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 . SCIENCE SHARE Experiment Form Scientific method form to help students create, conduct and communicate an experiment. Ask a Question? What are you curious about? Research and find out what is already known about topic. What more do you want to learn? Develop a Hypothesis What is something you are specifically going to study? Write a statement on your topic of what you will prove true or false, or something that you want to investigate. Method: Create/Conduct Experiment Describe how are you going to test your hypothesis. (Who, What, When, Where, How Many). How many times will you repeat the experiment? The process should be exactly the same for each test. Write down the steps. Observe & Record Data Record information for your experiment. You can use pictures, numbers, charts, or graphs or all three! Analyze Results Make conclusions based on data. Look at your data. Did it prove your hypothesis true or false? How close were your results to your hypothesis? Discussion Communicate the findings of your experiment. What was the overall outcome? What worked well in the experiment? What challenges did you have doing the experiment? Was there something unexpected you found out while doing the experiment? Did your experiment make you think of another question? Science Share Example Display Boards Handwritten displays and drawings by the student are encouraged. Abstracts encouraged for grades 4-­‐6th. Overview of the Scientific Method The scientific method is a process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions. Scientists use the scientific method to search for cause and effect relationships in nature. In other words, they design an experiment so that changes to one item cause something else to vary in a predictable way. Just as it does for a professional scientist, the scientific method will help you to focus your science fair project question, construct a hypothesis, design, execute, and evaluate your experiment.­‐fair-­‐projects/project_ scientific_method.shtml#overviewofthescientificmethod