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Lab 1
EDU 280A
Reference Video: Language Development
After watching the Video: Language Development, answer the following questions.
List the four areas of language: (2 points each)
2. True or False: (Indicate your answers with Capital T for true and Capital F for false.) (2 points each)
A. Language development begins with crying.
B. Infants babble when they are happy, but parents would be mistaken to think that the infants are
C. Absence of adult-infant language interactions will likely have an adverse effect on language
D. Receptive language develops after expressive language.
E. During the preschool years, the child becomes adept at explaining in words.
F. Children do not communicate until they have command of words.
3. From the video, select the examples of LISTENING. Place a check
classified as listening. (10 points)
 in the box of the items that are
Crying for a bottle
When his mother tells him, “No,” Jamie drops the clump of dirt.
Maurice says, “Hi,” when the girls help him with the boogie board.
Maurice hears the girls’ questions and answers them with a yes or no.
Jamie explains what happened to his arm.
4. Number the following stages of understanding print in the order in which they usually emerge. (15
a. Child realizes that the print tells the story
b. The child reads with meaning.
c. Children enjoy exploring books.
d. A few words are recognized.
e. The child reads the story from pictures.
Multiple Choice: Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Select the one best answer. Indicate your answers using capital letters. (5 points each)
5. Which of the following is not common during the first six months of infancy?
A. crying
B. babbling
C. intention to communicate
D. symbolic representation
6. Behaviorists
A. believe that infants connect sounds to objects because of the caregivers’ response.
B. believe that imitation and reinforcement play an important role in language development.
C. believe that infants become more selective in their babbling because their parents ignore sounds
that are not a part of their spoken language.
D. all of the above
7. Which of the following is NOT one of the methods that experts encourage adults to use in order to
facilitate language development?
A. Provide a language rich environment
B. Provide regular lessons in vocabulary and pronunciation
C. Talk to young children and ask questions
D. Provide books and listening activities
8. The first meaningful word a child voices is most commonly a/an
A. noun
B. pronoun
C. adjective
D. verb
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word(s) to complete the sentence. (5 points each)
9. ____________________ ______________________ refers to changing from one form of speech to
another, depending on the audience. (answer is 2 words)
10. _______________________ _______________ is sounds used by a young child without words but
carries the intonation, form and sound of language. (answer is 2 words)
11. ____________________________ is a system of intentional communication through sounds, gestures or
symbols that are understandable to others.
12. ____________________________ ____________________________ is the ability to use words to
express ideas, needs and feelings. (answer is 2 words)
13. Children’s
vocabularies refers to all the words they understand.
14. Helping toddlers name objects In books helps build their
is the repetitious practicing of sounds.