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APHG Chapter 6: Religion
Distributions of Religions
1. DEFINE: missionary, pagan, ghetto, branch, denomination, sect, monotheism, polytheism.
2. What is the difference between a universalizing religion and an ethnic religion?
3. Classify the religions from the chapter as Universal or Ethnic. (The Abrahamic & Dharmic ones + Shinto, Confucianism, Animism)
a. How many adherants/Where clustered/Name the branches/Describe the distribution of denominations in the
US by region
b. What are the four main branches of Christianity in Europe?
c. What are some issues that separate the branches of Christianity?
5. ISLAM > How many adherants/Where clustered/Name the branches
6. BUDDHISM > How many adherants/Where clustered/Name the branches
7. Briefly explain the origin of Buddhism.
8. Briefly explain the origins of Hinduism.
9. Describe the diffusion of each Universal religion.
10. Explain the outcome of the mingling of Universal and Ethnic religions in Africa and in Asia
11. Explain why Judaism is an exception to many of these concepts.
Origins and distributions of relgions + Holy Places and the Calendar
1 DEFINE: cosmogony, lunar calendar, solstice,
2 What are the differences between holy places in ethnic religions and holy places in universalizing religions?
3 What makes the Buddhist holy places holy?
4 Give three reasons for why Makkah is important in Islam.
5 What is the difference between Roman Catholics/Orthodox/Protestant Christians?
6 How are sacred spaces different for Universal and Ethnic religions?
7 Explain the importance of the calendar in Ethnic religions v Universal religions.
8 Why is Mt. Kailas important in Hinduism?
9 Why is the Ganges important?
10 Why were the catacombs important to the early Christians?
11 How may Christian cemeteries change landscapes?
12 Critical Thinking: How has overpopulation in China and India affected burial customs?
13 Why did the Mormons establish Salt Lake City?
14 How do Québec’s place names illustrate the division between Catholicism and Protestantism?
Territorial Conflicts (Everyone just needs a Time Out….)
1. ID: caste, fundamentalism
2. Compare religion in the following case studies
RELIGION VS COMMUNISM (Eastern Orthodox + Islam + Buddhism)
RELIGION VS RELIGION (Fundamentalism + Ireland + Palestine)
Chapter 7: Ethnicity
Distribution of Ethnicities
1 ID: triangular trade, sharecropper
2 What is the difference between ethnicity and race.
3 Where are each of the four minority groups clustered? (4 points)
4 Give an overview of what happened to African Americans in each of their three phases of migration. (3 points)
5 What did Plessy v. Ferguson do?
6 Define Jim Crow and restrictive covenants.
7 What did Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas do?
8 Define white flight and blockbusting.
9 What was apartheid and what was Nelson Mandela’s relationship to it?
Ethnicity and Nationalism
1 What is a nationality?
2 In the United States, which is shared by all Americans?
3 Why is Denmark a good example of a nation-state?
4 Loyalty and devotion to a state that represents a particular group’s culture is > nationalism/multiculturalism.
5 What are some elements of nationalism?
1. The concept that nationalities have the right to govern themselves is known as the right of _______________
2. Which of these are strong centripetal forces in the United States?
network television/the flag/the many ethnic groups living in the United States/ “The Star Spangled Banner”/baseball
3. What is the nationality of someone who gives allegiance to the United Kingdom?
4. Before its breakup the Soviet Union was the largest multinational state. The largest multinational state is now
Conflict Between Ethnicities
Directions: Think of a centripetal force and a centrifugal force that affects the viability of each of the following
nations and explain each:
petal Forces
the Baltic States
Belarus and Ukraine
Moldova and Romania
the Caucasus
Ethnic Cleansing
1. In what ways was Yugoslavia a fragmented country under Josip Tito?
2. What
caused the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia?
3. What caused the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo?
4. What caused the ethnic cleansing in Central Africa?
Centrifugal Forces