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Leadership Team Report
February 2013
CLT Meeting in Cleveland, OH
February 3—7, 2013
CLT Report for February
The Congregation Leadership Team met in Cleveland February 3-7, 2013, followed by a meeting with the
Neighboring aNew Team on February 8 (see photos below).
CLT in Cleveland;
Time with Peter Block
Meeting with Barb McCartney and
Bernie Dean; Preparation for New
CLT; Reminder—Baton Rouge
To the Thought Leaders and Alan
Chelf; “Chapter” in Another Sense
Chapter Preparation; Budget Packet;
Meeting with Operations Team
Patrimony and Trusts; Leadership
Development Program
Update on Actions for Justice; CLT
Email to Tom Fox and NCR;
Sustainability Committee
Tipton Center; We’re So Proud of...
Looking Ahead; Thank You,
Time with Peter Block
Early in our term of leadership, we knew that we wanted to grow
in our life together as a team and, also, in the ways we lead and
call forth leadership in the Congregation. We identified persons
who might serve as “coaches” for us. One of these was Peter
Block who has become a dear friend to us. Though we knew of
him by reputation, it was Joyce DeShano’s friendship with Peter
that made it possible for us to meet with him on several
We met with Peter
during our team
meeting. As we
continue to grieve
the loss of Joyce,
Peter’s presence
gave us another
share memories of
consider how we’ve
shaped and graced
one another’s lives.
(Continued page 2)
Page 2
February 3—7, 2013
Peter Block (continued)
Both Peter and Joyce spoke to us about “holding the circle intact”, as we draw this time in elected leadership to a
close. We shared how we want to do that even as the busyness of our leadership ministry continues. What do we
want to promise one another as we move through these final months as a team?
We discussed the culture of leadership that is growing in the Congregation--an expression of the feminine which flies in
the face of patriarchal culture both in Church and society. It is powerful to hear Peter reflect back to us what he sees
and how what we’re doing as a Congregation is so counter to what is acceptable to society and the Vatican. He
encouraged us to take this feminine model of leadership with us wherever we go.
Meeting with Barb McCartney and Bernie Dean
We met with Barb McCartney CSJ and Bernie Dean CSJ, her
formation director (photo at left), for the final step in Barb’s discernment for
final vows. We are delighted to announce that Barb will be professing her
vows on June 22 in Wheeling.
Many of you know Barb, but for those of you who don’t, here is some
information about her. A native of West Virginia, she entered our
Congregation in Wheeling in 2004. Prior to novitiate, Barb ministered as a
unit secretary at Wheeling Hospital. She has lived with our sisters at the
Wheeling Center and with two other communities in the Wheeling area. She
was received into the novitiate January 2006 and participated in the
Federation Novitiate program in Orange, CA in 2006 -2007. She professed her first vows February 2, 2008. During
her time of initial profession, Barb completed her bachelor’s degree in social work from Bethany College in West
Virginia. She presently lives in Charleston, WV and ministers as a Patient/Family Representative at St. Francis Hospital.
Barb also serves on the Chapter Planning Committee.
Congratulations, Barb! Thank you, Bernie, for your companioning Barb these past five years.
Preparation for
the New CLT
We are working on a transition manual that contains
highlights of our areas of responsibility as elected leaders for
the Congregation. Of course we plan to meet with the new
CLT several times before they begin their term of office, but
we want to give them some basic information in writing.
Baton Rouge
On February 5 you received information
regarding the opening for administrator at
the Baton Rouge Center. Please review
the materials and note that nomination
forms are due to Kathleen Durkin and
Jeanne Cmolik by February 22.
Page 3
February 3—7, 2013
A Word of Thanks to Thought Leaders and Alan Chelf
The Thought Leader Work Group
of the Neighboring aNew Team,
Kathy Brazda CSJ, Judy
Cauley CSJ, Pat Bergen CSJ,
Kathleen Durkin CSJ, Bill
Gress and Ed Sutoris did a
wonderful job arranging the
Thought Leader Sessions that took
place last month.
You already received an email
from Neighboring aNew about
how to access the various talks.
We also want to thank Alan
Chelf, Director of IT and our
entire IT staff.
In a recent
communication to the CLT
regarding the IT experience during
the Thought Leader Sessions, Alan
~Available bandwidth was
questionable at a few sites.
“Since this was the first time we
tried live streaming from various
centers, the IT staff learned that
some locations need adjustments
before another live streaming session
can be hosted there. For example:
~We need to figure out how
t o
d o
t w o- w a y
communications with remote
~The sound system and
microphone equipment at some
centers presented challenging
~Lighting at some centers and
projected images were
problematic at other centers.
The best thing we learned is that,
with live streaming, we have the
ability to reach out to many
more locations than our video
conferencing system allows us to
do. We can and will refine and
master our use of live
streaming—most of the
challenges encountered during
the Thought Leader Sessions can
be easily addressed.”
