Download FAIRCHILD Challenge 2 for Grades 4-5

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Topic Information: My Perfect Ecosystem – 4th and 5th. Research how the
Everglades work as an ecosystem, its food web, energy flow, and water cycle. Reflect
on these characteristics and use your imagination to create a new ecosystem.
South Florida is home to one of the most special ecosystems in the world - the Everglades. Like
all ecosystems, it has its own unique resources and characteristic species that work together in
a delicate balance; it also faces very specific environmental challenges. Research where we live
and its features. Create a diorama using the Everglades as inspiration.
Challenge Guidelines:
Perfect ecosystem should be a 3D diorama style model no larger than
5”h x 14”l x 8”w (standard shoe box size), created with an emphasis on natural and
recycled materials. All materials should be completely dried and clean, and model must
be fully assembled.
Include a Summary description written by the students, 300 words or less, for each
model explaining the ecosystem created.
The Diorama Box must include the student’s name, grade, and school on the back. The
summary should also include name, grade, and school as well on the heading title.
Due Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2017. This project will be worth 2 grades.