Download Chapter 1 Introduction Background of the study Cigarette smoking is

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Chapter 1
A. Background of the study
Cigarette smoking is a global problem. Once a person starts smoking, it
will be continuous. It becomes unstoppable unless you are determined to stop or
something is wrong with your health that you are required to stop. It is estimated
that one out of three adults smoke, with over 1.2 billion people smoking
worldwide. More than 10 billion cigarettes are sold every week—that’s ten
million per minute. Smoking people are increasing and what they can’t notice is it
starts to affect our environment, our plants.
Plants are essential to us, people. Plants are one of our natural sources of
oxygen. Plants are also our main source of food. Plants are the source of many
other products that shape our lives – lumber, fuel, paper,rope, fabrics, beverages,
medicines, spices. This makes life on Earth possible.
B. Statement of the Problem
Main Problem:
 What are the effects of cigarette smoke on plants?
How does it affect the following factors:
a. Color of the leaves
b. Growth of the plant
c. Fruit produced
d. Number of leaves
Does smoking have positive effect on plants?
Does tobacco have an effect on plants, too?
What is the difference between the effect of cigarette smoke on
plants and tobacco smoke effect on plants?
C. Hypothesis
1. There are no effects of cigarette smoke on plants.
2. Cigarette smoke does not affect the plant’s leaf color, growth; fruit
produced, and number leaves.
3. The tobacco smoke does not affect the plants.
4. There is no difference between the effect of cigarette smoke on
plants and tobacco smoke effect on plants.
D. Objectives
1. To identify the effects of the cigarette smoke on plants.
2. To prove that tobacco smoking also has an effect on plants.
3. To identify whether cigarette smoking has an effect on the plants.
E. Significance of the study
One advantage of this study is that this study can help people know the
harmful effects of cigarettes on plants, that cigarettes not only affect
people, but also plants which is the main source of our food, oxygen,
carbon dioxide, etc. This research can also help them realize that smoking
is really bad for our bodies, environment, to our plants.
F. Scope and Limitations of the study
We limit our research study only in mongo plant and the cheapest and
most affordable cigarette. We will only observe the effects of the cigarette
smoke on the physical characteristics of the mongo plant and the number
of fruits it will produce.
E. Definition of terms
Cigarette- is a small roll of finely cut tobacco leaves cylinder of thin paper
for smoking. The cigarette is ignited at one end and allowed to smoulder; its smoke
is inhaled from the other end, which is held in or to the mouth and in some cases
a cigarette holder may be used as well.
( English : mung bean , lentil [2] , legume , mung pea )
- is a seed of Vigna radiata inherent in India. Green leafy