“Chapter” in Another Sense
The development of our Congregation has held great interest for others outside us
from the beginning. And now we are the subject of chapters of two books!
Twice in the past nine months, we have spent time with Chené Swart, PhD from
South Africa (pictured top right), a narrative writer fascinated with stories of
transformations. Our story forms one chapter of her upcoming book, Re-authoring
the World: The Narrative Lens. Our chapter is titled “The Journey into the Mystery
of Great Love”.
Tim Kloppenborg (pictured bottom right), Distinguished Professor of Management
at Xavier University in Cincinnati, is currently writing a management book for nonprofit organizations. Our CLT experience will be the illustration for the chapter on
Total Quality Management, specifically the inclusion of all “stakeholders” – the
business term for members, associates and employees – in determining the life and
the organization of the Congregation.
While neither of these books is likely to be a huge seller, our feminine model is
being held up beyond the religious world. Isn’t it interesting how our abundance
spills over into areas that would never have occurred to us? Who knows what
God will send our way next…..
February 3—7, 2013
Page 4
Chapter Preparation
We (CLT) are preparing an accountability report on our term of office. Part 1, which highlights the annual
assemblies during our term, as well as the committees, teams and departments that are in place (with information about the people involved, their accomplishments and challenges), will be available on line at our
website on February 18.
Part 2—a look at the past six years in a broader, themed approach—will be printed and available at the time
of Chapter.
Budget Packet
The budget materials for 2013-2014 will be sent out on February 18.
Please take time to look at your personal budgets and house accounts
so you can project good budget figures for next year. Historically
we’ve budgeted high, so we’re asking you to really take some time this
year and not just put down what “sort of worked” last year.
Meeting with Members of Our
Operations Team
Mark Cassino (pictured at right), Director of Human Resources, presented the results of research done to provide the most equitable salaries for our employees across our centers and made a recommendation to implement a plan.
Ed Sutoris, Property and Projects Manager, came to Cleveland from
New Orleans, where he, David Waggonner (landscape architect),
Barbara Hughes CSJ, Joan Laplace CSJ, and Al Pappalardo
(friend, Loyola Alumnus and New Orleans real estate agent) presented
our proposed watershed project to the members of the administrative
staff of Loyola University New Orleans.
Page 5
February 3—7, 2013
Patrimony and Trusts
Sisters who have patrimony managed by the Congregation should have received a report from the
finance office letting them know the balance of funds held in their name. Those with patrimony and/or
trusts held for them by family members, banks, or other financial institutions are asked to provide a copy
of the 12/31/12 report of these accounts. This is a very important way for everyone with patrimony to
have an annual check on their holdings. The form for doing this was included in the pre-budget mailing
from Marguerite on 2/11/13.
Leadership Development Program:
It All Began with an Invitation
The first invitation was to our members 60 years of age or younger (as
of Dec 31, 2011), inviting them to
participate in a year-long program
designed and sponsored by the Congregation to raise up and foster their
gifts for leadership in the world, the
Church and the Congregation. Thirty-one of these women said “Yes”,
and in January 2012, they began their
participation in the Leadership Development Program which included:
a formal assessment of their leadership abilities,
three meetings with a professional coach who helped each participant develop a plan for enhancing
her leadership abilities,
participation in at least 4 of 12
webinars on various topics related to leadership which were designed and presented by our sisters and associates,
monthly contact with a CSJ mentor.
The second invitation was sent to the
entire Congregation, inviting each
sister over 60 years of age to consider “mentoring” one of these 31 sisters, that is, to be her companion for
the entire year on their mutual leadership journey. Again, some sisters
said “Yes” and the 31 participants
each chose a mentor from among
those sisters who had volunteered.
This group of 60+ met together in
LaGrange Park the weekend of January 19-21, to bring this year long
process to a close. We celebrated
gifts discovered and gifts re-affirmed,
as well as new relationships built during this year. All present committed
themselves to put their leadership
gifts at the service of the world,
Church and Congregation.
At the end of their time together,
participants and mentors created a
“Thank You, Congregation of St. Joseph” DVD, offering personal highlights of the leadership process and
expressing gratitude to the Congregation for the opportunity. This DVD
will be shown during the Chapter
and, later, will be available to our
February 3—7, 2013
Page 6
Update on Action for Justice
The CLT joined the leaders of 14
other religious congregations in signing a hand delivered letter to Louisiana Governor, Bobby Jindal. This
letter invited Governor Jindal, who is
Catholic, to re-assess his position
with regard to the expansion of Medicaid benefits as envisioned in the
Affordable Care Act in the light of
Catholic Social Teaching.
As an expression of his disapproval of
the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the
Governor has refused to expand
Medicaid coverage (which the ACA promotes) to all persons in Louisiana who
earn less than 133% of the federal poverty
level. Governor Jindal’s refusal means that
400,000 currently uninsured citizens of
Louisiana—or roughly 20% of the population—will remain uninsured.
