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Biology Test
Total marks: 102
1. Rhizopus is a fungus that grows on bread and soft fruits. Answer the following in
relation to Rhizopus:
a. What kind of nutrition does Rhizopus demonstrate?
b. Draw the structure of Rhizopus. On your diagram label the following: hypha,
stolon, rhizoids, sporangium, sporangiophore and apophysis.
c. State the function of the rhizoids and sporangium.
d. Briefly describe how Rhizopus reproduces sexually.
2. Saccharomyces is a type of yeast. Answer the following in relation to yeast.
a. What kind of nutrition do yeasts demonstrate?
b. Draw and label the basic structure of a typical yeast cell.
c. Briefly describe how yeasts reproduce.
d. Give one everyday use of yeast.
3. Viruses are simple particles that invade and destroy living cells.
a. Draw and label a typical virus.
b. What is meant by saying viruses are obligate parasites?
c. Describe briefly the process of viral replication.
d. Name one disadvantage and one advantage of viruses.
4. Protistans are a group of unicellular organisms that can live in freshwater or sea water.
a. Amoeba is an example of a protistan. Draw and label the structure of Amoeba.
Label the following on your diagram: nucleus, pseudopod, ectoplasm,
endoplasm, food vacuole, contractile vacuole.
b. Describe the functions of a pseudopod and the contractile vacuole.