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Sociology 106
Section 1
Review Sheet
Spring 2004
Exam 2
Chapter 4
Know the difference between macrosociology and microsociology.
How does social location (within the social structure) influence behavior?
Define the terms social class and social status.
Be able to distinguish between ascribed, achieved, and master statuses.
What are roles and how are they related to statuses?
Be able to distinguish between role strain and role conflict.
What are social institutions and why they are important?
Define the term society.
Understand the process of sociocultural evolution (compare the main characteristics of societies,
be able to recognize similarities and differences)
What are the four social revolutions and the technological causes of each?
Be able to distinguish between mechanical and organic solidarity and between gemeinschaft and
Know the zones of personal space (Hall) and how they differ between cultures.
What is the Thomas theorem and why is it important?
Chapter 5
Be able to identify examples of groups, aggregates, and categories.
Know the characteristics of primary and secondary groups.
Know the characteristics of voluntary associations (including the iron law of oligarchy).
What are the consequences of membership in in-groups and out-groups?
Know the characteristics of reference groups and why they are important.
What are the functions (and dysfunctions) of social networks?
Know the characteristics of formal bureaucracies.
What does the rationalization of society mean?
Define the term group dynamics.
Know the characteristics of relationships in dyads and triads.
How does group size affect attitudes and behaviors?
Be able to distinguish between instrumental and expressive leaders and between authoritarian,
democratic, and laissez-faire styles of leadership.
Know the main conclusions of the Asch and Milgram experiments.
Define the term groupthink and explain how it can be prevented
Chapter 6
What is meant by the phrase relativity of deviance?
Compare deviance and crime.
Be able to distinguish between formal and informal, as well as positive and negative sanctions.
How do the psychological and sociological approaches to deviance differ?
Understand the basic concepts and applications of each of the interactionist theories of deviance.
 differential association theory, control theory, labeling theory
Be able to identify examples of the different types of social bonds described by Hirschi.
Know the main conclusions of Chambliss' study of the Saints and Roughnecks.
What are the five techniques of neutralization?
Understand the basic concepts and applications of each of the functional theories of deviance.
 strain theory, illegitimate opportunity structures
How is deviance functional?
Be able to identify examples of each of Merton's responses to anomie.
What is meant by the term white collar crime and how does it compare to types of crime and
classes of criminals?
Understand the basic concepts and applications of conflict theory of deviance.
Know each of the primary reasons for imprisonment and their intended purposes.
Explain the concept of medicalization of deviance and Szasz' analysis of mental illness.
What is the relationship between homelessness and mental illness?
Chapter 7
What is social stratification
Explain the term ideology as it applies to social stratification.
Compare class and caste stratification.
What is meant by gender stratification and how prevalent is it?
Compare Marx's and Weber's perspectives on what determines social class.
Compare the functional and conflict perspectives on the basis of stratification with special
attention to:
 Tumin's criticism of the functionalist position
 Lenski's synthesis of the two perspectives
Know the characteristics of the most industrialized, industrializing, and least industrialized nations
and be able to identify examples of each.
Be able to identify the basic concepts of each of the theories of global stratification
 colonialism, world system theory, dependency theory, culture of poverty