One hoped for outcome of our letter was
an opportunity to discuss these issues in a
face-to-face conversation with Governor Jindal. On February 4, a member of
the Governor’s staff met with leadership teams and vicars for religious in
LCWR Region V for this conversation. We are hopeful that this conversation will yield positive results for the uninsured citizens of Louisiana.
CLT Sends E-mail to Tom Fox and NCR
In the weeks leading up to the CLT
meeting, we became aware that
Bishop Robert Finn of the Diocese
of Kansas City-St Joseph (where the
office of the National Catholic Reporter
is located) wrote a critique of NCR
in the Catholic Key, the diocesan
newspaper. In his article, Bishop Finn
seems to question NCR’s use of
“Catholic” in its title, because of their
coverage of issues such as women’s
ordination, around which there is a
diversity of opinion in the Church.
We sent an email (in the name of the
CLT) to Tom Fox, publisher of the
NCR, thanking him for the NCR’s
long standing support for American Catholic Sisters.
In a thank you note, Tom Fox
wrote, “I do know this: we—both
the sisters and NCR—are being
called upon to keep the light on,
to keep the faith alive in a dark
time. Cardinal Bernardin once told
me that NCR is like ‘a candle lit in
the night.’ He told me it was my
responsibility to keep the candle lit through to the dawn. I feel the same way
about women religious, not only here, but throughout the world. In many
locations these women are among the most vulnerable.”
Combined Sustainability Committee
You have received the first edition of the Combined Sustainability Newsletter on the topic of “Energy Saving Appliances.”
Some of our schools and ministries have already asked if they can use it and send it to parents. Watch for flyers announcing our “Naming our Meatless Meal Day” contest. The winner will be announced on March 19. The winner receives a $50 gift certificate to a “whole food” store in her/his area!
February 3—7, 2013
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Tipton Center
We spoke with Ed Sutoris and Mark Kuhn, our COO, regarding the closing of the Tipton Center and a possible
option for the use of the buildings and land.
Kathleen Durkin and Pat Bergen have been in contact with all of the sisters remaining in the Tipton area. Each
sister has chosen a Center with which to connect. Linda Talentowski, our CFO, will work with the finance person
in each of these Centers to insure a smooth transition of budgets.
The work of the transition team in Tipton is drawing to a close. We are deeply grateful to Theresa MacIntyre CSJ,
Christina Crawford CSJ, and Jeanne Marie Greenen CSJ as well as David Haase and Mark Kuhn. On
March 31, the Tipton Center will close with security measures put in place.
We’re So Proud of …
Kimberly Ritter, a senior account manager of Nix Conference & Meeting Management—
with whom we collaborate for large congregational events—who was honored by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for her efforts to protect children from sex trafficking.
Earlier this year, Kim and the other members of Nix worked to initiate and sign the firstever Meeting Planners Code of Conduct, which encourages meeting planners to address the
issue of sex trafficking with every hotel where they, as meeting planners, do business. Officials of the FBI describe the impact of their effort in this way: “By challenging their counterparts in the tourism industry, Ms. Ritter and Nix are creating a force multiplier that could
eventually have a nationwide impact.”
Kim will receive a special award from FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller, at a ceremony to be
held at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. in April. When you see Kim at our Chapter
in Chicago, be sure to congratulate her!
Jackie Wetherholt CSJ, who
just completed her term as President of the Grosse Pointe Sunrise Rotary Club. She has recently been elected to the Club’s
Board, as well as the Club’s
Foundation Board, and has been
asked to serve as the Foundation’s Treasurer.
Barbara Jean Ciszek
CSJ, who is in Nsukka,
Nigeria for a few weeks
with other teachers from
the Chicago Archdiocese.
Bee Jay is training the
teachers in the school, to
which we gave a Generous
Promise Grant!
Joan Laplace CSJ, in whose name a scholarship has been established at St Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge. Joy Manthey (former CSJ and longtime friend of the Congregation),
who established this scholarship, said, “Joan is a great sign of all that is good and is a wonderful example of God’s love in this crazy world.” Congratulations, Joan!
February 3—7, 2013
Page 8
Looking Ahead
Feb 15—18 :
Chapter Planning Committee meeting in Chicago
Feb 22—24:
Leadership Discernment weekend at LaGrange Park
Feb 26:
CSJ Ministries Board meeting (conference call)
Feb 27:
Vocation Team and CLT liaisons (conference call)
Feb 28:
Center Teams, Ops Team and CLT (videoconference)
March 1—3:
Community Life and Ministry meeting at Nazareth
March 6—10:
CLT Meeting at Wichita
March 11—13:
Federation Heartland Regional Meeting (Concordia)
March 15:
Final version of Evolving Design 2013—2018 sent via email
March 18—19:
Neighboring aNew Team meeting at LaGrange Park
Thank You, Cleveland . . . .