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The Baltic Manure Handling Award 2013
Manure continues to be a challenge, when it comes to handling manure in an environmentally friendly way,
but despite being a challenge this can also provide opportunities for those who work with manure
management technologies. Therefore the purpose with this symbolic award is to recognize the companies
and technology developers, whom appreciates manure management as a business area and to promote the
promising new technologies, which they develop. Please note, that the award is only symbolic.
The applications will be evaluated based on the criteria described in the table below and to ensure a well –
based evaluation the incoming applications will be evaluated by the following work package leaders in the
Baltic Manure project:
Lena Rohde, Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environment Engineering,
- Work Package 3 - Innovative technologies
Dr. Silvia Hahneklaus, the Julius Kühn Institute, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants,
- Work Package 4 – Standardisation of manure types
Prof. Henrik Wenzel, University of Southern Denmark, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and
Environmental Technology,
- Work Package 5 – Assessing sustainability of manure
Sari Luostarinen, MTT Agrifood Research Finland,
- Work Package 6 – Energy Potentials of Manure
The final selection of a winner will be done by Mr. Markku Järvenpää, MTT Agrifood Research Finland and
Mr. Lars Visbech Soerensen, CEO of Agro Business Park to ensure a good balance between the scientific
potential and the business potential of the given technology.
Deadline for application is May 31st and applications should be sent to Mrs. Anne-Luise Skov Jensen at
[email protected].
The winner of the award will be announced at the conference ‘A Greener Agriculture for a Bluer Baltic Sea’
on August 27th and 28th in Helsinki this year.
When filling out the application below, please include information on the following:
Has the technology/product been patented?
Has the technology/product received any form of certification?
- If yes, which?
What are the advantages compared to already existing technologies/products in manure management?
What is the expected/current market for the technology?
Is further research and development required before the technology/product can be marketed?
Please include all relevant documentation on the environmental effects (can be added as appendixes).
The project is partly financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund
Application form
Company name
Contact person
The technology has to comply with one or more of the criteria described below:
The technology can treat manure at any stage from animal to plant growth
Reduction of nutrient leaching to the aquatic environment
Reduction of NH3 emission
Reduced emission of greenhouse gasses
Increased plant availability of nutrients
Increased commercial use of manure nutrients as fertilizer
Increased energy output from the manure
There has to be proof of concept
The technology has to be market ready or already on the market
Description of the technology with emphasis on fulfillment of the above described criteria (you
are welcome to use diagrams, pictures etc. in your description).
The project is partly financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund