Download 12 dietary changes that will lower cancer risk - Aasha

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Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables.
An apple a day may keep the cancer doctor away. Consume various types of
fruits, especially sweet lime (mausambi).
Antioxidant, such as vitamin C, E and Beta Carotene seems to have a
synergistic effect. When taken together they produce anticarcinogenic effect.
Eat more Soya products, such as Soya nuggets, tofu, and soymilk.
Eat foods rich in calcium, such as dairy products and bony fish.
Garlic has health promoting and anti-carcinogenic effect.
Cooked tomatoes have anti carcinogenic effect. Include carrot, broccoli,
cabbage, green leafy vegetables and cauliflower in your diet.
Minimize your intake of smoked food, dry fish and Chinese foods.
Drink less alcohol; say no to tobacco, khaini, gutkha, bettlenut, bidi etc.
Switch from an animal based diet to a plant based diet.
Reducing body fat by taking a low fat, high fiber diet prevents colorectal,
breast and prostate cancer.
Switch from red meat to sea foods and lean meats (chicken).
Some cancers can be caused due to infections from parasites, bacteria and
viruses. Parasite like Schist soma haematobium can cause cancer of urinary
bladder. The carcinogenic effect of Clonorchis Viverrini parasite and
Clonorchis Sinensis has been established.
Virus like Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is responsible for the development
of cancer cervix and cancers of anal canal, vulva, penis and vagina.Epstein
Barr Virus is the primary causative agent of Burkitt’s lymphoma. It also
creates nasopharyngeal cancer and Hodgkin ’s disease. Hepatitis B virus
(HBV) AND Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) are the causative factors of liver
Cancer. Human Herpes virus -8 (HHV-8) causes leukemia and Lymphoma.
Bacterium like Helicobacter Pylori (H.Pylori) has been attributed strongly as
a foremost cause of cancer of stomach.
Salmonella Typhi (cause of Typhoid disease) may develop cancer of gall
bladder and Chlamydia Pneumonie (cause of pneumonia disease) may cause
cancer of lung.
It has been found that at least 20% of all cancers may be caused by such
infections and as the above mentioned cancers have got some definite cause,
they can be prevented by taking effective steps against such infections.
Cancer preventive measures.
Cancer is a life threatening disease and can affect any organ of the body.
The most effective way to manage cancer is early detection and treatment.
Though some forms of cancer cannot be completely cured, early detection
can certainly improve the quality of life.
This applies to the cervical cancer .this cancer prevention is a long term
process, which requires several do’s and don’ts.
To keep cancer away , one should avoid alcohol,tobacco,sedentary
lifestyle,occupational carcinogens,radiation,environmental factors such as
pollution,sun exposure,unsafe sex, infections and some vaccination such as
hepatitis B vaccine and vaccines against human papilloma virus, types 16
and 18, which is responsible for about 70% of cervical cancer.
As dietary pattern has close connection with cancer, one should eat a lot of
fresh fruits and vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, leeks, cabbage, broccoli,
onions, kiwi, apple, blackcurrant, raw turnip, sorrel, raw green pepper, raw
green cabbage, citrus fruits. Etc) which help protect the body against cancer
of the colon stomach rectum and lungs they are also rich in vitamins A
B and C all of which help to fight free radicals and thereby prevent cancer.
One should also eat wholegrain bread for its fiber.
One should avoid smoked salted and barbecued foods they contain
substances that are potentially carcinogenic. Obesity should also be avoided.
People who are 40% or more above their normal weight stand a much higher
risk of getting cancer.
Excess consumption of red and preserved meat is associated with an
increased risk of colorectal cancer. Animal fats such as meat, butter, eggs,
and cheese increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer (breast,
prostate, intestine and pancreas.) Eat more fish and poultry instead.
Warning signs
In the early stages cancer usually has no symptoms.Eventually,it grows to
become a malignant tumors.
As it continues to grow, it presses on nerves and produces pain, penetrates
blood vessels and causes bleeding or interferes with the functions of the body
organ or system.
The seven warning signs of cancer are: change in bowel and bladder hobbits
A sore that does not heal
Unusual bleeding or discharge, thickening of lump in the breast, testicles or
elsewhere, indigestion or difficulty in swallowing.
Obvious change in the size, colour shape, or thickness of a wart, mole or
mouth sore, a nagging cough or hoarseness in voice.
The following symptoms also signal the presence of some form of cancer.
Persistent headache, unexplained loss of weight or appetite, chronic pain in
the bones, persistant fatigue, nausea or vomiting, persistant low grade fever,
either constant or intermittent, repeated instances of infection
One should schedule a medical examination, if one develops symptoms that
may signal cancer, which are not clearly linked to any other cause and persist
more than two weeks.
If the cause of symptoms is cancer, early diagnosis and treatment will offer a
better chance of cure.