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Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
Course description
1. Title of the course: Management of Protected Grasslands
2. Name and title of the lecturer:
3. Name of the degree programme: Nature Protection Engineering BSc
4. Type of course: courses compulsory to select from (B)
5. Schedule of education: III/2 (2+1)
6. Credit value of the course: 4
7. Educational objective:
Evaluation of the status of grasslands of Hungary, their importance in nature conservation.
Botanical and zoological characterization of grassland communities, ecological background of
their development, their endangering factors. Methods and technologies of the management of
protected grasslands in the respect of nature conservation. Case studies for management of
protected grasslands.
8. Personnel background:
György Zsigrai, PhD., senior research scientist
practical teacher:
György Zsigrai, PhD., senior research scientist
9. Course content:
Themes of the lectures
Themes of the practical course
Relationship between agriculture and
nature conservation, status of the natural
values of Hungary
Definition of grasslands, evaluation of
the status and protection of the
grasslands in Hungary
Importance of grasslands in nature
Categories and principles of nature
conservation management
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Effects of the main ecological factors on
different grassland communities
Important grassland communities and
particularly important habitats of
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
management systems important from the
point of view of nature protection
Agrotechnical operations and evaluation
of their effects on grasslands from the
point of view of nature conservation
Main plant communities of the
Molinietalia series, their characteristic
plant- and animal species, and their
endangering factors
Main plant communities of the
Arrhenatheretalia series, their plant- and
animal species and their endangering
Main plant communities of the
Artemisio-Festucetalia series, their
plant- and animal species, and their
endangering factors
Main plant communities of the
Puccinellietalia series, their plant- and
animal species, and their endangering
and animal species, and their
endangering factors
Main plant communities of the
Brometalia erecti series, their plant- and
animal species, and their endangering
Main plant communities of the
Festucetalia valesiacae series, their
plant- and animal species, and their
endangering factors I.
Main plant communities of the
Festucetalia valesiacae series, their
plant- and animal species, and their
endangering factors II.
management of different protected
Experiences of some international
species- and habitat protection programs
relating grassland management
Festucetalia vaginatae series
Technical equipments used in grassland
management activities
Main aspects of nature protective
management of communities of the
Molinietalia series
Main aspects of nature protective
management of communities of the
Arrhenatheretalia series
Main aspects of nature protective
management of communities of the
Puccinellietalia series
Main aspects of nature protective
grassland management rules of the
Directorate of Hortobágy National
Main plant communities of the Main aspects of nature protective
Festucetalia vaginatae series, their plant- management of communities of the
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Main aspects of nature protective
management of communities of the
Brometalia erecti series
Main aspects of nature protective
management of communities of the
Festucetalia valesiacae series I.
Main aspects of nature protective
management of communities of the
Festucetalia valesiacae series II.
Subsidy programs of the NRDP relating
grassland management
Experiences of some international
species- and habitat protection programs
relating grassland management
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
10. Mode of assessment during the semester: paper test
11. Type of exam: colloquium
12. Compulsory practice related to the course: 13. Compulsory and recommended literature:
Compulsory literature:
ed. KELEMEN, J.: (1997) Irányelvek a füves területek természetvédelmi szempontú
Természetbúvár Alapítvány Kiadó. Budapest.
növénytársulásairól. 1-2. A KöM Természetvédelmi Hivatalának Tanulmánykötetei. 6.
Természetbúvár Alapítvány Kiadó. Budapest.
Recommended literature
ÁNGYÁN, J. – Tardy, J. – VAJNÁNÉ, M. A.: (2003) Védett és érzékeny természeti
területek mezőgazdálkodásának alapjai. Mezőgazda Kiadó. Budapest.
14. Exam themes:
1. Characterize the connection of agriculture and nature conservation.
2. Describe the definition of “grassland”, appraise the status of grasslands in Hungary.
3. Characterize the status of the natural values of Hungary.
4. Describe the main categories and principles of nature conservation management.
5. Describe the effects of the main ecological factors on grassland communities.
6. Characterize the importance of grasslands from the point of view of nature
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
7. Describe the main specialities of the management system of sandy grasslands and the
characteristics of the pasturing system of grasslands on salt affected soils among the
extensive grassland management systems.
8. Describe the main specialities of the management systems of grasslands in highlands,
meadows and forests for pasture among the extensive grassland management systems.
9. Describe the main agrotechnical treatments applied in grassland management activities
and their effects on the different grassland communities from the point of view of
nature conservation.
10. Describe the principal specialities of the most important habitat categories.
11. Describe the main plant communities of the Molinietalia series, their characteristic
plant- and animal species, and their endangering factors.
12. Describe the main aspects of the nature protective management of the communities of
the Molinietalia series.
13. Describe the main plant communities of the Arrhenatheretalia series, their
characteristic plant- and animal species, and their endangering factors.
14. Describe the main aspects of the nature protective management of the communities of
the Arrhenatheretalia series.
15. Describe the general characteristics of the grasslands of salt affected soils.
16. Describe the main plant communities of the Artemisio-Festucetalia series, their
characteristic plant- and animal species, and their endangering factors.
17. Describe the main aspects of the nature protective management of the communities of
the Artemisio-Festucetalia and Puccinellietalia series.
18. Describe the main plant communities of the Puccinellietalia series, their characteristic
plant- and animal species, and their endangering factors.
19. Describe the general characteristics of sandy grasslands.
20. Describe the main plant communities of the Festucetalia vaginatae series, their
characteristic plant- and animal species, and their endangering factors.
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem
Debreceni Egyetem
A környezetgazdálkodási mérnöki, illetve a természetvédelmi és vadgazda
mérnöki alapképzési (BSc) szakok képesítési követelményeinek kidolgozása, a
szakok beindítása. HEFOP- 3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0071/1.0 projekt
21. Describe the main aspects of the nature protective management of sandy grasslands.
22. Describe the main plant communities of the Brometalia erecti series, their characteristic
plant- and animal species, and their endangering factors.
23. Describe the main aspects of the nature protective management of rocky grasslands.
24. Describe the general characteristics of loess grasslands.
25. Describe the main flatland plant communities of the Festucetalia valesiacae series, their
characteristic plant- and animal species, and their endangering factors.
26. Describe the main aspects of the nature protective management of flatland dry
27. Describe the main highland plant communities of the Festucetalia valesiacae series, their
characteristic plant- and animal species, and their endangering factors.
28. Describe the main aspects of the nature protective management of highland dry
29. Summarize the main measures of the nature protective grassland management rules of
the Directorate of Hortobágy National Park.
30. Summarize the main experiences of the well known international species- and habitat
protection programs relating grassland management.
31. Describe the subsidy programs of the NRDP relating grassland management.
Debreceni Egyetem
Pannon Egyetem