP - DRUDP Division of Reproductive and Urologic Drug Products.
DRUJ - DRUJ distal radioulnar joint.
DRUL - DRUL distal radioulnar ligaments.
DS - DS diagnostic sensitivity.
DS - DS Durie-Salmon stage.
DSA - DSA defibrillation systems analyser.
DSA - DSA digital substraction angiography.
DSA - DSA digital subtraction angiography.
DSC - DSC differential scanning calorimetry.
DSCA - DSCA Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
DSD - DSD discharge summary dictated.
DSD - DSD dry sterile dressing.
DSE - DSE disposable smoke evacuator.
DSG - DSG dressing.
DSG - DSG dry sterile gauze.
DSH - DSH domestic shorthaired cat.
DSHEA - DSHEA Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act.
DSK-TNM - DSK-TNM Deutschsprachiges TNM-Komitee.
DSM - DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.
DSP - DSP decreased sensory perception.
DSR - DSR Dahl salt-resistant rats.
DSs - DSs Dahl salt-sensitive.
DSS - DSS decision support system.
DSS - DSS Dejerine-Sottas Syndrome.
DSS - DSS dengue shock syndrome.
DSS - DSS Department of Social Services.
DSS - DSS dextrane sulfate sodium.
DSS - DSS digit symbol subtest.
DSS - DSS distal splenorenal shunt.
DSS - DSS disuccinimidyl suberate.
DSS - DSS double simultaneous stimulation.
DSSD - DSSD drug safety and surveillance management.
DST - DST dexamethasone suppression test.
DST - DST distal straight tubule.
DSV - DSV Deep Submergence Vehicle.
DSV - DSV dense-cored vesicles.
DSV - DSV desulfoviridin.
DSV - DSV diameter of splenic vein.
DSV - DSV diastolic septal velocity.
DSV - DSV diethylamine shift value.
DSV - DSV diffuse sclerosing variant of papillary thyroid carcinomas.
DSV - DSV digital subtraction venacavography.
DSV - DSV digital subtraction venography.
DSV - DSV Digitaria streak virus.
DSV - DSV DNA sequence variations.
DSV - DSV dog saphenous vein.
DSV - DSV Drosophila S virus.
DSV - DSV Dual Switch Valves.
DSV - DSV dithranol-2% salicylic acid-white soft vaseline.
DT - DT date and time.
DT - DT date of treatment.
DT - DT delirium tremens.
DT - DT due to.
DT - DT duration tetany.
DTP - DTP diphtheria and tetanus toxoids with pertussis (killed whole organism).
DTP - DTP distal tingling on percussion (over the site of a nerve a.k.a. Tinel's sign or
Hoffman-Tinel sign).
DTP - DTP distal tingling on percussion (Tinel's sign)
DTR - DTR deep tendon reflex/es.
DTS - DTS diametral tensile strength.
DTSSP - DTSSP33'-dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate).
DTZ - DTZ diltiazem.
DU - DU diagnosis undetermined.
DU - DU duodenal ulcer.
DU-24 - DU-24 avian cell line.
DUB - DUB dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
Dus - Dus differential upstream sequence.
DUS - DUS distinctness uniformity and stability (test for crops in UK).
DUS - DUS divergent unilateral strabismus.
DUS - DUS Doppler ultrasound.
DUs - DUs drug users.
DUs - DUs duodenal ulcers.
DUS - DUS Dusseldorf.
dus - dus unknown gene tentatively designated "dus" for dut suppressor.
DUS-3 - DUS-3 avian rho0 cell line.
dv - dv double vibrations.
DV&D - DV&D Diploma in Venereology and Dermatology.
DVA - DVA developmental venous anomaly.
DVA - DVA distance visual acuity.
DVA - DVA duration of voluntary apnea.
DVA - DVA vindesine.
DVB - DVB divinylbenzene.
DVC - DVC divanillylcyclohexane.
DVCC - DVCC Disease Vector Control Center.
