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Hair For Hope: Information and Permission Slip
The week of October 20-24, Roy Cloud School will have a Cancer Awareness Week. Each day, students
will be honoring and learning about different cancers. On Friday, October 24, 2014 we will be
participating in “Hair that Brings Hope” to raise money for cancer research and donate hair to make wigs
for those who have lost their hair during cancer treatment.
 Local hairstylists will provide free haircuts to all students, parents, and community members
willing to donate ten inches or more of their hair. Hair will be donated through Wigs for Kids
and Pantene Beautiful Lengths. Those willing to donate must fill in the permission slip below.
 If you want to make a donation, but do not wish to cut your hair, students, parents, and staff can
sign up to get pink hair extensions. We are requesting a $10 donation for each hair extension.
Checks should be made payable to The American Cancer Society. Sign up and increase your
donation to add as many extensions as you like. Extensions are made of human hair and will be
bonded to the hair. Extensions will stay in for two to three months.
 Another option for those who wish to make a donation, but do not wish to or can not cut their hair,
is to spray their hair pink (breast cancer) or yellow (childhood cancer awareness).
Pink and yellow stick on mustaches are also available. We are requesting a $10 donation for the
spray and $5 donation for mustaches. Checks made payable to The American Cancer Society.
Please turn permission slips into the pink box in the office. Also, checks for extensions or spray
payable to The American Cancer Society should be turned in with those permission slips.
 
My child has permission to cut 10” (ten inches) or more of their hair at school on October 24, 2014
Cancer Awareness. I agree to donate the hair to Wigs for Kids or Pantene Beautiful Lengths.
My child has permission to have one or more pink hair extensions bonded to their hair on October
for Cancer Awareness. A check for ________ made out to the American Cancer Society is enclosed.
My child has permission to have their hair sprayed (circle one) yellow or pink. A check for
__________ made out to the American Cancer Society is enclosed.
My child has permission to have a stick on mustache in (circle one) yellow or pink. A check for
__________ made out to the American Cancer Society is enclosed.
Student’s Full Name
Teacher Name and Grade
Parent/Guardian Signature