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Проект „Разработване и внедряване на информационна система за оценка на компетенциите на работната сила по браншове и региони”
Проектът се осъществява от Българска стопанска камара – съюз на българския бизнес с финансовата подкрепа на Оперативна програма „Развитие на
човешките ресурси”2007-2013, съфинансирана от Европейския социален фонд и Република България, по договор № BG051PO001-2.1.06
Bulgaria exhibits the weakest innovation indicators in Europe, shows an analysis of the technological
development conducted by BIA
Bulgarian enterprises export predominantly low value added goods, do not invest enough resources in new
technologies and innovations, and have low patent activity.
The latest analysis within the project “Development and Implementation of an Information System to Assess the
Competence of the Workforce by Sectors and Regions”, which is being executed by BIA within Operational
Programme “2007-2013 Human Resources Development” has been entitled “Analysis of the Possibilities and
Tendencies for Technological Development of the Bulgarian Enterprises”.
The analysis evaluates the impact technologies and innovations exert on the development of basic economic
activities, as well as on the vocational and qualification structure of the people employed in the Bulgarian
economy. This research shall facilitate the development and implementation of an Information system for
workforce competence assessment by sectors, which is a major objective of the project executed by BIA.
The comparative analysis has clearly pointed out the wretched place which our economy occupies with
regard to technological development and innovations in comparison to the other European countries.
Holds the last place in global competitiveness i.e. possesses the fewest patents home and abroad per
million inhabitants among the twenty-seven EU Member-States. The comparatively low interior patent
activity reflects the low technological development, which is one of the main reasons for low patent
activity abroad;
Exhibits the slightest possibilities for creativity and innovation in financing and research; the Bulgarian
economy is one of the economies to revive most slowly;
Has the worst expenditure structure of research and development activities among all twenty-seven EU
Occupies the last place in EU and the 96th in the World Economic Forum by innovation index;
Occupies the last place among CEE countries and the 53rd in the World Economic Forum by
technological development index; it is only Greece from all twenty-seven EU Member-States that comes
after Bulgaria;
Possesses a very low share of high technological export. Currently, the Bulgarian industry has been
concentrated on sectors of natural resources and cheap labour. Industry provided 89% of the country’s
export for 2009. Bulgaria exports predominantly fewer refined products in comparison with the world
average share. There is an export increase in sectors for manufacturing natural resources, labour-
Този документ е създаден с финансовата подкрепа на Оперативна програма „Развитие на човешките ресурси”, с финансовата помощ на Европейския
съюз. Цялата отговорност за съдържанието на документа се носи от Българска стопанска камара – съюз на българския бизнес и при никакви
обстоятелства не може да се приема, че този документ отразява официалното становище на Европейския съюз или Агенция по заетостта.
За контакт с БСК: София 1000, ул. Алабин 16-20, тел. 02/ 932 09 11, факс 02/ 987 26 04, , [email protected]
Проект „Разработване и внедряване на информационна система за оценка на компетенциите на работната сила по браншове и региони”
Проектът се осъществява от Българска стопанска камара – съюз на българския бизнес с финансовата подкрепа на Оперативна програма „Развитие на
човешките ресурси”2007-2013, съфинансирана от Европейския социален фонд и Република България, по договор № BG051PO001-2.1.06
consuming sectors and agricultural industry. However, there has been an increase in the export of high
technological products as part of the country’s total export.
Based on the conducted analysis, BIA’s expert team recommends:
Setting up a national strategy for the country’s development by the end of 2010;
Gradual increase of budget resources for innovation to 0.8-0.9% from the GDP and development of ways
to increase the private sector financing of innovation practices;
Revising Bulgaria’s innovation strategy;
Improving the function and management of the Research and Development Fund and the National
Innovation Fund, by establishing coordination between the two funds and issuing assessment based on
actual results.
Stimulating the National Innovation System functioning by paying special emphasis on establishing a
National Coordination Body, improving legislation concerning science, technology and innovations,
developing a national research and innovation infrastructure;
Increasing innovation component in European Operational Programmes, especially in the priority
directions defined by the technologic niches strategy;
Fundamentally improving the mathematics and informatics curricula in secondary school so that a
creative logical thinking can be fostered in students. A school-leaving examination in mathematics should
be urgently introduced;
Vocational training should be competence-based, directed towards mastering basic high technologies –
information and communication technologies, new materials, mechatronics, as well as a wider spectrum
of majors;
Higher education in Engineering should be based on intense implementation of basic high technologies –
information and communication technologies, new materials, nanotechnologies, mechatronics, ecology,
new business models and a wider spectrum of majors;
Establishing new engineering centers at the technical universities to support research and business
innovations and developing the existing ones.