DVD - DVD dissociated vertical deviation.
dVDAVP - dVDAVP 1 -deamine-4-valine-D-arginine vasopressin.
DVE - DVE duck virus enteritis.
DVH - DVH Diploma in Veterinary Hygiene.
DVH - DVH Division for the Visually Handicapped.
DVH - DVH dose volume histogram.
DVI - DVI AV sequential (pacemaker).
DVI - DVI deep venous insufficiency.
DVI - DVI diastolic velocity integral.
DVI - DVI digital vascular imaging.
DVI - DVI Doppler velocity index.
DVIS - DVIS digital vascular imaging system.
DVIU - DVIU direct-vision internal urethrotomy.
DVL - DVL deep vastus lateralis.
DVM - DVM digital voltmeter.
DVM - DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.
DVMS - DVMS Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery.
DVN - DVN dorsal vagal nucleus.
DVP - DVP daunorubicin vincristine and prednisolone.
DVP - DVP deep vascular plexus.
DVP - DVP defective viral particles.
DVP - DVP diastolic peak velocity prosthetic flow.
DVP - DVP diastolic ventricular pressure.
DVP - DVP digital video plotter.
DVP - DVP direct venipuncture.
DVP - DVP distal vein patch.
DVP - DVP distributed volume pair.
DVP - DVP divalproex sodium.
DVP - DVP divinylporphyrin.
DVP - DVP domestic violence programs.
DVP - DVP Doppler velocity profile.
DVP - DVP dorsal vein of the penis.
DVP - DVP draining vein pressure.
DVP - DVP ventriculo-peritonial derivations.
DVR - DVR digital vascular reactivity.
DVR - DVR Doctor of Veterinary Radiology.
DVR - DVR double valve replacement.
DVR - DVR double ventricular response.
DVS - DVS Doctor of Veterinary Science.
DVS - DVS Doctor of Veterinary Surgery.
DVSc - DVSc Doctor of Veterinary Science.
DVT - DVT deep venous thrombosis.
DW - DW daily weight.
DW - DW deionized water.
DW - DW dextrose in water.
DW - DW distilled water.
DW - DW doing well.
DW - DW dry weight.
dw - dw dwarf (mouse).
DWA - DWA died from wounds by the action of the enemy.
DWD - DWD died with disease.
DWDL - DWDL diffuse well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma.
DWI - DWI driving while impaired; driving while intoxicated.
DWM - DWM Dandy-Walker malformation.
DWR - DWR delayed word recall.
DWS - DWS Dandy-Walker syndrome.
DWS - DWS disaster warning system.
DWT - DWT dichotic word test.
DWT - DWT discrete wave transform.
dwt - dwt pennyweight.
DWW - DWW diabetic white women.
DX - DX dextran.
DX - DX dicloxacillin.
DX - DX discharged.
DX - DX disease.
Dx - Dx dx diagnosis.
DXA - DXA dual energy X-ray absorptiometry.
DXD - DXD discontinued.
DXM - DXM dexamethasone.
DXM - DXM dextromethorphan.
DXP - DXP digital x-ray prototype.
DxPLAIN - DxPLAIN Massachusetts General Hospital’s expert diagnostic system.
DXPNET - DXPNET Digital X-Ray Prototype Network.
DXR - DXR deep x-ray.
DXR - DXR doxorubicin.
DXRT - DXRT deep x-ray therapy.
DXT - DXT deep x-ray therapy.
DXT - DXT dextrose.
dXTP - dXTP deoxyxanthine triphosphate.
DY - DY dense parenchyma.
Dy - Dy dysprosium.
dy - dy dystrophia muscularis (mouse).
dyn - dyn dynamic; dynamometer; dyne.
DYS - DYS dysautonomia.
dysp - dysp dyspnea.
DZ - DZ diazepam.
dz - dz disease.
DZ - DZ dizygotic.
DZ - DZ dizziness.
dz - dz dozen.
dZ - dZ impedance change.
DZM - DZM dorsal zone of membranelle.
DZP - DZP diazeparn.