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Fact Sheet Laser Dentistry
Great Wavelengths
Dental procedures may soon be
performed quicker, more effectively,
and more comfortably thanks to the
growing popularity of laser dentistry
What is a laser?
A laser is an instrument that generates
a very narrow, intense beam of
concentrated energy. When laser light
comes in contact with tissue, it causes a
reaction. The light produced by the laser
can remove, vaporize, or shape tissue.
How are lasers used in dentistry?
There are many different types of lasers
used in dentistry and their applications
vary. Some lasers are used for surgery,
some to cure restorative materials and
enhance tooth bleaching, and some to
remove tooth structure for elimination of
disease and restoration.
What are the benefits of using
dental lasers?
There are several benefits. Dentists may
not need to use a drill or administer
anesthesia, allowing the patient to enjoy
a more relaxed dental experience. Laser
procedures can be more precise. Also,
lasers can reduce the symptoms and
healing times associated with traditional
therapies because they sterilize the
affected area and seal off blood vessels.
If the dental laser is used according to ac­
cepted practices by a trained practitioner,
then it is at least as safe as other dental
instruments. The primary safety measure
necessary during laser treatment is use
of proper protective eyewear by both the
patient and the dentist
has participated in educational courses
and received training by the laser
manufacturer Many dental schools,
dental associations, and the Academy of
Laser Dentistry (ALD) offer dental laser
education. The ALD offers both dental
laser education and credentialing.
How can I be sure my dentist is
properly trained to use a laser?
How will I know if treatment with
a dental laser is an option for me?
Ask your dentist questions about the
extent of his or her laser education and
training. Make sure that your dentist
Ask your dentist Although the laser is
a very useful dental instrument, it is not
appropriate for every dental procedure.
Are dental lasers safe?
Yes, lasers have been used In dentistry
since 1990 The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration determined that lasers can
be used as a safe and effective treatment
for a wide range of dental procedures
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Academy of LasC?r Delltistry
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highly qualified general dentists near where they live.
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AGO member dentist in your area.
Published with permission by the Academy of
General Dentistry. © Copyright 2009 by the
Academy of General Dentistry. All rights reserved.